Origins of the Fallen Emperor by VFSNAKE - Chapter 3 - Eclectic_Operator - Mortal Kombat (2024)

Chapter Text

He must win!

I found myself jerked back by an invisible force and look around with sharp eyes at my surroundings. Was it a dream? Some kind of vision of the future? I see I am in my throne room in Outworld, my mind focusing on what just happened, and what was happening now. Was this some spell placed on me by a treacherous sorcerer? Was it the Elder Gods playing mind games? Did I just see myself standing on top of some strange pyramid in my own realm and defeating Raiden? That I caused Armageddon? I find myself shaking my head slightly, blocking the images from my head, and focusing on the task at hand.

The conquering of Earthrealm.

Shang Tsung had assured me that the needed 10th and final victory in needed to win this Mortal Kombat Tournament and to take Earthrealm would soon be mine. All the warriors competing to defend that realm were weak, their moral broken from previous losses, and Goro himself was the reigning champion.

At least according to his prized sorcerer overseeing the tournament.

It wasn't until the old man I once taught the Dark Arts fell to his knees before me did I sense a certain...foreboding. A foreboding that was eclipsed by my rage that was ready to be unleashed before I even sensed it was there, but that thought was ignored after what I heard next.

Shang Tsung had failed to win the final tournament.

"You failed me! Five hundred years I have waited! Now I must wait five hundred more!" roared Shao Kahn in anger, but in the back of his mind, he senses a form of Déjà Vu.

Like he had been in this same spot having this same conversation before in at another point in time.

Shrugging it off, I narrowing my red smoldering eyes at the frightened sorcerer in front of me as he pleads his case regarding his failure, and I quickly silence him before issuing a command to Baraka to kill the fool. However, for all his pathetic excuses, Shang Tsung knew what to say, and how to say it in order to stay his execution.

And thus, he convinced me to spare his wretched life in order to use him for another plan to take Earthrealm by having another Mortal Kombat Tournament. While I grew sick of them after enduring 500 years of waiting for one victory after the next, Shang Tsung had convinced me one more couldn't hurt, and to hold it here in Outworld. That we would have a considerable advantage over Earthrealm's participating warriors and even Raiden himself.

All that was needed was for Raiden to agree to the terms of this tournament. If he did, the Elder Gods would have no choice BUT to allow me the right to claim Earthrealm when my side won. However, I was also aware of what would happen should my side lose, a sense of foreboding arose in me again, and I had to ensure we did indeed win this time.

So I commanded Shang Tsung to not only convince Raiden to have his warriors compete in this new tournament, but to have my sorcerer participate as well. Naturally, I could not have him compete as the frail old man, who lost to Earthrealm's newest champion, and risk another loss.

So I gave Shang Tsung his youth back. His power was strengthen by my good graces and I made him realize that failure was not an option for him in this assignment.

Only now, the sense of foreboding didn't leave like I had hoped. It lingered. Gnawing at me like some hungry rat nibbling the flesh off of a corpse in one of my dungeons. All I could do was ignore it, believing my forces would win in the end, and Raiden's followers would be crushed before I moved to take Earthrealm like I first desired.

It was only later when my Mortal Kombat Tournament was held, did I find myself filled with rage at the continued incompetence of my forces, and their inability to win against Earthrealm's warriors. It seemed none could stand against them, as Scorpion to Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, and my new Shokan warrior Kintaro had failed to prove their worth in assuring my victory.

And in my anger, I lashed out at Earthrealm's current victor Kung snapping his neck.

And effectively killing him.

In that moment, time slowed down, Raiden was about to attack me for killing the prideful boy without issuing the challenge of Mortal Kombat. I was prepared to fight the Thunder God, but due to my short sightedness on my part, I failed to prepare for the attack coming from Kung Lao's fellow Shaolin Warrior Lui Kang, who was the previous tournament winner, and the one responsible for Shang Tsung's failure. In the boy's rage, he used his ability to create fire, and formed it around his fist before driving the appendage straight through my chest.

I found myself reliving a memory of another time, from another place, and another foe doing the exact same thing to me...more then once. Only the difference then and now was I was being hit by a fist filled with fire. Not lightning. I lay on the ground, dying from the injury, I see my forces rush after Raiden's warriors, all of whom had quickly fled back to their precious realm, victory now assured, and my ability to take Earthrealm now lost to me forever. Part of me, long forgotten had screamed in rage at the injustice of it all, as my desires, and my ambition to getting my revenge were being taken away.

And yet...not all was lost. Quan Chi had not chased after Raiden and his warriors like my forces had after my fall. He used his powers to heal me and save my life before it was too late. When I appeared before my Generals, I overheard them talking about who would be the one to take over as ruler of Outworld. Mileena was nominated instantly, as I had already decreed her my true heir, and daughter after Kitana had brought Shang Tsung to me earlier regarding the project.

The look of hurt in her eyes when I told the woman the truth brought about an ache in my heart at the time, but I crushed it knowing soon or later, Kitana would have betrayed me. Now his former daughter was in Earthrealm with Raiden's warriors, no doubt celebrating their victory over me, and no doubt celebrating my supposed demise. Not to mention the new found knowledge that Earthrealm is safe from any Outworld invasion on my part.

But I am not so easily vanquished.

Quan Chi soon proposed to me that I should simply invade Earthrealm and to take what was mine from the start. I was angered by the sorcerer's words, as he knew perfectly well that I couldn't crossover personally into Earthrealm like I wanted to from the start. When my Queen Sindel killed herself, she had created a powerful magic ward to deny me that right, and thus prevented my body from entering the realm. The only way I could cancel out such a powerful magic out until now would be to win 10 consecutive Mortal Kombat Tournaments to absorb Earthrealm into a part of Outworld.

But like Shang Tsung at times, Quan Chi can be very persuasive in his arguments when he has to be regarding the rules of set forth by the Elder Gods. Not surprising when one of them was in the service of a former Elder God and knew all the rules by heart.

The sorcerer in question had figured out a way to get around such a power, as he could bring Sindel back to life using his sorcery, and cancel out the magic ward created from her death. Not only that, but he could bring Sindel under my control, and influence so I would have a Queen by my side worthy of me. No more betrayals. No more would I be denied a woman of strength, beauty, and skill befitting an Emperor like myself.

For a moment, I picture the image of a girl full grown into a woman similar to Sindel with long dark hair, lavender eyes, and a deadly skills in hand to hand fighting before banishing the image away. That person was dead for over a thousand years, no doubt she had moved on, and had her own line of children who had their own, and repeated it for quite some time. If she did have any descendants, I would spare them my wrath, or at the very least give them the chance to serve me when I found my birth realm.

"I am weary of sorcerers, Quan Chi. Prove your worth. Bring her to me," commanded a still angry Shao Kahn, as he saw the sorcerer humbly bow, and leave with his shadowy bodyguard for where Sindel's body was located.

It wasn't long before Quan Chi brought my Queen before me and the woman looked into my eyes with adoration like the sorcerer promised. She looked at me with love. She soon kissed me and I returned it with a passion. Sindel was mine again once more.

And so was my chance to take Earthrealm.

I called for my forces to prepare for battle. I was going to do what I should have done from the start and taken Earthrealm by force whether the Elder Gods approved or not.

Once more, a sense of foreboding gnawed at my mind, but I ignored it completely, as my desire to take my Queen in our bed, and conquer Earthrealm burned within my body. I was tired of showing restraint. Tired of playing it safe. