Together again (Narusasu/Oneshot) - Kay_312 (2024)


One more day he got up for school feeling grumpy, the blond hair boy didn’t feel like going at all to that place, like any other day, but today he had a feeling like he had slept around four am after a long game of video games, which he didn’t, he had slept early due to his mother obligation.
With a laziness in his body he struggled to get up to go to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror, he looked like a truck had run over him. With his hand, he gently passed under his eyes, seeing the color slightly puffy from the sleepless night and looked a little upper from his reflection he saw his your hair all tangled up hair, he just wanted to go back to his bed and sleep all day, but if he did that, a certain redhead woman was definitely going to kill him, so he chose to live and got into the shower, even against his will.

The Uzumaki ended up feeling enormous relief as the cold drops fell down his warm body.
Which made him strange, because these days he was feeling stranger than usual, he had probably caught some bad flu, the blonde thought, sometimes his temperature started to rise and it seemed like he was more sensitive, so he took some medicine that he knew, on his own, but they didn't have the expected effect, at least it relieved him a little.

He turned off the shower and calmly changed, wearing the first outfit he saw in the messy closet and then his typical orange coat. But soon a long red hair figure opened the door, almost ripping it off with a pan in her hand.

- NARUTO UZUMAKI! GET DOWN NOW OR YOU'LL BE LATE! - The long red hair woman said pointing the pan in his direction.

-C-calm down mom, it's still early! - He raised his hands to the side of her face in a sign of “surrender” and looked at her in fear of being slapped in the face.

- I know it's early, but it takes you a long time to wake up! Let's go downstairs and the coffee is on the table.

- Okay, I’m going I’m going!

As impressive as it is, his mother was an omega, but not one of those who lower themselves in front of someone who is considered superior, it was totally the opposite, if she freaked out, she would scare even the strongest alpha of all, and they would lower themselves before her, and that made her special and most people were afraid of her.

So as they went downstairs, or rather, Kushina dragged Naruto to the kitchen, he felt the morning bread and coffe in the air and felt his belly growls because this food is not yet in his body, so he made a hurry up and sit onde of the tables of the “island”, and started to eat breakfast.

- Dad's not coming to eat? - Naruto looked at his mother, noticing the other's absence.

- He didn't come last night, he will only come back this afternoon, he called me because he had problems with the company, but everything is already being resolved.

Naruto looked at his food, he wasn't hungry anymore, even though he only ate a few pieces and drank little coffee.

- But what did you want to talk to him about?... I'm here if you need me too! - She rest her hand on her son's shoulder, making a “caress”.

- It's because of my heat...- He admitted looking away and blushing a little, this was not an easy conversation with the parents, but it’s a necessary thing to protect yourself and your partner.

The Uzumaki opened her eyes wide and gave a yellow smile, her son's question caught her off guard. - Oh yes, and what do you want to know?

- That is the problem! I didn't have any! And I'm already seventeen years old and will be eighteen next month! Am I having a problem?...

- No son, some people have slower development of sexual organs than other people.

- But... Mom takes me to the doctor... this can't be normal!

- Son, do you remember the last time the agent was... They said you were a rare case that would have to have a “trigger” for your heat to start.

- But everyone except me is fed up!

- Firstly, you're not everyone, and secondly, everyone has their own time, and there's no point trying to get ahead of yourself, this could cause you future problems, just wait.

- Ah but -

- Enough about Naruto, in fact, I suggest you go to school soon, you don't want to keep your friend waiting.

- Waiting for what? And which friend are you talking about? - He looked at her curiously and the other just rolled her eyes.

- I called you earlier, because of Sakura who called me and said that you weren't answering the phone, and she asked me to tell you to call her when you woke up.

Sakura was his childhood friend, they met when his friend Shikamaru introduced her in the third year of elementary school, after that, she was always by his side, even almost always fighting with him over stupid things.
She was a Beta, and she was upset about it, wishing she had been born an Alpha because her lover, Ino, was an Omega, and the pinkette wanted to mark her, just as a symbol of love for her.

- Since I finished my coffee. - He stated, quickly getting up from the table, which made Kushina look at him.

- But you barely ate! – She exclaimed worriedly, placing her hand on the youngest's forehead, as if she wanted to “measure” his temperature. - Are you well?

