Secrets and Shadows - Chapter 13 - SillySnowden11 (2024)

Chapter Text

Five years ago

Location: Fire Country, Konoha City

It has been a while since he had been back home.

A two week mission in the nation of Lightening had taken Asuma's attention, keeping his own personal life on pause back home. His wife, Kurenai, had thought his absents a simple business meeting in a foreign land that had to be extended, it turned out to be a hastily planned escort from the north to the south, bringing a foreign diplomat closer to escaping the civil war up north, his agents left behind to keep watch and update him during the final days of Kurenai's pregnancy. To lie had been the hardest part of his job, his life as a agent hidden by his wife since marrying her two years back, but he had been preparing for his retirement since he met his student.

His student, as promising as he was, had yet to show his true potential. Asuma hoped soon to pass down his secrets to him, to aid him in the future of protecting the will of the people of Fire, to protect the nations around them. Soon he told himself, soon Shikamaru would be ready, he just needed time. The young field agent had already shown skill in field missions as a extra, even taking lead when needed, but he had yet to step up as the lead agent, the position Asuma saved for him, the new director, Tsuande, begrudgingly agreeing with him.

Leaning against the railing of his back deck, his hand going for his pack from his pocket, his eyes narrowed slightly to the dark night sky. A breeze blew by, sending the cold chill air his way, he fished for his lighter in the silence, a quiet made by a human.

He knew the gun behind him would keep its distance, now to figure out who had come to his home.

"Asuma Sarutobi" the voice was no longer meek and childish, the girl had to be what twenty by now, a woman. The princess he had let live.


"I always wondered when you'd come to find me, princess" Asuma chuckled lowly, calm, the cold barrel of the gun not giving an inch as he finished lighting his cigarette "you seemed like a stubborn child when we first met, always assumed you be a stubborn young lady in the future as well" his amusem*nt met with a cold anger.

"Don't assume anything about me, you do not know me" easily irritated, he reminded himself to be cautious, even friendly, Suna people were a tough crowd of order and structure, their agents had been no different when he first worked undercover, their shadows even more remorseless and unforgiving.

"You know, it wasn't my idea" he hummed, honest but regretful, taking in a puff and exhaling as he remembered who he had helped once long ago, aiding another to save his niece and nephew from the war that had threatened the nations, a war wanted by the leader of Wind "Yashamaru wanted you and your brothers to be protected and brought to Konoha, but when my orders changed I made sure he knew" he peeked a side eye behind him, looking through the glass door, his wife still asleep inside, the swell of her belly uncovered, his unborn daughter would never need to know who he was, his wife would mourn, those that had ties to the world always did "I would never hurt a child, even when I was ordered to kill you two, I chose to disobey, and I would do it again" he explained quietly and looked off into the forest behind his home "I am sorry for everything, Lady Temari"

"Your apology means nothing to me" he was right about her being stubborn.

"I know" he sighed as he blew out the smoke, his one regret in life, leaving the third child behind, the youngest son having been at his father's side the night they attempted for the final strike "but I still am sorry, it really was the only way we could keep you two safe, since we failed to get Gaara out that night" there was a hesitation, the gun remained aimed at him, but she shifted in her weight, unsure suddenly.

"Why didn't you just follow your orders?" He blinked, surprised she asked, she was curious, seeking her own answers.

"Because that's not what peacekeepers do, we don't start wars, we end them" he blew out another puff, keeping calm, ready to accept the anger "we are the change and we protect the will of the people, not those above them. Just as your nation protects the balance between the powers"

"Itachi said that" her gun lowered, she stood quiet behind him. The name a bittersweet reminder, even lost the rouge peacekeeper kept his oath, protecting outside the law.

"Who do you think trained him when he was younger?" Asuma chuckled, blowing out the last of his cigarette and smashing it against the side of the deck as he looked to her, now able to fully turn and see the young lady. A beautiful woman, golden hair ties back in the Suna fashion, eyes still a piercing teal, but her features hardened from the training he knew she had endured. She had grown tall, no longer small, her gaze no longer fearful and distrusting, but cold and in control as if the fire behind them smothered when she realized he had not lied to her.

"Did you really try to save Gaara that night?" She only asked, firm in her stance, still ready to aim, but waiting patiently for him to speak.

"We did" he sighed, aiding her in seeking the truth "he had nightmares often, always got out of bed to find one of you in the middle of the night, didn't he?" His question met with a downturn of her eyes, remembering as he did "I regret not going back myself, but Yashamaru was at least able to get you two out" a moment passed, only the sound of the woods heard, before she moved to stand beside him, still a few feet away as she put a gloved hand to the railing beside him with heavy sigh, he offered a soft smile for comfort when she glanced at him, and turned his gaze away to the woods speaking calmly, a promise "I hope that peace can come to Wind some day, because the past is the past and we should focus on the future, focus on keeping the balance between nations"

"What are you going to name your child?" She asked in the silence.

"Mirai" he grinned fondly at the dark sky, she followed his gaze slowly, quiet as he was.

Two weeks later, after his daughter was born, he had been killed during his final mission to Lightening.

Wednesday, 11:21PM

It had been his specialty, his most unique skill, able to kill a man with a simple cut to the flesh.


He knew every kind, he had created every kind, and even in his age he still remained immune to almost all of them. Sasori had been the best once, his purpose in life shifting from a obedient solider, to a righteous criminal, and now to nothing. A calm end to a life spent in others command.

