Reacting to future - Chapter 11 - Decent_idiot (2024)

Chapter Text

The room went silent, a few shinobi even drew tears after the display of affection shown by Itachi's departure. Naruto tilted her head to Sasuke's direction face to face. Mikoto and Kushina cried in the corner while Fugaku and Minato smiled a little. " Shisui, are you crying?"

" No, shut up Itachi. " The Uchiha known world wide for his body flick hid his tears. The showing of affect even caused the great Uchiha Madara to reflect back to the memories of affection he received from his otouto in the back, his heart clesh in bitterness. " That was wonderful. " Hashirama rubs his tear as Tobirama looks at his nii-san in disgust from the snot coming out his nose and face full of tears. Pein and Konan emphasize with the Uchiha Akatsuki member while Deidara mumble in his little corner, Hidan got bored.

" Sasuke, your eyes they've changed. " Naruto cerulean blue eyes notice the inverted color six star pattern sharingan, Sasuke's eyes revealed after he removed his hands from face attempting to hide his tears from everyone. " The mangekyou sharingan. " Tobi gaps in surprise the boy unlocked. ' This makes things easier. '

" Mangekyou, didn't you need to kill someone for those eye's. " Kankuro asked.

" No, just the traumatic emotion is enough. " Shisui shrugs, swiping his tears away.

" So, Sasuke can do that susanoo thingy now. " Naruto wonders in intrigue. " if he unlocks both abilities that his mangekyou grants him, yes." Tobirama answers from his extensive knowledge of the sharingan. " what next. " Temari asked.

" Naruto, are you ever going to get off Sasuke's lap.? '' Ino and Sakura tease, The blond heard the humorous comment and blushes bright, her face turning a red as her spouse's beloved tomatoes. '' shut up. " both girls laughs

" We are getting into something interesting . "

The scene opens up with Naruto laying down on the floor looking above as below her there was an endless flow of water. Her hair spread out from her usual pigtail, arms stretched out. The young girl's eyes widened a little. " Where am I...? Am I dead? " The blond wonder.

" Why do you think you die? Your ethical view of death is different from that of my time. You must have a strong spirit if you deem yourself "Dead" so easily newbie. " Naruto picks herself up to scout where the mysterious voice came from. Her eye's spot a floating figure back underneath him, six levitating balls and staff on it back. " Who are you? "

" jii."the fox spirit inside of the blond was surprised to see him.

" I wonder about it myself." Gaara adds.

' It can't, Hagaromo.' Black zetsu thoughts ran rampant when seeing the figure. Deep inside Zetsu panics at the possibility of anyone in the room learning of hisGoalvia Hagoromo. ' Don't f*cking snitch on me you bastard. '

" It's a realistic question in this situation. But I'm slightly worried that my opinion might differ from that of your forerunner, if you hear my name. " The figure began to rotate to face Naruto's direction. The old harriet had 2 horns, lightbrow spiky hair, two rinnegan and an unknown dojutsu that looks like a combination of a sharingan and rinnegan. " I am the one who brought peace and order. My name is Hagoromo."

" Who's Hagoromo?" Hashirama question.

" The rinnegan? " Jiraiya gaps.

" Why does everyone in the future seem to have a rinnegan?" Kakazu scoft. Many have to agree since this dojutsu has been shown a lot more than expected.

Both sides stood still, Naruto eyes narrowing at the hermit. " Your reaction. I already partly predicted that you might have reacted that way. "

' I don't really get what he's saying. Must be one of those old men who like lecturing people! ' Naruto guessed from what she noticed at the moment, but " Sorry old man but i'm.."

" Well then. "

" Ah! Your eyes!! Rinnegan."

" You just noticed that. '' Pein deadpanned. The rest of the room had to agree.

" You are good at observing people. I hope you will be able to understand your current condition realistically. " Naruto 's eyes continued to narrow. " You are not dead *yet* this is the world inside your mind. I understand your impatience, but it's pointless to hurry at this moment. Therefore- " the kyuubi jinchuuriki stops the man from speaking any further.

' What is that jii saying.'

" Just wrap it up!! Can't you talk in a way I can understand!!? "

" Is that girl brainless? " Madara couldn't fathom why that girl stupidity.