- Yes mom, I'm just not as hungry as I thought I would be. – He laughed a little. – I better go call her, before she freaks out.

He hurriedly climbed the stairs, falling on some steps, and finally arriving in the bedroom, where he deactivated his cell phone from airplane mode, and instantly several messages from Shikamaru and Temari appeared asking where he was and several missed call notifications from Sakura, so he dialed.

His fear was evident in his voice. - How are you? Are you well? - Soon he heard a long sigh from his friend through the call, he already knew he was f*cked.

- Naruto... I called you seventeen times... and when you call you ask if I'm okay? - She spoke in a tone that showed her anger and long sighs on her part. - YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD ARRIVE EARLY TO HELP GET READY FOR ME TO ASK INO ON A DATING! - She screamed in anger and despair, because she really didn't know how to make the request, she had never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend before, just a couple of affairs or others, but never anything serious, there was no feeling, including, but with Ino she had that feeling that was missing, she admitted that she loved her and knew the feeling was reciprocal.

- What are you afraid of Sakura? She loves you too! - he said a little awkwardly, just his shoulder holding his cell phone, while his hands were busy packing his backpack.

- Easier said than done! - The pinkette complained, worried and whimpering a little. - Come quickly, you bastard!

- Calm! I'm going ! I'm going to hang up here, I'll meet you soon.

That's a lie, he wasn't even close to leaving the house, and what's worse, the school wasn't that close and he would have to walk since his father had the car at the company, it was a good thing he had woken up a little earlier, if I wouldn't be f*cked.

- Mom, I'm going now! - Naruto shouted, hurried and confused, trying to fix his slipping orange coat again, as he ran down the stairs, his backpack almost falling off his shoulder.

- You? Excited about going to school? - she looked at him in disbelief.

- Actually I'm not... it's just that Sakura needs help and I don't want to have problems with that... - He smiled yellow and went back to the door, immediately muttering - where's the key?

- It's on the coffee table. - The mother warned and the blonde promptly took the object.

- Thank you and bye!! -he spoke hurriedly.

He locked the door and ran out, crossing the streets and almost getting run over a few times, getting honked by cars, as he passed even though there were red lights for pedestrians, but he had more important things to do.

He arrived at school almost all sweaty, and quite drowning for running so much and soon went up walking and walking through the corridors, trying to find his friend to “help” her.
In the course of the stairs he swore that he felt a familiar smell, a slight aroma of wet wood and tomato, so he stopped at the same moment, looking to the sides, and seeing no one else but him on that floor, so the smell was also gradually disappearing, it must be something of his head...

She shook her head out of those thoughts, and soon ahead she found Shikamaru in the hallway.
Nara is one of his oldest friends, and he was an omega, already marked by his alpha, Temari. He was always at Naruto's side and corrected it when he was doing sh*t, but especially when a certain person that Naruto avoids remembering, simply disappeared.

SHIKAMARU! - He cried loudly and half afflicted, which caused attention, not only of himself, as those of the people who were in the hallway, but did not call for it and approached his friend.

If you're looking for Sakura, someone has come to help her, and she's already declaring to Ino.

- What? Who? Where? - I want to see!

- She's in the courtyard with Ino, she looks out the window, but she's careful not to ruin or fall out of the building.

"Calm down, I'm trusted," he smiled, trying to assure his friend.

- I know it is, but you are very crowded, now stay right here, and just look out the window, to see where they are - He guided you and then went out walking to another place.

- You... Don't you come along?

- I don't need... I think it's more important, you go, than I do.

"But she is your friend too!" he insisted, which only caused the other to turn his eyes.

- Go ahead, and don't argue.

Even confused, he obeyed it, entering the room that Shikamaru was at the door and walked through the empty place, that his only source of light, was the sun and then was the big window opening, making the place airy, then soon looked down, seeing the two girls talking down there.

Sakura was looking like a pepper so red that it was and Ino seemed to try to calm the girl, so the rose rose fell on her knees and made the request for the blonde, who cried of happiness and accepted, kneeling down and hugging her too.
It seems that, time stopped at that moment, seeing his two friends dating and happy with it, he brought joy to himself, wanted to go down there, and congratulate them, but he thought it was a “double moment” and that he should not interfere.