A lonely end.

Glaring back at the small scorpions as they nestled away in its dark stone burrow, Sasori pulled away from the glass cage covering the small creature under a blanket in his room. Kankuro had brought him the creature days ago and it finally had seemed to settle in its new home with its mate, the short few months the creature had to breed and die were necessary for his blood, his family. The extra creatures sprawled around his room were simply for personal use.

His family, which ones to protect and hide away, which ones to speak secrets too. He knew his cousins coming to a Konoha had more intent behind what they shared, but Kankuro always managed to spill a stray detail or two to him in passing, his sister had become harder to read since he last saw her five years ago.

Temari had offered a smile, a embrace, a confession to her path chosen, and a promise to control Wind, to keep the balance. Since then he had never spoken the truth she had told him, the one she continued to uphold as a shadow.

A hard knock, a fist slamming on his door.

Turning to the door, glancing at his wall clock with a furrow of his brows. Guests did not come by often, if ever, a few possibilities made way as glared into the peephole, he almost thought he was hallucinating when he opened the door.

Before him standing, alive, a glaring dark haired man, he knew him well enough by now, though he also knew he was supposed to be dead.

"Nara?" Sasori questioned as he took in the disheveled appearance, a small slash to his cheek, a knives work, spots of blood on the dark green vest, another trail of blood from a wound to his chest, his chest heaving slightly as if he'd been running "I thought you died?"

"I put up a good fight" Shikamaru huffed, seemingly out of breath "You give your cousin too much credit"

"What do you want from me again" Sasori muttered, trained eyes set to the mark on his vest.

"I need you to tell me about the shadows of Suna" the demand met with a gap of his mouth, he could feel his own heart beat faster at the forbidden mention, the shadows, what he used to be.

"No" Sasori shook his head, reply stuttered as he went to shut the door, eyes widening in the emotion he never wished to feel again, fear "I don't care if your a peacekeeper-" he began and stilled as Shikamaru slammed his hand to the door, keeping it open.

"I'm not asking as a peacekeeper" the even reply, the calm urgency and severity of it made Sasori still for a moment, conflicted.

"How do you even know about it?" Sasori whispered, as if his words would be to loud down the barren halls of his apartment complex.

"She told me" with his reply, Sasori took a second, finger twitching at his side, before he pulled the door open and moved aside nudging his head for Shikamaru to enter.

"It is forbidden outside Suna walls to talk about the shadows, clearly my Little Weasel has been lying to me about many things" Sasori grumbled to himself and shut the door after he walked in, a short stumble confirming what Sasori had been absently thinking "she's almost as good as I was, even better if you consider how she ran the damn country on her own" a pause behind him.

"Temari controlled Suna?" With the confession, the truth, Shikamaru froze, staring back at Sasori as he quickly locked the door, four locks, all shut, all secrets hidden behind closed doors.

"Why do you think Suna has been keeping to itself the past five years?" Sasori muttered looking back to him, observing the shock "Do you honestly believe Lord Rasa was a quiet man? He was insane, impatient, and full of rage, all terrible qualities for a Lord of Suna" He added with a scoff and pointed to his couch firm in the demand "sit, let me take a look at that before you pass out"

"Temari controlled Suna, of course she did" Shikamaru sighed, repeating the words as if he didn't believe them. He sat down to the marked spot and finished taking his vest off with a wince, behind him Sasori rustled in the kitchen looking for first aid as he spoke.

"It's why they called her Mistress, because she was able to control Lord Rasa and keep him calm, keep him from fighting his own people, keep him from declaring war against the other nations. The one who controls Suna controls all of Wind, and she controlled her father with nothing more than words and the reminder of who she was" Sasori explained coming to him, first aid in hand and two opened beers set on the scratched wooden coffee table as he sat facing Shikamaru and pointed to his shirt "throwing knife?"

"Yeah" as he began to pull the shirt up, hesitant, a part of him still questioning why Sasori had such interest in the minor wound the red head sighed.

"Poison tip" Sasori muttered.

"What?" He had felt the sting for the ride from River to Konoha, but hadn't stopped to check, thinking it was just a cut. With a faster pace he looked down to the cut, eyes widening at the wound, the edges lines in darkened green and purple lines "that woman really tried to kill me, again" he gapped in disbelief and looked up to a sudden amused Sasori.

"She truly is one of the best weapons Suna has ever created" he grinned proudly, Shikamaru rolled his eyes at the statement, annoyed, angered, impressed, admiration still there, overall still conflicted about the woman, a part of him wanting to protect her after the confession about Asuma. Her truth was stronger than any lie. The reminder of her take downs, the way the woman moved, fearless, he almost groaned as he turned away from Sasori, he was sure that irritated blush made way again "I just wish she and Kankuro never had to leave me back then, forced to take a path they were never meant to" he sighed and began work, his inspection short, the wince Shikamaru made as he injected him with something, a needle and suture thread following as he spoke, voice low and somber, remembering.

