Rin's Rescillience - Chapter 1 - MelonChan1205 (2024)

Chapter Text

How was I supposed to know the car wouldn’t stop? It was a red light and I was just crossing the crosswalk, like a normal person. It was a normal school night and I was heading home after studying with my friends. Then, vrooom, the car ran the red light and hit me… I think.

I woke up to the sound of sirens, something covering my mouth. Everything hurt so much. I give it a 10 out of 10 in terms of pain. “Hold on,” someone said their voice was calming, yet so far away. I tried to say something but nothing came out. It hurt so much. I gasped trying to breathe. My lungs would not fill themselves with air. They felt like they were filled with water. I tried to breathe again and ended up wheezing. Someone was shouting. They said something else but I couldn’t hear them. The sound of sirens was slowly fading into the background…

I couldn’t see them. I wasn’t wearing my glasses so my eyesight was already blurred. Then it blurred some more and darkness crawled in. BEEP, someone shouted and I closed my eyes. Thank god, I thought, as the pain subsided.

‘Am I dead?’

I was just there, in the darkness. Then there was something bright at the end. It was a small ball of sunshine and I reached for it. I couldn’t see my arms but I knew I was reaching. My body moved itself towards that light. As I got closer, it became blinding and I tried to cover my eyes. I couldn’t and soon, the light swallowed me.

I forced my eyes open and looked around. I was sitting in a dark room. It looked about the size of a small storage closet… but it also looked like a prison. I frowned. I was seeing clearly. I reached up to my eyes, but my glasses weren’t there. How was that possible? Wasn’t I dead?

I groaned and stood up. I stumbled a bit and fell back on my knees. A sharp pain shot through my head and I winced. I clutched the back of my head and frowned. My hair was short? That made no sense. It was supposed to go all the way down to my midsection. I frowned and looked at it. It was brown, but my hair was black.

Drip… drip… I looked up and saw drops of water falling from the ceiling, forming a puddle on the floor. I crawled over and looked into the puddle, to see my face. What stared back was not my face. It was the face of a girl, in her teenage years. Her hair was short and brown. Her face was streaked with mud, blood, and tears. On the sides were two purple rectangles and she wore a headband. I touched my face. This wasn’t my face. I frowned, reincarnation?!? I was reincarnated as… Rin!?!

I groaned, I was unlucky enough to die in a car accident. Now I’m so unlucky that I get reincarnated as a character in the Naruto world who dies? I looked around. Was I in Kiri already? Am I about to get turned into the jinchuurki of the three tails and then commit suicide through Chidori?

‘I have to survive, with all the knowledge of what’s to come… who says I have to follow canon and die? I’m going to survive

I began to plot. The best thing to do was to hope that I could become friends with the three-tails, Isobu, and hopefully not die so Obito won’t go to the dark side. Hopefully, the plot won’t stop me…

The door slammed open and I flinched. Two men dressed in ninja garb glared at me, “Up!” shouted one of them. They wore headbands with four squiggly lines. ‘Shoot, this really is kiri.’

I stood up and stumbled. They held me by the arms and started dragging me out.
We walked into a hallway that looked identical to the room I was just in. It was dark and gloomy, just like my mood. ‘They’re going to seal the Sanbi in me…’

“What are you doing with me?” I asked, curious and scared.

They ignored me. They took me to a room and pushed me roughly onto a table. “Lay down,” said one of them, “Don’t even try to do anything funny.”

I nodded and lay down. Suddenly, I started to remember Rin’s memories. Obito was supposedly dead, but Minato and Kushina were still alive, meaning Naruto wasn’t born yet. There were probably a few more years at least before it happened. I shook my head as the door opened again. An unfamiliar man walked in and the people bowed. “Mizukage-sama.”

He looked at me, his eyes eery and creepy. I felt his killing intent and shivered. My eyes widened in fear. He smiled at me. “Let’s start the sealing. Soon, Konoha will fall.”

I thought I knew pain, especially being killed by a car. I was wrong. “AHHHHHHH” I screamed as they sealed Isobu inside of me. I could feel a power, but I couldn’t use it. It hurt so much. Then everything went dark.


I wasn’t in the room anymore. I was somewhere else. I recognized it as my mindscape. Between the bars, stood an enormous creature. I dug into my memories. The three-tails was in Yagura. It was named… Isobu? Right?