Soon he felt that smell again, and his body reacted, becoming more feverish, had to stop it, opened her backpack, trying to find his medicines, but found nothing, was in despair.
I wanted to run out of the place, and go home, finally touched that it was not a common fever, but it was too late.

His breathing was already failed, and his erection was evident in his pants, in which, he put his coat trying to hide, but did not advance, as his smell was obvious in the air.
He wanted that moment to happen, but he realized it wasn't as good as he expected.

The door of the room was opened, causing Naruto to look with a jump back half scared, it was of that damn abandoned that came the incredible smell.

"Why did you just come back now?" He thought Naruto was upset, angry, and felt even more angry with his body for feeling desire when looking at that figure of dark hair and milky skin and a little coloring on his face.

Pov Author ___

- Naruto, let’s go quickly! - Sasuke called him trying to show indifference.

Uzumaki began whispering but his voice began to alternate as the old feelings reached him. And the first thing you say is that? Without any explanation? - He got angry, trying to put his c*nt aside, something that was obviously not doing well, and the heat was already becoming unbearable, he wanted to touch it, but he rebuked himself anyway.

Then the Uchiha approached, trying with all his strength not to give up that smell.

- Take me to the hospital or stay away from me. - He begged grabbing his own waist, and twisting a little pain and tension, would have to relax and fast.

- Going to the nursery will not help at all, the cure of the cio are to prevent it from happening on a large scale, but yours has already happened, as that you have not noticed the signs? - Sasuke asks concerned, with his clear and delicate hands on his warm face and the blue eyes marred.

He complained lowly, enjoying the gentle affection that was on his face.

- If I say why I disappeared, you come? - Uchiha asked, passing his fingers on the cheek, seeing the black lines on each other's face so familiar and unique.

- I feel like I'm dying if I don't do something about it. - You're embarrassed a little bit, but you keep going. - But yes, I'll, only if you tell me. - He gave up, but then he made an unpleasant face, because I apologized too much to people. - but I want you to know, if you're lying, or not convincing enough, I need you to forget about me. If you see me on the street, act as if I've never been in your life.

"All right, then." he breathed deeply and left his eyes, which soon made him regret, Naruto approached his body, tapping him in his waist, trying to bring him closer to him. And the Uchiha, could not contain his semi erection if formed, so the blonde went away, so that nothing happened, since he knew it was the effect of the cio, and not because “he wanted to”. - B-well I was in certain problems with my family, and I had to disappear from everything and everyone, I could not tell anyone but my brother about it-

- Not to me? SASUKE, I was... I am... I don't know, your boyfriend.

- I KNOW! But my parents don't know, and they didn't even imagine that... you know, they're in a hurry for that kind of thing, so they wanted me to have an heir with a big name.

- He encouraged him.

- You know the Hyuugas? More specifically Neji.

I've never talked to him before, but I knew his family was rotting from rich and that by some rumors it was quite toxic.

- I was gonna have to have... a baby with that alpha... not necessarily marry, I just came back now, because my brother managed to marry someone rich...

Soon Naruto began to feel a sudden anger in his body, but did not let it go through, at least that was what he thought, and approached Sasuke again, and the other went back, in order to move away, but his rib leaned on the wall, and Naruto's arms next door, the “preventing out,” not that he wanted, was only for caution, so the blonde approached his neck, scratching his lips in place, bringing slight scratches on Sasuke's body.

- So I'm leaving... I couldn't tell anyone, it was better like that, and I know that's not going to help much... but, I am so sorry... - said controlling his heavier sighs, while one of the other's hands was penetrating his shirt.

The blue eyes finally found the black orbes and finally asked.

- What are we?

- Uh? I was gonna ask you the same thing, do you still have feelings for me?

- I never stopped having, I admit I've tried to like someone else, but it didn't work... so please promise me something.

- Anything...

- Don't go away, stay here with me and your friends, I promise to protect you...

- I'll be... I'll stay here for you.

- And one more question.

- You can ask.

- Can I eat you?

- NARUTO! - He kicked his head, reproaching him, making the blonde laugh.

- I'm in need, seriously, I don't know how I haven't f*cked you in that room until now.

- Wasn't it at school? The cough lasts more than a day your delayed tarado!

- I'm going home then-

- Let's go together, I'll take you, and spend the cake with you... if you want...

- He said it without thinking twice.