" eh. " Naruto felt offended by Madara's comment.

" I am Anachronism. The long time brought me change in people's cultural traditions, view and ethnic.The long flow of time changes in people's cultural tradition, views and ethics. Whenever I travel through time to meet a "Transmigrant" I can clearly feel the discrepancy in our values. " Naruto intensely attempts to understand. " I could also methodically learn new culture and languages,but- "

" Daah!!! Shut up will you!!! I don't have time to listen to what some old weirdo has to say!! "

" Naruto, be polite. " Kushina scolded the girl. Naruto embarrassedly nods. ' This is how it feels to be lectured by your parents. " On the inside Naruto felt happy.

' Is this the Rikudo Sennin?" Madara went wild when Hagoromo appeared. The figure had worn ancient clothes whilst having the rinnegan. the Naka shrine even has myth of the hermit having access to an greater version of Izanagi one that allowed to used the technique while removing the loose sight.

" What are you thinking of scum. " Tobirama noticed Madara was deep in his thoughts. " Nothing that concerns you, Senju." Madara scoffed.

" Your pursuit of words and any kind of learning is ambiguous. TIf you cannot come to a mutual understanding because it's hard to find a definition. I will have to take into account my idealistic knowledge and materialistic thinking and speak in a simple way. " Naruto's body slugged down, she fish eyed Hagoromo again in confusion.

" Oh my, he thinks of you as dense. " Kakashi couldn't deny that opinion. A majority of the Konoha ninja sorta agree.

" I'm not dense. " Naruto defends herself.

" Dobe, Remember the time you jumped inside Haku ice mirror. '' Naruto took it back before she could even get the chance to argue back. More examples of her unpredictable Nature:

" That you launched in front of Orochimaru snake summon. "

" They're also facts during the chunin exam. You were the first to pass without answering any question. " Kiba adds after rumors of a certain whisker spread around.

" Also you were dead last in the academy."

" You don't even make an attempt to follow nor listen through plans."

" Lastly, the forbidden scroll incidence." Kakashi casually adds. Naruto's attention is redirected to her sensei. " Kaka-sensei how do you-"

" Iruka told me once during the 2 years you were away. "

" Naruto, why would you steal one of Konohagakure's secrets? "

" How did you steal the scroll, young one. " Hashirama was flabbergasted at the news of scroll due to been the one that even hid it away from the public. " I was freud Mitzuki-sensei trick me in a moment of weakness, but i swear i didn't meant it. In the past I failed the academy. Afterwards, Mitzuki found me and lied about the scroll. "

" That explains the shadow clones. " Tsunade guesses. " Teme, at least I'm not an emo bastard like you." The petite blond is still holding a grudge against Sasuke for starting this mess. " How so." The bastard was confused.

" You're a condescending jerk with an ego to boast about, You mistreat or ignore anyone that gives you any kind of affection, lastly you curse mark states look's extremely edgy and emo. I bet you if I look in a dictionary for the word Emo, I'll find you. " Naruto lashes back, still feeling a bit of resentment of Sasuke's betrayal. The last Uchiha was taken in back from the outburst. " Okay, I get it."

" Are you an alien or something? I see that you've got some charisma, but-"

" Well that's a bit too much isn't it? I, an alien? Ahahah! I guess it kinda makes sense though also. "

" He's an alien. " Hidan, Kiba, and Deidara shouts.

" Oh no, the way you were speaking just now was ok! I finally understood! I was just surprised because it completely changed all of a sudden! " Naruto's mood changes to joy trying to hide her nervousness. " Oh, Really? I'm gonna speak this way, ok? Yeah! "

" Ah! But it's kinda creepy cause the way you speak doesn't match your face at all."

" I think you should leave some of the complex feelings. Otherwise you just sound like an idiot. Isn't that a bit too much? Who are you calling an idiot! " Naruto comments.

" Woh Usuratonkachi calling someone else an idiot. '' Sasuke snicker in sarcasm. The Kyuubi jinchuuriki pumps the avenger on the head.

