Stone Cold Heart - Chapter 1 - nicolehime (2024)

Chapter Text

The confusion in his face was almost painful, "you're not making any sense?" His dark green eyes focused solely on me. "What do you mean— No."

"We have to end this," I managed to say. All the courage I gathered had left me with an ache in my chest.

"Wait." His voice remained dangerously calm but his gaze intensified. "What?"

I swallowed thickly, "please you have to understand—"

"Understand?" He scoffed, "you want me to try and understand the fact that you're trying to leave me, Lucy?" His glare turned haunting, "this is bullsh*t."

"It's easier this way," I argued lamely.

"Easier," he mocked and put some distance between us, I watched his every move.

"Yes," I said softly and remained still on his bed.

"Hm," his back faced me, the muscles in his arms flexed at the death grip he had on the edge of his desk as he leaned into it.

None of this was easy, this is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I could feel the lump in my throat, the sheer thought of being without him was going to pull me under.

"We should take a break." I have to end this before I ruin Natsu's career.

The sound of his fist punching through the wall caused me to flinch, "god damn it." He hissed through clenched teeth as he shook his hand from the pain.

"Are you crazy?" I shrieked and quickly hopped off his bed and toward him. "You could've broken your hand dummy."

A dry chuckle spilled from his lips, "I don't give a f*ck about my hand."

I ignored his comment and reached for his bruised hand, the redness in his knuckles was the only evidence left behind. Well, that and the hole in his wall. I sighed deeply, "why must you act so carelessly?"

"I care about what's important. You are important." His voice warmed my insides, "Lucy." I couldn't hide from his eyes anymore, I met his gaze slowly and I could tell he was genuine about what he said but there was concern coming through as well.

I can't listen to this, I'll never leave if he doesn't stop talking so sweet to me.

"This is your chance," I smiled because it's true, "you can be as great as your father or greater."

His hand slipped from my grasp, "I don't have to do this Lucy. I don't have to be great, I can stay here and run the gym with Zeref. I'll give it all up for you."

Anger seeped through my veins like a wildfire, I couldn't believe he just told me that. "I refuse to let you use me to give up on what's been important to you since your childhood." I stood defiantly in front of him, "I will not be the reason you throw your dreams away."

"Is that what you think?" He moved closer to me, so close his scent wrapped around me and I yearned for his touch. "You're my dream, Lucy."

I couldn't even look him in eyes, please stop.

"You're my chance, a chance at a life I want." His callous fingers grabbed my chin and pulled my face toward his, a small breath escaped my lips at his touch. "I could never give you up."

Everything is melting away, all our problems are nonexistent when he speaks to me this way.

My heart hammered in my chest, "I love you so much."

My bottom lip started to quiver as tears started to spill from my eyes but he carefully wiped them away before they could fall.

"Don't cry baby," he cooed softly. Lovingly.

His warm touch sends goosebumps on skin and I want more, so much more. "Natsu," I practically whined shamelessly for him.

He has no idea what's to come tomorrow and I can't bring myself to leave here without one more kiss, one more touch, one more time.

I'm a selfish woman.

Our breaths tangled together before our lips meet and my heart flutters, I couldn't resist. My hands buried themselves in salmon colored hair and I pulled myself closer to his chest. His teeth caught my bottom lip and I moaned softly, the feel of his tongue caressing mine made me dizzy. He held me tightly against him and I'm grateful because I feel as if my knees could give out at any moment.

My body feels like it's overheating, the want I feel for him is unbearable and I think he can feel it too.

"f*ck Lucy," his forehead rests against mine. "I need you." He looked at me with those lovely, bedroom eyes and my heart nearly cracked. He softly kissed the side of my mouth and whispered, "let me have you."

Forgive me.

I gave in and he kissed me hard, I'll never forget the feel of his hands wrapping around me, those strong hands teasing my feverish skin.

He gently squeezed my ass and I couldn't stop the sound from slipping past my lips, his hands traveled lowered and soon I was lifted off the ground.

My legs locked around his waist as his lips moved from mine to my neck, he left a trail of open mouth kisses in his wake. I could feel his teeth skim over my pulse before nipping at my ear causing my core to tighten.

"You smell so f*ckin' good," he groans.

"Natsu," I moaned.

His feet start to move and soon we're falling, my back lands softly on his red comforter before he's off me and up locking his bedroom door, in record time.

His shirt comes off next and he's back on the bed, "come here." He says.

I giggled lightly when his hands caressed under my thighs only to yank my body into his, I gasped at his actions. It felt possessive, the way his hands dug into my soft flesh.