"Deidara had been right to call Baki, though, a few months after they left, your little peacekeepers came and disbanded us, they would have found the children and then sh*t really would have hit the fan" he sighed stringing a needle over the cut "if they had been discovered, Wind would have broken the balance for good, destroying centuries of royal rulers, our traditions and culture, just everything would have been thrown into chaos, Wind would have destroyed itself, because of Rasa and his lies" he glanced up to Shikamaru, his focus turned to staring back out the window, in thought as he listened "the shadows of Suna are specially trained warriors, stronger, faster, more cunning than any simple solider you stick in a line and give a gun to, worth twenty men, a woman even more for her other talents" he grinned at his guest "They are god-like and unmatched in skill, rarely are they beaten in battle, rarely do they fail to complete their mission"

"Let me guess, you used to be one" Shikamaru muttered as he glanced back to him.

"I was their leader, during my time" Sasori packed away the needle, work finished, the vein lines slowly returning to normal, the cut stitched. He grabbed the beer as he leaned back, Shikamaru sighed pulling his shirt down "Back then we called them, the shadows behind the Lord, we were trained specifically to be controlled by the reigning Lord of Suna, like puppets to be used. Warriors kept on tight leashes, lacking humanity and remorse, some even called us demons back then when I was one. We were feared more than the Lord who controlled us, because we acted on every dark desire that was commanded of us, no matter what it was, we did not fear death, it feared us" Sasori took a sip from his beer, eyeing his guest "so why on earth would you go after her a second time, the woman tried to have you blown up for f*cks sake"

"Key word, tried" Shikamaru scoffed at the scold and swung back the beer glaring into the table "I'm trying to prevent the fourth war from starting" he explained simply, trusting the calm man beside him "it's why I let her kill me" he air quoted with a hand "so that I could do things my way, because Tsunade is funding the start of the rebellions at the borders, she wants to start the war in Wind, she wants control of the country" he sighed "it was right in front of me, and I didn't even know" he bit back his own anger, the shadowed feeling of shame making him lower his head in a hand to rub his tired eyes.

"It really was put on hold" Sasori muttered and sighed taking a moment before speaking in the tense air "Temari had been protecting the balance of Wind, it's why she took the control Rasa had and turned it around on him, it's what kept fighting at bay in Wind country" he looked back to Shikamaru "it's what she's doing now, trying to keep war out of Wind Fire and Earth"

"I know, it's why I went after her, I want to help her stop everything before it's too late, but that woman is beyond stubborn" as he set his half empty beer down, ignoring the itch of the suture line on his chest, he fell into thought, speaking outloud as he did "How come you left then, why didn't you control Suna? Why didn't you prevent a war, like she is?"

"We'll need more beer if you want me to get into that" Sasori chuckled, a hollow emotion, he wasn't humored, but forced it because of the memory "Shadows are made to blindly obey only the leader of Wind, as we were made to only fear them and nothing else, it's why they train us with the venom of the Black Sun scorpion, so that we are fearless in battle, but forced to fear the one in control of us" he sighed, rubbing his arm in a show of discomfort "I was terrified of Rasa for the longest time, but I am not the reason for his fall of grace, Karura was" pausing when Shikamaru spoke.

"Their mother" Shikamaru muttered and leaned back in the couch, absently observing the surprise on Sasori's face that he knew who she was "Temari told me about her" with a slow nod Sasori continued.

"Karura was the twin sister of general Yashamaru, kind and caring, the opposite of what Suna stood for" Sasori grinned fondly reminded of the kind woman who had showed him compassion when she became the Lady of the royal family "she was truly a beautiful woman, able to calm Rasa and charm people alike, she made a legacy in her short time as Lady of Wind, and it was a honor to protect her and the family, that was my duty as Rasa's shadow" he swallowed slow and quiet "Over time I began to realize why I had been choosen to protect them, they were my family" he looked severely at Shikamaru, pieces of the puzzle making way "they were my blood and in Suna, family is a sacred bond, to break those ties one becomes nothing, so I remained loyal to keep those ties from being severed"

"Why did you leave then if you were so loyal?" Shikamaru question met with a low chuckle from Sasori, his brows furrowed as he looked to him.

"A new fear emerged that overpowered my loyalty to Rasa, somthing stronger than my fear of him. Once I was my uncle's finest warrior, most obedient, most trusting, the best, I was The Scorpion" he hummed his old name with a grin "a leader among the others, I had never questioned anything he ordered me to do" he paused and turned away from Shikamaru glaring back at the wall, swallowing he finished "until one night, he told me to get rid of his daughter" the silence sat heavy for a while, a moment of acceptance to the words "Having a daughter born first, was considered a disgrace to the royal family line, a bad omen, but Rasa loved Karura so much that he disregarded his own people and their superstitions just to please her, so when she died, so did any humanity he had left in him"

"The balance changed" Shikamaru muttered, the two sides to someone, good and evil, right and wrong, yin and yang. Sasori nodded as he continued his confession.

"Temari was three, Karura had just died after giving birth to Gaara and I still remember the look in Rasa's eyes, full of grief, as he told me to get rid of her" Sasori shook his head, wiping the side of his eye as he looked away, hiding the weakness "his own child, his blood" he put a hand to his chest and looked back "my blood" he scoffed "she looked so much like her mother, that it pained him to have to see her as a reminder of what he lost, it's why he held onto Gaara so close, he was the last thing Karura touched" with a shake of his head he turned back to his half empty beer, grabbing it, speaking almost casually "I tried to kill him that night, but was discovered by Baki, I am the reason he has that big ugly scar over his eye, put up a damn good fight before I made my escape to Rain" he exhaled sharply "I never looked back after that"

"I'm sorry"

"I do not need your sympathies" Sasori glared back at him, a moment before he calmed "what I need is to stop being kept is the dark, I need to know why she is doing this, I need to know who controls Suna and who controls her" his ride back, every history book he was forced to memorize as a gifted child, the bits of advice and tales from his mentor and father alike.