He dragged him out of the school, and fortunately for them, the classes had already begun, so there were not many people in the hallway to disturb or notice them.
As the blonde already knew what the car was, he went in his direction, and entered the front passenger and Sasuke was driving.

Which was somewhat complicated, because Naruto tried to “attack” him inside the car, kissing the Uchiha fiercely in the red headlights and passing his hand through the wrong places at the moment, and worse than the dark-haired one, he couldn’t get away, otherwise the other was going behind, and in terms of space, he was too small so he didn’t have much room to go.

- Only once Sasu~ Naruto begged himself by rubbing his head on his neck, and grabbing with his arms around him trying to bring him closer.

Naruto... he rebuked him with a loud voice.

- It's hurting... - He complained low, with a little water in his eyes.

- Look, we're almost here. If you want to relax, you'll have to wait...

- I can't... I don't know how long I can stand.

And Sasuke didn't even know, he was even impressed with Naruto controlling himself so well, if it were him, he'd make the other one eat it right there... Here's the question... Why not?

- Go pro back seat and put the suitcase in the bag door, it will have more space.

- An? What? Didn't you said to wait to do it at home? - He asked surprised, never thinking that Uchiha would accept such a thing.

- Your parents may be at home, so it's better not to be so embarrassed. - Sasuke replied, but seeing that the other one didn't say anything, he remained angry.- Go before I change my mind!

Naruto promptly obeyed him, taking off his belt, going backwards, with some difficulty, and began to “adjust” the place, while Sasuke drove the car to a different route and farther away from everywhere.

And when he finally parked, he calmly removed his belt, and was pulled back, quickly, causing his shore to hit somewhat strongly on the black car pillow.

- You could have been more delicate. - He complained of sitting on the spot, but soon his neck was attacked with bites and suckles.

He tried to draw Uzumaki's attention, but the other's mind was so clouded in lust, that he only thought of giving pleasure and receiving pleasure, knowing the body of the other and knowing his "points" of pleasure more sensitive and wanted to experience everything.

Sasuke ended up bending his head further to the side, giving more space to the blonde, while his hands were going on the back of the same, picking up the bottom tips of the shirt, climbing it, and Naruto did the same with the Uchiha, leaving their breastplate exposed and their strong breaths more apparent.

Pov Naruto ____

The wonderful smell of omega lubrication was already quite apparent on the spot, which made me lose every piece of my consciousness, and mixed with my aroma.

I removed his pants, leaving only the black underpants on his body, where his erection was apparent that repelled pre-joice and grabbed it through the fabric, and went up and down slowly with one hand and sometimes passed through the liquid part making him turn his eyes and give small moan.
So I used my other hand, to smooth in his hole, and round him a few times, feeling the lubrication starts wet his fingers and I asked.

- What do you want, Sasu?

- Uh? Wasn't it you who was desperate for that? - He asked stuttering. Then I passed my finger over the glande again and sucking it, making his eyes lick and his mouth release a half-high whimper, making me have fun.

- Well... but does it look like the game's turned around? Isn't that right? - He laughed with a thick, pleasant voice, making Sasuke shrink. - But well... you didn't answer my question, and you have to ask ask cutely. Uzumaki made a kissing trail from his neck to one of Uchiha's nipples.

- I never thought I would say that. - He whispered low, as if it were for himself, but Naruto was close, very close, and he could hear. Sasuke took a deep sigh, and his cheeks became more red than he said before. - Can you suck me?

- Your orders. - The other replied, removing the fabric, which caused a sigh of relief for taking out the piece that so bothered him.

He started by the glande, sucking only it, and then slowly descended as far as he could by getting used to the size, and Sasuke gemmed high, then grabbed the golden hair, which encouraged Naruto to make the moves faster, and more pre-goose fluid out of each other's crack.
When the blonde got tired, he took the limb out of his mouth, and went on to masturbat* and lick it to the balls, where he “played” a little bit with them until they became tense and did not stop coming down where he finally wanted.
Before he went straight to the point, he went to the co*ckroaches, and he kissed them, bit them, and licked them from top to bottom.

- Ah!~ I need more... - he begged.

- Be patient Sasuke... I've waited for this for more than three years, and I'm going to appreciate every second... - He laughed nasally. - Or are you so fragile that you can't stand a few seconds? - He provoked him and knew he had hurt his pride.