"Can I take this off?" Natsu's voice comes out soft.

I smiled sweetly back at him and gently touched his cheek, "you don't have to ask but yes you may."

He moved away from me so I could sit up, I lifted my arms above my head and waited for him to get the idea.

He laughed at my flushed face, "you're so cute." His fingers skimmed under the material before lifting it off my body and tossing it. "You're killing me, Lucy."

The sheer bra left nothing to the imagination, his hands reached out and squeezed my breasts, pinching my nipples roughly.

A hiss escaped my lips but my insides turned to goo.

"Natsu," I whined. Partly because of what he was causing but mostly because no one would compete with him.

"f*ck, I love when you say my name like that." He lightly kissed my collarbone, "lay down."

I moved up the bed and did as I was told, he followed closely after, caging me in between his arms. My hands moved on their own and traced his face, the dim light from outside his bedroom window gives me just enough to see his eyes flutter close and he looks so content.

"You have no idea what you do to me," he breathed.

"Show me," I didn't even recognize myself. I've never been so bold.

His laugh stabbed me through my heart, "oh I plan to princess. Stay with me and I'll show you everything." He peppered kisses over my breasts and down my stomach before coming to my shorts. He watched my expression closely as he slid them off of me and into the floor.

"Damn Luce, you're soaked." His finger run along my slit, coating itself in my juices.

"Don't say that," his naughty words have a way with me.

He hummed, "you know you love when I talk about your pretty pink puss*."


My voice died in my throat when his finger dipped into my core, "what were you saying?" He smirked and added another.

"Oh Gods," My toes started to curl.

"I'll never get tired of seeing you like this," he hissed and added pressure to my cl*t with his thumb, "all the noises you make." His body shifted and I felt his tongue give my cl*t a firm lick.

My back arched off the bed, "your scent, your taste. I'll never get enough of you."

"Oh f*ck. More please," I could feel the coil pulling tighter, I just need a little more.

His mouth sucked at my cl*t as his fingers buried themselves inside me, over and over until I was coming undone.

"Yes," my heart felt as if it was going to beat out of my chest. He retraced his lips back up to my neck and mouth, when I reached for his sweatpants he batted my hand away.

"Let me," he quickly stripped them off and came back to me with a goofy grin.

"What's so funny?" I pouted.

"You looked so disappointed," he teased. "It's adorable."

"Oh shut up," I joked. "You're always helping me out of my clothes, I can't help but want to repay the favor." I batted my eyelashes playfully at him and soon the atmosphere changed.

His teasing demeanor disappeared and yearning seemed to take over, "maybe next time. If I don't have you now I'm going to go crazy."

Another crack in my heart, 'next time' would never come. Not for them. I didn't waste a second, kissing him passionately and letting go of all the uncertainties, focusing solely on this moment.

I felt the tip of him press against my slit but he before he moved any closer, I felt a tug at my clasp. He yanked my breasts free and released my lips, "that's better." I didn't have time to protest about how he needed to be careful with my things when I felt his mouth close around my nipple and his tongue swirled around the bud causing the coil in my lower belly to tighten again. He switch to the other breast and repeated his actions, I locked my legs around his waist trying to get as close as possible.

He took the hint, "so eager princess." He pushed inside me, pulling out slightly before plunging in again with a low groan. "I like that."

I felt the pleasure building, higher and higher he took me. His fingers pinched my nipples roughly and I arched off the bed, "Oh Gods."

"Lucy," he growled deep in his throat. He leaned back on his heels and gripped my hips, torturing me with slow deep stokes. His dark eyes fixated on where we were joined, "you feel so good."

"Natsu," I fisted the bedsheets in a death grip. I was so close. "More."

"sh*t," he said through gritted teeth. He quickly grabbed my legs and placed them over his shoulders, I could feel him deeper now, with each thrust he bought me closer and when he hit that spot just right I felt my org*sm wreck through my body.

I couldn't make a sound, the wave of pleasure fell over me as I caught my breath.

"Lucy," my name fell from lips. "f*ck," he caught me in a sloppy kiss as he came. His movements came to a halt before he slowly pulled out and dropped to my chest.

I weaved my fingers through his hair and lingered in the moment, neither of us moved away from one another. "I don't know what's going through your mind Lucy but I love you." I couldn't help but tense, everything I had tried to forgot had come flooding back. "We'll figure this out together," he promised.

"Natsu—" I tried to object.

"No, Lucy." He moved away from me and off the bed, he scooped his shirt off the ground and handed it to me. "No more talking tonight."