Her old friend.

"Orochimaru and the Sound are in control of Suna right now, and they are threatening her with Gaara" Shikamaru confirmed.

"Her ties to Gaara" Sasori muttered and leaned back with a sigh, calm on the outside the storm brewing inside "if anyone touches either of her brothers she will not hold back, and he knows it" Sasori spat through his teeth, glaring into the ground as if it was a foe "the only thing to control a shadow is fear, and that is her biggest fear"

"She doesn't want a war that's why she has been killing her targets through accidents, I know that much" Shikamaru confirmed with a short grin turned to Sasori to ease him "she doesn't see borders you taught her that" Sasori grinned at the comforting comment, but it was fleeting.

"But Orochimaru will force her to submit, and if she does, it'll be too late for both of our nations" Sasori muttered, bringing his hands to rest his fists under his chin.

"Troublesome that cousin of yours" Shikamaru sighed leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees.

"But I love her, so I ask that you please help her" Sasori muttered his plea, quiet and locking eyes with Shikamaru "As stubborn as Temari is she'll change her mind if you make her see that you mean well, give her a reason to trust you, trust that you can stop this, it's your duty as a Peacekeeper"

"I will" he promised in the silence, before Sasori patted his back once, rough and with a smirk, amused, but grateful.

"She'll probably try to kill you again though"

"She's not very good at it apparently" with a scoff, putting a hand to his chest, over his heart, feeling the stitch under the black turtleneck, a reminder that that woman did not make anything easy. Sasori looked back at him, amusem*nt in his eyes.

"Then you haven't fought her at her worst"

Thursday, 1:28PM

Location: Suna Embassy

General Baki of Sunakagure.

His title for nearly fifteen years, one he had received the day the children were taken, a honor he had taken solemnly. The right hand to Lord Rasa for fourteen years, the hand now to Lord Gaara. Five year ago he had watched the balance shift, the hourglass of Suna beginning it's slow turn, it's rebirth seen in the distance. He watched the woman he had trained, the one who had calmly controlled the nation behind her father, calming him, aiding him to reason, keeping him sane in his final years. Baki had always been proud of her, proud of her selfless sacrifice to aid the nation of Wind, her sacrifice to return to hell and aid its recovery.

The day the Lord had fallen, by her hands, she was forced to step back and submit to another, her control gone, another taking over to calm the nation behind Gaara's image.

The man they called, The Serpent.

The false leader of Wind.

Now Baki had made it to Konoha, knowing even in a foreign land he was not safe, the natives were not the enemy, but his own from back home. He had spoken out of place, against the false leader of Wind, to protect the children of Karura.

It was only a matter of time now.

Stepping towards the office he claimed as his own in the Suna embassy building, the sigh left him before he even slipped the door open. He knew what trouble awaited him behind the door. Greeting him was a pair of soft teal eyes, seated behind his desk, her legs propped up on the side and a grin rising, mischievous.

The child he had protected since the day she was born, just did she have to be so much trouble.

"You know you aren't supposed to be here, if anyone sees you" his grumbling scold met with a wave of her hand, dismissive of his worry.

"Relax, I took the front door, no one saw me" Temari leaned back with a cheerful expression, hard to not smile small himself at her rare glow, the sun of Suna, one of its protectors "You seem in good health, Baki"

"I am fairing better than you are it seems, Temari" Baki jabbed back, still keeping stern as he made sure the door was shut and locked behind him.

"Konoha is quite a place, but it is not home" Temari hummed, smile falling as she moved her legs down and stood, returning his seat to him, her presents already yielding the questions he knew she had, she had always been curious "you are late though, why?"

"The Sound has been forceful within the walls" he muttered and came to stand in front of the chair, calmly setting his bag on the table and opening it "he does not let anyone stay in the home for too long, keeping Gaara away from everyone, he says it's for his own protection" his explanation met with a scoff.

"I am aware of how he hides him" Temari leaned back against the desk, one hand fixing a red scarf over her neck before shoving her hands into the leather jacket with a soft glare pointed at him "is Gaara well though?"

"He has been fine, at least in health" Baki glanced over to her with a sigh "his spirit is only being held with the promise of his siblings return"

"Soon" Temari confirmed with a tight smile, a facade of all being fine.

"Temari" Baki settled a hand to her shoulder, leaning down to level his gaze with hers "as long as you finish this and bring him Tsuande, everything will be fine. You just have to hold on until we can get Gaara out of Suna"

"Soon" she repeated quieter, keeping still, forcing a unwavering stoic look back at him, but he saw through the lie "everything is fine"

"You are not a good liar" he grunted and let her go, returning to grab a stack of Suna documents for the negotiations.

"I am an excellent liar" she scoffed annoyingly back and narrowed her eyes at him, serious "but why would I lie when my truth is stronger?" he glanced back to her, keeping quiet in his own knowledge, he didn't need to add to her worry, he needed to make sure she could do this on her own.