" Isn't that a bit too much? Who are you calling an idiot! Well I guess that's what I get for speaking that way. Is this a little better? "

" That!!! Ok!! That way is fine!! Uhm.. I think I understand. Uff, We can finally talk. By the way, Who are you? If you know about this place then could you tell me a way to get out of here? " Naruto's usual demeanor returns. " Don't ask me too many things at once. I'm from the past, I'm already dead. I'm a priest who, in the form of floating chakra, traveled through the generations to see what would become of Ninshuu." The hermit explains.

" My name is Hagoromo, and as the founder of ninshu. I'm also known as the Rikudo Sennin."

A deafening silence spread throughout the room when the words " I'm also known as the Rikudo Sennin" was tossed out. Minato and pein eyes lit up as Madara was dumbfounded that his suspicions were accurate.

" Oh my kami, The Rikudo Sennin is real. " Jiraiya couldn't believe this. " Is that the real him. " Tsunade's Eyes kept glued to the screen. ' This is something Orochimaru would definitely sell his soul for.' Sasuke thought for a bit already having knowledge of the sage due to his time with Orochimaru.

" Who is Rikudo Sennin? " Sakura questions the younger generation were mostly interested since the adults were freaking out. " This is the man who created Ninjutsu and spread chakra throughout the world." Itachi informed the new generation. He himself was having a small mental breakdown.

" Really."

" The guy that created ninjutsu, are you sure? That's him? Shouldn't he be dead then?"

" The person you're seeing is the actual Rikodou sennin, no tricks. " Sho confirmed the old folk identity.

Why did Hagoromo even show up? " Shisui was dying to know. The akatsuki agree with Shisui.

" Eh!? That guy ero-sensei and Nagato were talking about!?" The young girl was left flabbergasted by the identity of the old hermit. " Oh, do you know me?"

" Naruto, you know of the Rikudou Sennin?" Shikamara was left surprised. " Yeah, Ero-sensei told me tales of him as we were traveling. "

' She knows of Nagato' the revelation left Konan to think deeply. ' If she does it most likely means, Nagato lost against her.'

" You're the one who created ninjutsu in the first place, aren't you?" The historical figure grabs his staff. " Not Ninjutsu, Ninshu. My ninshu was made to create hope. Don't mix it up with ninjutsu, that was made to create wars." Sennin corrects the blond.

" That's enlightening, " Mikoto said. Nagato, Madara, Obito, Itachi, and Tobirama had to agree with Mikoto.

" What does the Sennin mean by that. " Tenten wonder.

" Well Hagoromo hopes to create peace via chakara in the way of ninshu. Ninshu is the practice of people understanding each other through chakra."

" Chakra was originally used for peace." Pein was shell shocked since he believed all chakra bread was conflicted and suffering. " I never expected that. '' Jiriaya was intrigued by the prospect.

" On the other hand, ninjutsu derived from ninshu created for the purpose of conflict. "

" So, Ninshu is chakra used for peace while ninjutsu is its polar opposite." Hashirama voiced out what he understood from the explanation. Inside he is happy that there is a way to use chakra for peace instead of wars.

The Sennin tapped his staff to the mass of water below them now showing an image of a young man." You are my son, Ashura. Anyways, now is the right time. There is something I must entrust with you. "

" Ashura? Entrust? Stop saying weird things and just get me out of here!! "

" I'm Sorry, but that's not something I can do. It depends on what the *people outside* do with you. I can only *tell you*. "

" Once again I can't understand you!"

" The point is that now it's useless for you to fret. Therefore I'll ask you. No, you must ask me. First of all about my kaa-san and sons. " a picture of a woman appears.

" Woh, She is extremely pretty." Inocomments.

" My mother, Kaguya Ootsutsuki, came to your land from a faraway place. She came to pick up theChakura no Mi ( Chakra fruit ). It's the shinju tree you saw in this war. Its fruit is made of chakra.

" Chakra came from a fruit?" Neji was dumbfounded, the audience were also surprised.

" Kagaya ate that fruit and with the power she gained she ruled over this land."

" Where did Kaguya come from? Is she stronger than you? It's really true that kaa-san's are scary when they're angry!"