I nodded sadly, I still had so much to say but I couldn't deny the fact that all I wanted was to sleep in his arms one last time.

"Let's go to sleep," he yawned before finding his boxers and putting them back on.

I pulled his shirt over my body and he crawled in behind me, his arms wrapped around me tightly, holding me so close to him. I could smell his cologne from the collar of his shirt, I'll be taking this. I thought to myself.

I tensed in his arms when I remembered something important, "what about—"

"He's out for the night," He kissed a sliver of skin on the back of my neck, "don't worry Luce. He'll come around."

Zeref doesn't approve of me or our relationship and I'm not sure he ever will. I just don't have the heart to tell him the truth, that his older brother could care less about me.

"Just don't leave me, ok?" I can see something in your eyes and it's f*cking terrifying." He said sleepily.

I didn't have the energy to argue anymore, my heart couldn't take anymore talk.

I cuddled deeper into his embrace and allowed his warmth to lure me to sleep.

Tap, tap.

I woke with a start at the sound and panicked when I glanced over at the nightstand, the clock shined 3:04 a.m. in the dark.

"Oh no," I whispered quietly.

"I know you're in there," Zeref's voice traveled through the door.

"sh*tsh*tsh*t," I cursed and carefully untangled myself from Natsu's embrace, frantically searching for my clothes.

Why is his room so messy! "Yes!" I found my shorts and quickly put them on. I tiptoed to my bag and pulled out an envelope addressed to Natsu.

My eyes drifted from the letter back to his sleeping face, "I haven't got all night Lucy." Zeref said, snapping me out of my daze.

I placed it on his pillow before quietly opening up his bedroom door and stepping out, lightly closing the door behind me.

I don't spare Zeref another second, he's leaning against the opposite wall as I walk past him through the house and toward the living room.

"Did you end it?" He asks right before I reach the front door.

I gripped the strap of my bag, "I told you I would." Except I didn't, I didn't end or resolve anything.

"It's for his own good Lucy." Zeref added salt to my wound.

"I know," I reached for the door knob and hesitated for moment. "Zeref, please." Curse my weak heart, I had to try one last time before I walk out this door and never return. "Don't make me do this."

"Tsk, you do realize you're risking my brother's good name and freedom if he gets mixed up with you more than he has." He said harshly. "You're not even supposed to be here."

I inwardly flinched at the truth in his words, "don't give your father a reason, Lucy."

My heart shattered at the reality of the situation, Jude was never going to let us be and Zeref only saw me as the enemy.

"I understand," I said solemnly. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt Natsu in anyway, if something happened to him because of me I'd never forgive myself.


The latch on my bedroom window was still unlocked, which meant that Virgo had no idea I had snuck out last night. Jude was away on one of his busy business trips for the weekend so like usual I was left to fend for myself, well, not really. Virgo and the rest of the staff are great, I was going to miss them.

My escape would be simple and for the record Zeref didn't necessary say I have to leave town.

His exact words were more along the lines of: Stay away from my brother.

But how could I? And I highly doubt Natsu was just going to let me waltz by without a fight, if everything he said to me was real— I’d never be able to out run him here.

“Lucy,” Levy’s groggy voice drifted through the phone. “What’s going on? Are you all right?” Her voice sounded more clear.

“I’m fine, I’m fine.” I said.

“It’s 4:30 in the morning, Lu.”

“I know,” I breathed. “I’m sorry but you’re the only person I trust.”

The line went quiet for moment before she spoke, “tell me.”

I closed my eyes and sighed, trying to convince myself that this was the only way. “I need to stay with you for a while.”

“That’s it?” She sighed in relief, “you and Jude have another argument?”

“Uh, sort of.” I danced around the subject.

“Lu, I deserve more than that.” She pressed.

I can’t tell anyone what’s actually happening.

“I just need some distance from Magnolia.” I didn’t necessarily lie. “You know a change of scenery.”

“Uh huh,” she said. “I’m not buying that.”

“Levy, please.” My voice cracked, “I really need your help.”

“I’ll be on the road in ten minutes.” She caved for now. “Wait, what about your college courses?”

I dreaded that question, “I’ll figure it out. I still have the summer to decide.”

She sighed through the phone, “something’s been off with you these last couple of months Lu.”

“I promise I’ll explain when you get here.” I said.

“Yeah, yeah.” She huffed, “I’ll be there in an hour.”

“I owe you Lev.” I smiled sadly.

I’d be leaving behind everything but at least Natsu would be safe from my father’s schemes.

I never want to hold him back so I’m letting him go.

Stone Cold Heart - Chapter 1 - nicolehime (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.