"The River Incident" He pointed out instead.

"A little mishap, nothing more" she shrugged, playing off her own frustrations at the memory, of him and his interference. Shikamaru had offered his help, but why? No, she internally shook herself, she had been for the past two days, he would not help, he was a distraction, he was a follower, he would trick her, mistrust lingered, and Gaara had been wrong to want the aid of Fire in stopping everything. She could do this alone.

"In his eyes you failed and it angered the Serpent" Baki muttered.

"I have it taken care of" she pushed off the desk roughly to match his height, still a foot taller than her, but even smaller her presence was always intimidating when she was angered enough "do not think for a moment that I have failed, I do not fail" she pointed up at him, he remained still in his slow narrowed gaze as he sighed.

"The fact that he knows you have been killing your targets through silent means, hoping for these negotiations to pull through, has been difficult to calm his impatience" the severity in his words made her eyes narrow tighter "he thinks you want to trick him, I had to talk him down again, explain why you need the time, since he forced you to start the attacks to soon"

"He might control the orders he gives me, but he does not control me and how I do things, I am not his shadow and he needs to be reminded of that" the snap causing Baki to inhale heavily to keep quiet, to warn her to keep her anger in check "there is no need to get anyone else involved, but those who make up the beast, until Gaara is safe and away from him"

"I know you're trying to do this as peacefully as you can, but revenge is a strong emotion, Temari" he replied back with a firm hold on her shoulder "one that often clouds reason, it will cloud your judgment as well if you do not rush this and bring her before the day Gaara comes here"

"I can't rush this, or else people will find out about what Fire failed to do and I cannot let that happened" she argued back.

"You still wish to protect this nation as well" he turned away blowing out a frustrated breath, taking a moment to listen to her argument, her last resort, allowing war to start between the nations.

"Same as ours" she confirmed stubbornly "I don't want a war between our nations, but I have to do this to keep you all safe as well" she huffed leaning against the desk again, calming, watching him turn back to her "he knows that the only reason I follow his orders is because his army is larger than ours, he will destroy Wind for good with everything he knows" she glared at the wall, her thoughts set on protecting her youngest brother "he will kill our only hope if I don't get him what he wants"

"Tsuande" Baki muttered, looking back to her with a sigh, calm, proud, solemn, seeking to comfort her to distract her from the present "You know, I never would have come for either of you, I would have taken your existence to my grave, betrayed nations for you three" Temari softened her look back to him, once a protector, now a man who had become a mentor and father figure to her, the one who had trained her to hold a dagger since she was seven "I promised Karura I would"

"You are not supposed to talk about her, it is forbidden" Temari whispered, dropping her gaze to the floor.

"I've taught you well, too well in fact" he brought a hand to her chin lifting it up to him, his aged eyes looking back to the fierce teals "here is a final lesson, protect everything you hold dear with an open heart, for when it is lost, so shall you be" pulling away, her focus on him, he apologized "I am sorry I wasn't able to be there for you sooner" she put her fist to her chest and bowed forward.

"It is not formal for a general to bow to a commoner" turning her eyes away from him, as if the gesture was too much to witness.

"I wasn't bowing to one" he looked up, waiting for her eyes to meet his, a reminder once of her past.

"I will not fail you, Baki" she lowered her head and fell into his chest, taking his embrace as if it would be her last.

"You never have, Temari"

Thursday, 3:06PM

Location: Konoha City, Underground District

Kabuto, a man who thought himself big being the right hand of Orochimaru, the middle man to the master that held her leash, her control of Suna given in exchange for one life. Named the White Snake, his minions sent to watch her, to attempt to at least, foreigners who had lived in the walls of Suna, like a virus in one's body.

They waited on the top of a parking deck, the vast sky above them, the warm sun clouded and hidden by a storm that threatened the earth below. In the calm, Temari had turned up to soak what little heat she could, a reminder of how home was a fire, one that could only hurt if she allowed it to. Leaning against the back of the car, Kankuro seated on the trunk beside her and Shira to her right, standing stoically with his arms crossed, waiting, the two men watched the black car pull up to the barren parking deck, the man inside, her communication line to the false leader.

Kabuto stepped out, four following behind him, slick white hair tied back low, glasses pushed up to observe the group ahead, to glare instantly at the sound of her voice. The leader of Wind might have been dead, by her hands, but the hidden power still remained with the oldest daughter of the children, his master standing behind controlling her with her secrets.

"Punctuality is a cutesy in Suna, and I do not like to be kept waiting, especially when it comes to a mannerless fool like you" first to speak, first to set the tense tone of the forced meeting, first to show her rank before him. Temari lowered her head and sent her cold glare to Kabuto, his steps stopping a few feet from his car, two of his own standing behind him, two who waiting by the car with hands ready at their waists, a false show of power compared to her. Angered enough, not even a gun would stop her from her target, and just this man's presence was testing her patience already.

"I have other things to handle, besides you, Mistress" he glanced unimpressed between Shira and Kankuro, sneering at the sight of her brother, who had yet to show himself, always hidden away and protected by his older sister "Are these two supposed to intimidate me?"

"Oh no" she mocked pushing off the car to move forward with a grin, a threat behind her friendly facade, a show of true power with each confident step "they are here to make sure I don't kill you for attempting to handle me, sheep" the threat more than implied.