" Where she came from is not important. She was strong, stronger than anyone else. People used to call her the rabbit goddess or the demon they worshiped and feared. Kaguya then gave birth to two children." An image of Kaguya looking down to her children to the Juubi facing against both of Kaguya children. "To repent for our okaa-san sins. My brother and I fought against the Juubi, which was an incarnation of the Shinju tree, and sealed it inside me . The holy tree, robbed of its Chakura no Mi ( Chakra fruit ), went on a rampage in an attempt to recover it."

" Much later than that, I had two childrens. I named the elder Indra, the younger Ashura, and taught them both ninshu. But there was a huge difference between the two. One possessed genes containing my powerful chakra, and one did not. This manifested in the most extreme manner."

" The Rikudo sennin had son's." Kisame was intrigued only hearing rumors of the man.

" Yes, In fact the progenitor of the Uchiha clan was his eldest son, Indra while the Senju and later Uzumaki was Ashura." Madara informed the others.

( Side note: I went back to review Naruto. Specifically ch 462 and Obito surprisingly knows alot about Hagoromo, Indra and Ashura. I also think Madara knows this subject as well.)

" Is that true?" Minato learned a thing today. Hashirama, Tobirama, Jiraiya and Tsunade like Minato learned a new thing. " The Uzumaki and Senju are related with the Uchiha to the Rikudou Sennin that's cool, Dattebane."

" Where did you even gain that knowledge?" Tobirama wonders in frustration.

" The Uchiha stone tablet, in the Nara shrine created by Rikudou Sennin himself. holds a lot of documentaries of himself, to even some of his children and their unfortunate circ*mstances. The only problem is you must gain a certain level of the sharingan to decipher it. " Fugaku reveals where Madara may have obtained the knowledge from.

" It's starting to get hard to follow you again. What's it all mean? "

" In short Exceptional nii-san, Indra and dunce of otouto, Ashura" A reflection of the Sennin sons is shown.

" Dunce. Huh even though his you-san the Rikudo Sennin."

" Perhaps this needn't be said. No matter how exceptional both parents are, there's no guarantee one will inherit either of their abilities. Sound familiar?" a picture of Kushina and Minato formed as Naruto sighs and Hagoromo smiles. " Just as it seems to have been in your case, Naruto."

" I think, I kind of knew deep inside."

" You are truly quite similar to Ashura. In action, as well."

" Huh, my action?"

" My actions? Indra and Ashura walked different paths. The nii-san, Indra possessed a strong visual power and sense from birth and was called a genius. He always did everything by himself, leaning more on his strength, and came to understand that his powers were different and special. He perceived that power can achieve everything."

" He sounds like Teme. A lonely and antisocial person " Naruto named the similarity the bastard she was sitting on had to Indra. " Madara also." Hashirama adds.

" On the other hand, nothing ever went well for his otouto, Ashura. From the time he was little, he couldn't do anything all on his own. In order to obtain the same power as his nii-san. He always needed the cooperation of others in addition to his own effort while struggling through training, the power of my body awakened within him and he attained power rivaling's his brother."

" That sounds alot like Nauto." Gaara compared Ashura to Naruto. " Nii-san as well" Tobirama noticed a few similarities to Hashirama.

" He learned of the love for others that arises from others and perceived that I was love that achieved everything." Hagoromo paused for a little before resuming. ' I thought, I caught a glimpse of new possibilities within Ashura way of living. I split my Juubi inside of me into nine pieces and named them and believed the bonds known as COOPERATION was TRUE POWER." The water shifts to show the nine bijuu surrounding the Rikudo Sennin.

" Isn't that the bijuu." Kankuro gasps.

" I see the myths are true then. The nine bijuu derive from the Rikudo Sennin." Jiraiya said.

" Later, I named the otouto my successor thinking the older one would cooperate with his otouto. However Indra refused and thus from that day on, this interminable conflict, Began." A visual of Indra's complete body susanoo and Ashura chakra avatar appeared.

" It looks alot like Naruto and Sasuke's avatar from their final fight." Sakura blurts out.

" I have to agree"

" This is how the Senju and Uchiha conflict began." Tsunade suspects.

' Even after their flesh perished, the chakra they honed continued to reincarnate across time, without vanishing, over and over."

" Kind of creepy." Temari mumbled.

" It sounds like a ghost story. It's still possessing someone even now?" Behind Naruto, Ashura chakra became visible as the Sennin looked at Naruto. " You, Uzumaki Naruto. Ashura has reincarnated as you."