I walked up to it, “Isobu?” I asked, getting as close to the bars as possible.

“Human,” his voice was loud, “How do you know my name?”

“Let’s be friends,” I whispered.


“Well,” I replied, staring him straight in his open eye, “You’re stuck in me, and I doubt you like it. I don’t really, but since we’re together, we might as well be nice to each other.”


I shook my head, “I’m different from them. I can only use your power if you allow me to, and I doubt you will…”


“My name is Rin Nohara, and I’m a kunoichi of Konoha. What makes me different… well…” I pondered, “I know your name.”

He stared at me, “That's true.”

“I also know the names of your siblings,” I grinned and started counting, “Shukaku, Matatabi, you, then Son Goku, Kokou, Saiken right? Then there’s Chomei, Gyuki, and… Kurama. Your father is the Sage of Six Paths, also known as Hagaromo. He told you that one day someone would come and reunite you and show you true power.”

Isobu looked at me in shock, “How-how did you know that?”

I shrugged, “Maybe we were meant to be.”

“Hmph,” he said, turning away from me, “I will tolerate you for now…”

I smiled, “Fist bump?”

I held out my hand. “Huff, I will think about it… Rin.”

I smiled and maybe he smiled too?

Cold water splashed on my face and I woke up with a startled yelp. I was back in the storage-looking room. This time there was an old man staring at me. I frowned and recognized him, ‘Madara?’

Oops, I forgot he was the reason Rin was kidnapped in canon. He wanted to make sure Obito was on his side so he would use her to destroy Konoha. He’s why she died.

“I see you’ve already tamed the Three-Tailed beast,” his voice was raspy.

“How dare he!” shouted Isobu in my head.

I winced at the loudness, “I did not tame him, he isn’t an animal to be tamed. I’m just… his friend.”

“Very well, human, I will be your friend.” I smiled.

Madara glared at me, “My plans will stay the same. He walked up and pressed his hand to my chest. I tried to stay away, but I couldn’t move. His eye turned red and spun. “Forbidden Individual Curse Tag. Now you will destroy Konoha.”


“RIN! RIN! RIN!” shouted Isobu.

“Shush… ” I groaned.

I snapped awake. Someone was carrying me while running. I looked up and saw a flash of silver in the darkness. “Kakashi?”

“You’re awake… It’s going to be okay.”

“No, it's not…” I barely whispered. If he heard me, he didn’t reply.

A shuriken embedded itself on the floor next to us.

Kakashi stopped and put me down, “Can you stand.”

I nodded and stood up on wobbling legs. “Konoha,” said a disgusted voice behind us.

Kakashi whirled around, “Stay behind me.”

I nodded and took a step back. He winced in pain as a senbon flew out and hit him in the arm. “Chidori!” lightning flew from his hands.

‘Already? Am I to die now?’

“What do you mean die?” asked Isobu.

‘You have healing powers right?’


‘Well please try to heal me, I’m not sure if you can though.’

“If you die, I die, and I think I’m starting to like you.”


Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something white leaving the scene. ‘Zetsu?’

It disappeared and I turned back to Kakashi. His hand was slightly scorched. “You’re injured!” Muscle memory caused my hand to glow green with chakra. ‘Mystical Palm Technique…’

“I’m fine, Rin,” he said and the light faded from my hands which I looked at in surprise.

Watching him fight was pretty cool. He spun and kicked at incoming enemies who underestimated him because of his age. Then there it was, “Chidori!” he shouted and ran towards an enemy.

This was my chance. If Isobu could heal me and I could use Kakashi to get rid of the cursed tag… I could live and so could Konoha. Obito would have to wait. I ran as fast as I could towards him. “Rin, what are you doing?” shouted Isobu.

‘Get ready to heal me…’


STAB! Pain shot through my chest as Kakashi’s eyes (Sharingan eye and regular eye) opened in shock, “Rin, why?”

“Kakashi…” I whispered and his eyes turned into the Mangekyou pattern before he passed out.

“RIN!” shouted Isobu in my head as I fell backward.

I felt the pain disappear. Kakashi fell, unconscious. Before I passed out, I saw a figure in white. His eye was spinning red and crazy. ‘Obito?’


I was back in the mindscape. “Huh,” I felt my chest, there was no hole, just bandages. “I’m not dead?”