"You are a foolish woman" Kabuto glared back annoyingly to her "under threat one is supposed to cower, not fight back"

"When you see that threat, let me know" she deadpanned, behind her Kankuro chuckled, always one to sit back and enjoy the show she put on, even Shira smirked at her stubbornness to comply formally to a man below her rank, only one stood above her, The Serpent.

"My men have already spoken and your act of defiance will not go unpunished" Kabuto huffed, holding his head high, Temari looked on, amused at the attempt "killing our eyes on you, not a very smart move, even if he allowed it to happened"

"Your master is the only man I concern myself with, as for you" she gave him a pitiful look and scoffed "your nothing more than a phone between us, he does not need to see anything I do here anyways, you know I want to keep his hands clean" she smirked at the forced irritation she caused her opponent, easily angered and as harmless as a barking dog behind a fence.

"That tongue of yours will get you into trouble" Kabuto warned.

"Tell us something we don't know already" Kankuro called out leaning off the back of the car to stand at full height, glancing between the two stiff guards behind Kabuto before settling on the man ahead with a sneer, keeping quiet as his sister took charge.

"You summoned me to discuss the mission" Temari called out, focus returned, her lead to take the conversation where she wanted it to go, she wanted her answers "it is all complete, the fourth leg will be killed soon"

"You've been hoping that these foolish negotiations will be seen through" Kabuto called her out, her eyes narrowed "that is why you hold back, isn't it?"

"I have my reasons" she repeated the haunting words she had spoken to him once, explaining her caution, too much was at stake for her to lose her cool she had to remind herself "And you cannot rush a mission like this, Tsuande is not alone as the others were, now that they want me, they will be forced to find me and I can only be found when I want to be, so I will not rush, until I am sure" her firm final word met with a glaring look and growl of disapproval.

"I was hoping you would say that" he muttered and raised his voice after, his calm replaced with his ego "so much for your legacy as the greatest weapon in Suna, able to control even Rasa in his final years, you are nothing more than a failure" her chest heaved "yet to bring my master what he wants, plain and simple" the arrogance met with a hot anger.

"Speak out of place again and I'll rip your tongue out where you stand!" the threat snapped out with a glaring look meant to burn, but Kabuto didn't step away, taking her heat with a knowing glare back "you are only here to check on my progress and report back, that is all. I will bring her to him, not you" she reminded, keeping her focus on him and taking her brave step forward, head held high "Now tell me what I want to know. Why is Gaara coming to Konoha later, what is the reason for the delay?" At her demand, Kabuto glanced over at his guard, a burley man with ginger hair, having come forward with a phone in his hand.

The sly snakelike smile that followed the message, one that pleased him, he ignored her fire as he glanced up.

Song Suggestion- Inako- The Kings Affimation

"Your general spoke out of term back in Wind, demanding and disobedient as you are, and he spoke to you earlier none the less, didn't he?" Kabuto tsked, scolding, as he finished his lips curled into a wider grin, his words hitting harder than a bullet to the chest "we were going to kill him in Suna, but I didn't want to miss the look on your face when I told you myself"

Temari cracked.

"No" the breathless whisper, eyes widening as she stared down into the stained concrete at her feet, he had lied to her, comforted her in the final moment. He knew they had been after him and still let her leave thinking he was safe.

Baki was dead.

"Baki" Kankuro choked, putting a hand to his head as the realization hit him, attempting to calm his panicked breath as he looked from his sister to Kabuto. Shira left just as wordless, but his sights set the the sparked fire ahead of him, she shook, her hand balled into a fist, and he moved.

"You son of a bitch!" her chest heaved her voice boomed, screaming as she set her sights on her target "I'm going to kill you!" Shira lunged forward, grabbing Temari as she nearly made her running start to Kabuto, the man simply unconcerned at the outburst and chuckling to himself as Shira restrained her, fighting to hold her still, Kankuro hastily rushed over to them, his priorities pushed off himself enough to finally move to action.

"Temari not here" Kankuro warned, holding her face in his hands to force her gaze on him, to hide the welled tears in her eyes from the one who held the control "please Mari stop" the plea barely holding her attention, her denial clouding her teals.

"Our agreement was keeping Gaara alive, Mistress, no one else needed to die as long as they didn't interfere with my master's plans" Kankuro turned back, forcing the glaring look to keep himself quiet, keeping the primal need for revenge calm, for the both of them "Fail again and it won't just be some old general next time" Kabuto turned, his final taunt thrown back to her as she slipped down to her knees before her brother "understood, sheep"

It was all over the news.

The death of the Suna general, Baki, played on repeat for two days straight. Even the peacekeepers had a hard time hiding a murder this public, the rumors sparked, some of war, others of betrayal. The attempt made by a Suna civilian, a rebel, unknowingly to the public, it was a man from the Sound who worked under Orochimaru.

Her body circled close to the windowsill, red eyes turned to the clouded sky above, rain falling, the storm brewing dangerously in the distance. She gripped the glass bottle in her hand for a false sense of comfort and swung it back, the bitter taste had left her half a bottle ago. As she swallowed she sniffed, wiping at her dry eyes again, tears long gone, but their ghosts falling regardless.

The news had shattered her family, the twins had cried, the youngest of the group, Sen held Yome, both having been trained by the general, both taking the promise to protect the balance as the others, even Shira kept his own quiet. He had been a man in the ranks once, just under the general, his entire life shattered the day he disobeyed, his life only sparred by the Mistress.