The audience all went silent once more, some attempting to comprehend the last bit. A portion of the crowd turned towards the young blond haired girl with whiskers. " That sounds extremely creepy, someone is possessing me." Naruto shuter.

" She, Ashura transmigrant."The kyuubi couldn't believe it.

" Oh Kami, Naruto you're the Sennin, Son reincarnate." Kiba yelled.

' She was more than I expected.' Obito though. Madara was also left stunned by this revelation.' So. who are progenitors reincarnate.' Both Shisui and Itachi think for candidate the only one, so far they came up with was Sasuke."

" Naruto is the Sennin daughter of some sort." Kushina was confused by the prospect. Minato's brain fied by the reveal. " My daughter is the reincarnation of the Rikudo Sennin." Mikoto tries to comfort her friend from her mini episode.

" I knew the gaki was special, but not to this degree." Jiraiya wide eyed. " I need sake for this." the current hokage said.

' Maybe we shouldn't go after Naruto.' Pein decides not wanting to smoke with the old timer seeing the fact he can somewhat exist after death.

" Who the other brother reincarnates into." Shikamaru tries to keep his composure.

" Why my eyes, I can clearly see Ashura's chakra clinging into you. Considering that you're not surprised. I suppose that maybe you've already somehow felt Ashura's presence inside of you?"

" You know."


" I see in that case, you probably know. Who Indra reincarnated as." The floating man question.

" Sasuke. Is that right?" Naruto replied.

" Ofcourse, Sasuke is Indra." Shisui yelled happily, since his guess was true. The crowd's attention is directed to Sasuke.

" Sasuke is the reincarnate of the progenitor." The masked Uchiha was schock while thinking of a way to gain Sasuke to his side. if he gains Sasuke he'll have a way to fight Naruto.

" Sasuke.." Mikoto looked at her child for a bit. Fugaku was flabbergasted.

" Teme is the reincarnate of the evil brother while I'm the good one." Naruto bluntly elaborate remembering when Hagoromo told them Indra began the feud.

" You two are practically reincarnated of two demigods." Kakashi exclaimed. " Why can't my team be normal?"

" I bet y'all next that ojii-san and Madara are reincarnated. I say they are. " Tsunade sent out a bet for anyone to join.

" I'll take the bet they aren't." Kiba, Deidara and Hidan joined in.

" Winner gets a year jonin salary."

" Tsunade-sama." Sakura felt embarrassed at her sensei. Hashirama laughs in the background knowing well enough he is responsible for this, Tobirama Sighs in the corner.

" That bastard of an Uchiha is Indra."Kurama at the moment is listening in at his Jii words.

" Yes, so you did realize."

" Even before Sasuke and I were there. What Do d'you call them "Reincarnates"? What happened to them?"

" The transmigrants of the previous generation were Hashirama and Madara. Hashirama was Ashura, Madara was Indra. I'm sure you know what happened to them."

" f*ck."

" No take backs."

" Me, you, the young boy and Mdara are all in the same boat." Hashirama said.

" This pair of transmigrants are too surprising. It could also explain their strength compared to any shinobi." Tobirama knew if the most likely case to be a reincarnate was mostly these two.

' not only Indra, but also Madra actually reincarnates this interesting." Obito thought.

" make sense." The audience acknowledged that Madara and Hashirama were prime candidates.

" You're basically a mini me."

" I guess so, dattebayo."

The kyuubi reminst on the time when team 7 reunited with Sasuke. how his chakra and action reminded him of a certain Uchiha when he entered Naruto mindscape." So that's why."

" However, Madara created an issue before the transmigration was over. He was too obsessed with power and took Hashirama's cells into his body. In other words, he mixed Indra's chakra with Ashura's and that brought out my chakra. That's how he awakened the rinnegan."

" The rinnegan is only obtainable to via Ashura's and Indra's chakra, eh." Konan suggested. which put to question how Nagato awakened the legendary doujutsu.

" You were alive." Tobirama turned to the ghost of the Uchiha. " The worst of all you've obtained those eyes." Madara ignored the white haired Senju.

" I did think that either Indra or one of his reincarnates would eventually do that. I left that stone monument so that people could reconsider, but it seems it didn't work."