There was no reply. I walked up to the bars, “Isobu?” I asked, “Are you all right?”

There was a tired sigh, “Healing a fatal wound like that takes up lots of chakra,” he replied.

“Oh… sorry.”

“It is alright.”

“Thank you for saving me,” I said, “Fist bump?”

He glared at me, “No.”

“Alright, but I think you’re starting to like me.”

“Human…” his tone was threatening.

“I’m just kidding, well thanks for saving my life,” I smiled.

“No worries,” he said, not returning the smile, “You’re probably gonna be here for a while, how about I tell you about that one time Shukaku got stuck in a kettle? That stupid raccoon!”


“Hah! So Hagaromo was busy so we were playing…”

I woke up again, this time, the sight was somewhat familiar. ‘Konoha Hospital…’

In the mindscape, there was no pain. Unfortunately, in the conscious world, pain was very much apparent. I winced at the pain in my chest as I struggled to sit up. I touched it and felt a bandage covering it. “Ughhh…” I groaned as the pain shot through my chest.

I tried to pull the blanket up, but something was weighing it down. I looked to the side and a puppy sitting next to me. I grinned, remembering the dog from both the anime and Rin’s memory.

I reached my hand out to pat him on the head, “Hey Pakkun…”

It hurt to talk, and somewhat to breathe so my voice came out in a whisper. Thank god dogs have such good senses. His eyes opened and he started jumping, “You’re alive!”

“Shh…” I whispered, “This is a hospital.”

“Woof! My bad,” his tail was wagging, “I’m gonna go get Kakashi!” He ran off, leaving me.

The door opened. I expected a nurse or a doctor, but it was ANBU. “The doctors will be here shortly,” it was a guy.

“‘Kay…” I replied.

It made sense that they would have ANBU guard me. Especially since I was the three-tailed jinchuurki now. Whether or not they knew yet… The ANBU turned to his partner by the door, “Send for Hokage-sama, tell him she is awake.”

His partner disappeared and he closed the door again. I sat there. “Isobu?” I called out.


“I was wondering…” I said, “What can you do?”


“Like what are your strengths?” I asked.

“Oh… I’m a turtle. I have spikes and a shell. My jinchuurki has excellent defenses. So… you have good defenses.”

“Okay…” defenses were good.

‘Oh shoot,’ I realized something important from canon. If I was the three-tailed jinchuurki… that meant that Yagura wouldn’t be one. Would he still get controlled by Madara? And didn’t that mean the Akatsuki would be after me?

There was a commotion outside, “Let me in!” the voice was familiar, ‘Kakashi.’

“I’m sorry, but you need approval from Sandaime to enter,” said the voice of the ANBU.

“I’m her teammate!” shouted Kakashi.

“Please leave,” said the ANBU, “Or I will be forced to remove you.”

“I’d like to see you try,” retorted Kakashi.

“Ow!” shouted the ANBU as the door flew out of its frame. The ANBU flew past and slammed into the wall on the other side. Kakashi walked in, annoyance on his face.

‘Oh god… he is a teenager after all…’

The ANBU stood up, tanto in hand. “Quit it…” I whispered, but they ignored me. Ouch.

The ANBU lept at Kakashi who pulled out a kunai. They started fighting, causing a racket in the hospital. Maybe it was Rin’s instincts, or maybe it was me in my past life when I volunteered at the hospital, but loud noises were not good for the patients. “Stop!” I tried to shout again but they still ignored me. They just kept fighting.

I groaned and swung my legs over the bed. They ignored me. I stood up. The pain in my chest that I had almost forgotten about flared again. “Stop it you two!” I shouted, as loud as I could, which wasn’t really loud.

It freaking hurt. What were the medic-nins doing? Kakashi stumbled and looked at me. The ANBU took the opportunity and kicked him in the stomach. Kakasi grunted and slammed into the wall. “Stop fight-ah!”

I doubled over, clutching my wound. My eyesight blurred and I wheezed. Cough! A spurt of blood escaped from my mouth and I dropped to my knees, coughing. ‘That's not good…’

Kakashi ran over to my side, his hand on my back. “Hey! Rin! What’s wrong with you.” He glared at the ANBU.

“Don’t strain yourself,” said the ANBU.

“Oh now you let me stay?” asked Kakashi. The two started arguing.