The one who had kept Lord Rasa sane most days, her ties keeping her grounded now.

"Mari?" her brother's voice, a whisper.

"This is all my fault" plainly stated, a fact she knew "I made us go back to Suna" he sat beside her, she felt the press of his chest as he brought her into a embrace, his heartbeat adding to the sound of the falling rain outside.

"We both went back for Gaara" Kankuro muttered into her hair.

"He was better off without us" her voice, hollow, Kankuro glared down, pulling her back to show his anger at the words, to see the grief.

"He'd be really mad if he heard you say that" the scold making her wince, she shook her head slowly.

"I have to finish and get him out of that hell we call home" she muttered, going for the drink again, but her brother's hand stopped her, taking it himself.

"You're not alone, Temari, he's my brother too" with the firm promise, Kankuro swung back his share and moved the bottle behind them, away from her. He hadn't seen this side of her since the day she killed their father.

"I don't know how to get out of this" her voice had been quiet since that day.

"We'll find a way" as he spoke, keeping his arm wrapped comfortably around her shoulders, keeping his sister close to him, her gaze caught sight of the lighter on her dresser, the reminder of the promise she had made him, and slowly they shut turning away. Teals trained to the sky, her brother leaning against her side humming quietly.

Watching the rain as he did.

Saturday, 5:12PM

Location: Underground District, unknown coordinates.

Dark sleepless eyes turned to the rain above.

The calm rumble of the thunder before the lightening struck a few seconds later, had once been relaxing to him. Rain that once would have been a calm day spent inside with a game of Shogi, had now turned solem and quiet.

Today it was different.

Shikamaru sighed, pulling away from the dusty window and to the task he had left, the lingering memory had been real he confirmed. The reminder that he was ready now, ready to make his next move, both sides to stubborn to move on their own, so he had to put in the effort to make them stop, before it was too late.

Sitting back against the chair at a old wooden table, he waited, in the safe house he kept a secret from all, but two.

Thursday 1:12PM

Following her had proven a tedious task, the woman did not own the streets like she had the halls of the River complex, she simply tiptoed around the public, blending in, somehow he had lost her in crowd a few times, annoyed to find out she could both make her presence known and hidden at the same time. Still debating whether he was more impressed or irritated at the skills she possessed, Sasori had warned him, yet here he was following the Mistress of Suna.

The Suna embassy, smaller than the Iwa embassy, but just as shining. With its new grand sandstone pillars, the two that marked the entrance of the building, the pillars a reminder of the hourglass and the balance it held. History as old as time within the walls.

He knew the general had ties with Temari, she had spoken about him herself, and he needed to know how close those ties were.

Temari glanced to her sides for a moment before she stepped past the pillars, pulled the red scarf from her neck and over her hair, wrapping it tightly, as she neared the entrance. The two guards glanced her way as she lifted a identification card, they bowed their heads before they moved aside to let her in. Unfortunately for Shikamaru, it's where he had to lean back and wait across the street, the time taken to wonder what was going on behind closed doors.

When she returned, her stance had changed, no longer sneaking, but controlling her steps past the guards as they bowed their heads at her departure. He went to follow, ready to figure out why she had walked into the office of the general, why she needed to see Baki, until he saw those same guards speaking and pausing a man walking up the steps. The man pulled out his own identification and they allowed him to pass, but with no bow.

Two paths to take.

His decision made he moved away, going to the side of the building, the layout memorized from his time spent alone. Quick in steps, nested if through a back door with a lock pick, lowering past crowded groups, catching hints of Sunian conversation about the Sound, hints of the Lord Gaara being whispered, as if forbidden to be spoken about.

When he walked in, two lied on the floor, one dead another dying. The man from the entrance, and Baki gasping quietly.

"General Baki" he moved quick around the limp body, a golden dagger jammed into his chest, the one that had been at Baki's belt.

"You" he blinked up at Shikamaru, confusion mingling with his pain "I thought Temari already killed you?"

"She's tried a few times, but she's not the only stubborn one who doesn't want to stay dead" he went to assess the wound, a dagger to the gut, blood soaked silk robes and losing blood fast, fatal he confirmed and looked back to Baki who had coughed as he tried to laugh.

"You disgrace the training Suna put her through" Baki attempted the amusem*nt, but his pained cough won the battle.

"Did he do this?" Shikamaru observed the man across from him, the man from the entrance, the one he had chosen to follow instead of her.

"I spoke out of term, I tried to get Gaara here to escape him" his explaination coming with a gasp of air and another cough "It's my fault, I let our Lord fall, I let him hurt those children. I should have helped Yashamaru when I had the chance" final words, regrets in life, Shikamaru took each one to memory "tell her that I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner" Shikamaru muttered, useless, knowing he couldn't do anything but be here in the final moment.

"Nonsense" Baki raised a hand, Shikamaru reached for it, glaring back at him with his own determined fire as Baki spoke "I would give my life a hundred times over before I let anyone harm them ever again, they must protect the balance" his whisper turned into a command as he let go of him "get out before someone sees you, it has to look like one of my own did it, but" he groaned, the trail of blood that had begun on the side of his mouth grew bigger as he attempted to swallow it down uselessly "keep the oath, like Asuma did" another truth, Shikamaru nodded solemnly before leaving.