" Basically, You've been watching your children fight until now?"

" Basically yes."

" I see"

" Kind of messed up." Choji adds when hearing the Sennin he oversaw his children's fighting and didn't try to put an end to it. A few audience members agree with choji.

" The chakra of ninshu is the power to connect people to one another. It's my belief that no one person's chakra should be greater than any other person's."

" Well the Uzumaki clan exists." Tobi sighs. " EH" Both Uzumaki clan members felt offended by Obito's comment. The audience sweat dropped, but agreed with Obito since no one actually has equal chakra to one another, especially the Uzumaki.

" Jashin-sama, this person must have failed at his job then." Hidan adds.

" kaa-san, even as she manages to bring an end to the conflict. She controlled the world with the power of one person. Before okaa-san gave birth to me and my brother, people began to fear the existence of such a being. Oka-san, who was once called the rabbit goddess, came to be feared as a demon for this reason. If power is accumulated into one person that power before long drives that person mad. "

'That's true.' Hiruzen agreed after what happened with his former pupil, Orochimaru.

" Right now, the same thing is happening to Madara just like Kaguya. Indra's successor has obtained the power of the Juubi, a power close to mine and is attempting to gain a power like Kaguya's." A reflection of Juubi Madara appears.

" In the future Uchiha Madara was revived thanks to the rinnegan if you're wondering about." Sho adds.

" Uchiha Madara was revived." Dread ran through Tsunade. How could they possibly beat Madara.

' My plan is a success.' Madara though. He couldn't believe he made it that far without any mishaps." Juubi power? Madara?" Hasjirama has been lost since when did Madara have the Juubi.

" A power close to the rikudo Sennin." Jiraiya felt fear. How could they possibly beat him even a non Juubi Madara based on tales about him seems way too much.

" Mugen Tsukuyomi ( Infinite Tsukuyomi. ) It is an illusion that puts everyone into a forever dream. Everyone is connected by the Shinju tree in their sleep. A technique to create living slaves."

" The Mugen Tsukuyomi."

"Okaa-san, on top of the byakugan, also had the power of the sharingan. She used those powers upon the people of the nation and created a gruesome jutsu. If chakra becomes one, a new Chakura no Mi ( Chakra fruit ) be if nothing is done to stop that from happening, the world will come to an end. "

" Byakugan" Hinata was confused when Hagoromo referenced her clan's dojutsu.

" Oh yeah, y'all don't know yet well Hyuugas. Hagoromo brothers, Hamura is the progenitor of your clan." Sho explains.

" THe Rikudo Sennin brothers is our clan creator." Neji digest that information given to him

" The Uzumaki, Senju, Hyuuga, and Uchiha all came from this woman." Gaara mumble.

" Pretty much."

" I think you do want to stop Madara. Unlike the previous predecessors, you got this strange bit of foolishness to you and that has possibly given birth to this different possibility."

" Even though you've been dead and watching over things for this long and seen the world come to this. Arigato, for still believing in us." Naruto thanks Hagoromoro for still having fate in them.

' Even after the long period of war and violence the Sennin still has faith in humanity' Madara and Obito disagreed with the Rikodu Sennin decision. Both nihilists believe humanity as nothing of value left.

" Don't thank me... I don't have that kind of vision. The world right now is Indra. No, this is what kaa-san would had become. This is just the natural flow of events from then. I'm simply being selfish in trying to stop them. Even as I thought, I could use the bijuu. The balance of the world used them not them not peace but weapons. My way of thinking was too naive. "

" The bijuu are meant for peace." Kushina, Naruto and Gaara learn an enlightening piece of information.

" Not at all! You weren't wrong at all!" Naruto disagrees with that testament.

" That's right, jii." The pool of water began to create shape. Out of the water Shukaku the one tailed is revealed. " Ah! Gaara's beast, Shukaku!? What are you doing inside of me?!"

" That Obito guy. He took a part of Shukaku's and my chakra out of Madara. He knew the bijuu power you still needed inside of you, that guy." The ox and octopus hybrid with 8 tails emerged from the liquid below.

" Obito did?!"

" Obito is alive" Kakashi, Minato, and Kushina were shocked that Obito may potentially be alive.