- It's funny to hear that from the guy who hasn't been able to make me have fun until now. Are you tired already? Or are you not “all that”? - He provoked “entering” the game that Naruto had created.

The blonde then released a sigh, or rather, an animal rosnat, Sasuke had moved in “forbidden” places and now would have to deal with its consequences.

With his hands, he removed both legs, to have a better vision of the “ring” that slipped already pre-pleasure even without having touched right.
No more, no less, he wrapped his face in that place, licking the sides, penetrating it with the tongue and sucking whole with feracity, making the Uchiha see stars in those moments and gem, begging for more contact.
Soon he saw the whole galaxy, and his yelling was filled, when the Greek kiss was accompanied by a punch that went from the balls to the glande.

Naruto could not, resist that temptation, a Uchiha calling his name, his smell, his taste, needed him at that moment!
He stopped abruptly, which made the other almost complain, but seeing that the blonde removed his own pants, along with the underwear, he remained quiet and choked.

- Sasuke... I'm gonna ask the question... even knowing the answer. - He approached to the other, feeling they’re hot breathing mixing. - You really want to keep going? You know I'm not gonna force you to anything-.

His sentence was cut when Sasuke's lips attacked him fiercely, giving the "confirmation" that he could continue.
With Uchiha's natural lubrication, they didn't need another lubricant to help with penetration.
The Uzumaki fell on his knees with his trunk raised, while the other was lying on the bench, the blonde took the other’s legs, on each side of the shoulder of the same, to have more space for the event.

Naruto grabbed one of his legs, “securing” to not leave the place, as he led his penis to the entrance of the other, giving slight pushes forward, until finally the other “channel” gave in. Moist and tight, thick and pulsating, the two felt amazed when he finally united them, not only in carnal relationships, but in issues of feelings.

Sasuke knew the heart of Naruto and Naruto knew Sasuke's heart they knew of their happiness and desires, dreams and sadness, to sum up, they were souls twins, who despite the distance they were, one would always depend on the other to live.

Uzumaki, seeing that the expression of the other was no longer of pain and that he had already become accustomed, began to stack, slow and firm, causing the car to swing a little, not that they cared at the moment. Sasuke at each move of the other moan and trembles, even more as Naruto judged his nipples and his neck, and in the place that his mouth passed, turning the milky skin, into a more redheaded, and Naruto, like a tremendous “ungrateful” did this in places that was difficult to cover later. The blonde was delighted when the Uchiha also bit him to not “hear” his gem, as if someone was around, or when he let go of his hand from the chair to try to touch him and scratch his arm.

His legs were already hurting from so much being scratched in the fabric, so he removed himself, sitting in the place he was and ordered.

- Sit here for your alpha!

Without having to order him too much, Sasuke got up with some difficulty, but managed to get to his blonde.
He put his legs around the other's back and sits quickly, making both of them gem. Their trunks were glued, giving to feel how warm they were, and returned with the kisses and coupons.
He began to squirt already with some ease and urgency, and Naruto held his waist to help the movements.

The moaning and mourning, increased as the stockings were stronger and faster, it didn't take long for Naruto to pick up Sasuke's G-spot, which made him yell higher and release more lubrication, and called by the name of the other.

- N-Naruto! Faster!

- More? Are you sure?

- Yes! ahH-

He made the request of the other, going faster trying to hit the special point, and Sasuke turned his eyes, with tears of pleasure in them, his hands stuck in the other's skin, legs trembling more and more.
Naruto was sweating more and more, causing his hair to crumble on his forehead, his member pulsated increasingly when he was buried in the older one, and both were blinded by lust, which made the blonde lean on the other, “stealing” him a stinking kiss and his tongues interwoven and stifling the gem of both. After several rough stockings, they finally reached the peak calling each other's name and finally relieving themselves.

He left the oldest, who fell on the mattress of tired, putting on his pants, and seeing that the other was still in the same position, thinking that he had hurt him, checked him worried, looking and putting his hand on the hot and red cheek of the Uchiha, who put his cold and pale palm on his, who gave a small smile, which was not something ordinary, so Naruto looked at him as a passionate fool.

From that exchange of eyes, they already knew.

They'd be with each other forever...




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Naruto: A

Together again (Narusasu/Oneshot) - Kay_312 (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Views: 6122

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (72 voted)

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.