"I will"

The brisk walk down the wet street, rain gone, purple heels clicking furiously to their set destination, Choji jogging a few times to keep up with Ino in her determined steps, her blue gaze narrowed and angry. The team had mourned the loss of their leader, one of her best friends, the mission in River had yielded nothing in the end, the woman, the dead princess he had been after escaped untouched once again. The lead agent's final help to the team having failed, she had failed him, and now she would redeem herself, she had to, for Shikamaru.

"Ino, why are we here?" Choji stood beside her, turning a questioning eye to the abandoned apartment building she had dragged him to.

"Because I said we have to be here, Choji" she inhaled as she explained "I had a feeling after I searched Shikamaru's safe that we needed to be here"

"How do you know he has a safe?" Choji glanced at her, a flash of guilt for thinking only he knew about the safe hidden in his friend's apartment.

"Twin connection, Choji" she glared up at the building at the edge of town in the underground district, beside her Choji sighed, thinking grief had made his friend tip on the scale of crazy.

"Just because you two were born a day apart doesn't mean you had a twin connection" he muttered and leaned away from her glaring look.

"I know that idiot better than you do sometimes" Ino huffed and opened the door to the small barren hallways, quickly taking her pace up the steps with Choji at her back "why is it only we know about the safe Choji?" She called back to him.

"Because we both know when he lies to us" he muttered slowly with a oh after he realized, rushing after her.

"He lied to me" Ino growled out picking at the lock with the key, unknowingly to her it was a spare "he has a secrets only we can know and it's behind this door" the door clicked open and she opened it slowly, each of them peeking in, the wave of smoke hitting them the a loud sigh.

"About time you two showed up" Shikamaru huffed as he looked back from the desk, setting his cigarette down before turning in his chair "I was beginning to think Ino finally succumbed to poisoning from those hair dyes she uses" his taunt met with a smirk as he stood, seeking a rise from his childhood friends.

"Shikamaru!" Ino ran forward, heels clicking loudly on the hardwood, as she lundged forward, his body instantly ached from her tackle, back sore, cut still healing, and bruises still painful.

"Ino get off" he groaned attempting uselessly to push her away, her grip tighter than the legs that had been wrapped around him.

"You asshole!" she pulled away suddenly, he groaned again as she smacked his arm, once, twice then repeatedly until he grabbed her wrists and stopped her with a glaring look down.

"You and I both know I don't do sappy words of affirmation, took your forever to figure it out" behind her a whine and choke, looking past Ino and her fury, Choji was bawling by the door, hiding his reddened face behind his arm "Choji stop crying, I'm fine" he sighed as he looked up sniffing loudly.

"You're alive" Choji came forward, next to embrace his friend, another groan, but he let them this time, wrapping a arm to each for a moment, just as relieved that they were to be together once again.

"Why would you pull a stunt like this?" Ino muttered against his chest, looking up, pulling back to read his sigh as he turned away rubbing the back of his neck.

"I've got a plan, and for it to be seen through I needed to be dead" he explained, looking back severely at them "that way Tsuande can't interfere with how I do things"

"You went rogue" Choji muttered, looking to Ino, both sharing the same worry.

"To put it simple, yes I did" his annoyance instant as he glared to Ino, calling her out for the mission failure "by the way, I laid out a perfect plan in River and you f*ck it up by pulling the alarm, your lucky I already planned for it ahead of time" her irritation matching his instantly.

"Hey it wasn't our fault- wait" Ino furrowed her brows at him "You were in River?"

"Like I said I needed to be dead" he turned back to the desk, grabbing his cigarette, a passing glance at a warehouse blueprint mapped in front of him.

"Your mom is going to kill you" the mention, his mother, Shikamaru tensed, he forgot about his mother. A fleeting idea to remain dead until he actually died to avoid his angry mother entertaining him.

"That's if Temari doesn't do it first" he glanced back to Ino, her eyes wide and mouth gapping open.

"Who?" Choji quipped in with a raise of his brow.

"Ino will catch you up, but for now, I don't exist, make sure of it" he looked between them, absently blowing out the smoke, watching each for their reaction.

"I hate this plan already" Ino huffed crossing her arms, glaring away from him.

"It's going to be a drag" he began, trying to pick one of the conversations he had rehearsed in his head, to ask his friends to join him, to fight for what Asuma had once "but I wont ask either of you to-"

"Don't be stupid of course we are in" Ino scolded, Choji nudged his arm with a happy grin, on board, a instant calm grin brought to his lips as he felt easier speaking his unanswered question.

"Then I need you to tell me" he looked between them, focused and serious "is Tsuande planning to have Gaara assassinated?"

"Yes" Ino looked down "she made the order after General Baki was killed, when he comes here it'll be made to look like someone from Suna did it, it'll stop the war from starting"

"You know what this means right?" Shikamaru sighed, a troublesome task ahead of him.

"What?" Ino questioned, eyes widening when she realized.

"I really do have to go rogue now" he blew out the last of the smoke as he smashed the cigarette to the side of the ashtray and glared back out the window.

Rain gone, but the earth still wet from the reminder.

The unexpected had aided him, unfortunately the memory of how heavy the balance of the nations weighed on him now still burdened him.

Secrets and Shadows - Chapter 13 - SillySnowden11 (2024)
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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.