" How did Obito survive?" Gai was confused; all he knew was that the young boy died in the third great ninja war.

" Who Obito?" Sakura asked her sensei.

" My deceased teammate." Kakashi replied. " That Uchiha." Fugaku remembers the day the news of the boy's death spread and the whole fiasco with if Kakashi should keep his friend's eyes or not.

" Much has happened. I have also made it inside of you. With this, The chakra of all of the bijuu are inside you, Naruto!" Naruto turns to see the Kyuubi. " Ah! The other half of Kurama is here, too?!"

" Two kyuubi."

" I sort of split the Kyuubi into two." Minato gave a nervous laugh.

" You can do that." Hiruzen looked at the yondaime.

" True Kurama. Just as Gamamaru predicted. A mischievous blue-eyed girl who calls out the name of the Bijuu."

' The prophecy is true. Naruto is the one.' Jiriaya was happy inside that after several years he found the one. ' My travels weren't for nothing.'

" It appears as though you've charmed them all into lending you their strength. My spirit calls themes forth. Ashura's successor shall bow, as well."

" Shukaku, Matatabi, Isobu, Son goku, Kokuou, Saiken, Chomei, Gyuuki, and lastly Kurama. The time has come for the child of prophecy to change the world." The bijuu surround their creator and the girl that understood them.

" The child that jii prophecies would appear one day."Kurama inside the seal smiles a bit that his creator prophecy came to pass. ' She is the child of prophecy and not me, eh.' Nagato was surprised and looked at Konan.

" The bijuu."

" Naruto seems to be a big deal." Ino said.

" The bijuu all have names, uh. I guess I'll remember them." Naruto enthusiastically said.

" Naruto, what do you want to do? After this battle what do you seek? I want a sincere answer."

" It's true that I probably resemble this guy, Ashura but I'm a lot different from him. I'm stupid and gaki, and their plenty of things I still don't understand. I know what it is for someone to be my friend and I want to protect them, that's all."

" I never knew we meant so much to you, Naruto." Ino said.

" You don't have to worry about thoughts that are strong if you need our help and will be there for you." Sakura suggests her friend.

" She right friend, Naruto, we'll be there for you." Lee gives a thumbs up. Neji, Tenten, Shino, and Shikamaru agreed with Lee's sentiment.

" They're right, you know. Plus,You've changed many people's lives for the better." Gaara smiled. Naruto wide eyed and smiled.

" We'll always stay by your side even if the world is against you." Hinata declares in embarrassment. Kiba and Shino were surprised by Hinata, but agreed with her." Minato , our girl has a great friend, Dattebane." Kushina grinned, Minato agreed, happy that his daughter found friends.

" Is that you answer, then?" The screen split to show both reincarnation of this generation.

" yeah." Sasuke replies.

" Once before, I couldn't do anything as Indra turned upon Ashura after I entrusted everything to him. That was how this entire calamity began before we continue Uchiha Sasuke, what is Naruto to you?" Hogaromo asked the young Uchiha.

" My one and only friend." Sasuke answered truthfully.

" Is that true?" Naruto inside was happy that she had an impact on the Teme.

" Give me your hands, as now. To you Indra's successor, my power has also been entrusted."

" Sasuke and Naruto are receiving Hagoromo-sama power." Itachi remembers when Sho told them the two abilities and mentions the Rikudo Sennin a few times.

" From here on, Naruto and Sasuke. What you two will do, and what will happen all depends on you."

" Sasuke and I aren't blood related brothers. I think we can repair what we had between us. After all, We were friends." On both sides Naruto and Sasuke stretched out their dominant hand, so Hagoromo could transfer his chakra. In the outside world both reincarnates stood up.

Reacting to future - Chapter 11 - Decent_idiot (1)

" Sasuke." Karin was shocked.

"Naruto" Sakura looked in awe as Naruto stood up. Their clan symbols, The sun in Naruto case and moon in Sasuke's, lastly Sasuke's new dojutsu and Naruto Six path sage mode are shown. " Shall we."

" That's, why their so powerful in the future?" Kakashi finally understood.

" The two are in a different league of their own."

Reacting to future - Chapter 11 - Decent_idiot (2024)
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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

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Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.