“Rin!” shouted Isobu in my head, “I need you to breathe. In and out. In and out.”

I nodded and tried. In and out, in and out. Slowly, breathing became easier. I noticed Kakashi and the ANBU had stood up again and were arguing. “Stop-gasp-arguing…”

“ENOUGH!” shouted a commanding voice, “Help her.”

I looked up and saw him. Sandaime Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen. “Sandaime,” bowed Kakashi and the ANBU. I tried to stand up but fell to my knees again.

Somehow I ended up back on the hospital bed with Kakashi on one side and the Hokage on the other. The doctor was leaning over me, healing me with chakra. When she finished, Sandaime motioned her to leave and she bowed before walking out.

“How do you feel?” he asked.

“I’m okay…” I squeaked.

“No your not,” muttered Kakashi. He stared at his hand. His hand that had punctured my chest.

“Kakashi…” said Sandaime, “it’s not your fault, but could I talk to Rin in private?”

Then, he turned to me as Kakashi dejectedly walked out of the room. “Are you… I feel… your chakra…”

“The old man senses me!” laughed Isobu.

“Umm… yeah… I might have become the Jinchuurki of the three tails?”

He stared at me. “You… you… Kiri…” he facepalmed.

“Can I see the seal?”

I nodded and pulled up my shirt. His face turned slightly red but I ignored it. He leaned forward to study it. “Kiri’s seals aren’t very good, there's a chance the Sanbi could escape…” he said, “Then I will tell Minato, maybe he can look at it later..”

“Really?” I asked.

“Of course.” he gave me a wrinkly-eyed smile, and he handed me a scroll, “This is the seal, you can study it if you want, if you need anything just ask me, you’re going to be here for a while.”

The doctor estimated I would be in the hospital for at least a month, maybe more. Thanks to Isobu, the healing process was faster than usual. Still, I had a lot of time to do essentially nothing. Pakkun had brought me some paper and a pen and I started brainstorming and remembering.

According to Rin’s memory, her father was a medic at the hospital and her mom was god at Genjustu. Rin wasn’t really interested in Genjustu but she learned the basics. Her medical knowledge is pretty good, but kind of limited. That would have to change. Maybe I could read some of Tsunade’s journals or books. She was also pretty good at using the tanto.

I frowned at something unexpected. Apparently, Minato-sensei had tried to teach her to use the Flying Thunder God technique because he thought she had the aptitude. She didn’t get far before Obito ‘died.’

‘Maybe I should continue learning it… I’ll ask him later.’

My Plans for the Future
1. Save Minato and Kushina?
If I could prevent the attack from ever happening, that would be good. It probably wouldn’t happen though because Obito thinks I died and Madara probably is isolating him right now so he will never learn until it’s too late. So, the best is to find a way to heal Minato and Kushina. That would be learning the Strength of a Hundred seal. I probably have a year or two…

2. Learn the Flying Thunder God Technique
Fast = Good

3. Keep Kakashi from depression
He would have so much more potential if he hadn’t been depressed. Obitos dead and he almost killed me so he’s probably borderline depressed.

4. Save Obito from the dark side?
Show him love!

5. Improve Genjutsu and Healing


I woke up to the sound of… someone getting punched. “Minato!” shouted Kushina, “What is wrong with you? Let the poor thing sleep.”

I cracked an eye open, “Hey Minato-sensei, Hi Kushina-nee.”

Kushina immediately ran over to my side, “How are you feeling?”

‘Like sh*t…’

“I feel fine,” I answered, “The doctor said I should be discharged in a few weeks.”

“Good, good,” she said. Then her tone turned serious, “Sandaime told me that you are now the jinchuurki of the three-tails?”

So it wasn’t a secret? Or was it just cause Kushina was also one and he thought she could help me? I pondered… Minato wasn’t Yondaime yet but he soon would be, maybe a few months. And as far as I knew, not a lot of people knew Kushina was they Kyuubi jinchuurki. “Rin?” asked Kushina.

I hesitated, “Yes.”

Kushina let out a breath, “Okay, let us see the seal.” She glared at Minato, “No funny business.”

Minato looked hurt, “She’s my student!”

“Yeah, but you’re Jiraya's student.”

Minato protested but quickly stopped as I pulled up my shirt, revealing the seal. Minato walked closer. “Looks bad…” muttered Kushina, “Think you can redo it?”

Minato nodded, “It might hurt. Let me try.”

“Now?” I was a bit worried.

Minato nodded, “The faster, the better.”


“Yeah, yeah, whatever is better.” He was more relaxed than I expected considering that it would make it harder for him to leak his chakra and maybe escape. Maybe I was rubbing off on him.

Minato pulled out a storage scroll and pulled out a brush and ink. “I always keep it on me.”

He turned towards brandished the brush like a weapon. The ink was cool against my skin. It didn’t take him long to finish. “Deep breath,” he told me.

I took a deep breath. He slammed his palm into my stomach, “Uzumaki Four Trigrams Sealing Technique, Fuin!”

I clenched my teeth. Isobu was roaring in my head. Then it faded and I gasped. “All done,” said Minato, “Anything else?”

“Thank you Minato-sensei.”

Kusina walked out, “I’ll let you two talk for a bit.”

Minato looked at me, “I know the past years have been tough for all of us,” he said, “The war… Obito… and now this. But I’m glad you’re okay.”

He awkwardly put his arms around me for a quick hug. I smiled and his eyes relaxed, showing relief.

I gave him a smile and nodded. “If there's anything,” he said, “feel free to ask me.”

He stood up and started walking to the door, “Actually…” I called, “Minato-sensei, I was wondering if I could try to take a look at the Flying Thunder God again?”

He turned to me, his face like a kid who had just gotten ice cream, “Of course! I’ll bring it to you tomorrow!”

I smiled, “Thanks.”

They sat around a large table, large enough to hold all the members there, but maybe not large enough for their temper…

“She’s dangerous!” shouted Danzo, slamming his hands on the table, “Giver her to me, Root will take care of her!” On the outside, he seemed genuinely worried for the safety of Konoha, but on the inside, he was rubbing his hands at the prospect of having a jinchuurkii under his command.

“Absolutely not!” said Minato who stood in the corner. “I won’t let you turn her into one of your puppets!”

“I completely agree,” said Fugaku, the head of the Uchiha clan. Currently, his clan is still in an okay relationship with Konoha. Better keep it that way, after all, Minato would most likely become Hokage. Everyone knew that.

“I’m afraid I don’t,” said Hiashi Hyuga bluntly, “She is much too dangerous. What if the Sanbi is let loose? Just like Kiri wanted. We must keep her controlled.”

“Exactly!” Danzo exclaimed, “I’m so glad you agree with me, Hyuga-sama~”

Hiashi glared at Danzo, disgusted. Koharu sighed, “There is a chance that the Sanbi would escape, but would it?”

“Minato, didn’t you use the Uzumaki Four Trigrams seal on her yourself?” asked Homura. Everyone knew Minato was a prodigy, especially in Fuinjutsu.

“Yes,” said Minato, “I checked it, it should hold. I doubt the Sanbi would escape, so there is no reason for her to be taken by Root. She is completely safe.”

Danzo growled, “We don’t know that.”

“Well,” said Shikaku, “We do. As you all should know,” he looked pointedly at Danzo, “Uzumaki Kushina is currently the jinchuurkii of the 9 tails. Her seal was created by Uzumaki Mito, the last jinchuurki, and has been reinforced by Minato. So far, the Kyuubi has not escaped. And, the Kyuubi is stronger than the Sanbi so the Four Trigrams seal should have no issue holding the Sanbi.”

Everyone turned to look at Kushina who was standing quietly next to Minato. She shrugged, “He’s right, we haven’t really had any problems…”

Everyone turned to look at Danzo whose face had turned slightly red and fists clenched tightly. “Think about it,” said Koharu, “Now we have two jinchuurkii, Konoha is stronger than ever.”

“Are you saying we should use this girl as a weapon?” asked Fugaku accusingly.

“No!” said Sandaime, Minato, and Kushina simultaneously.

“Absolutely not,” said Hiruzen, “We will not use her as a weapon. ANBU will keep an eye on her… for now. All of you are forbidden to speak of this to anyone or you will be punished. All of you may leave except for Koharu, Homura, and Danzo.”

They left, leaving Hiruzen with his buddies from back in his day. “So… I want to retire… Maybe let Minato be Yondaime?”

Rin's Rescillience - Chapter 1 - MelonChan1205 (2024)
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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.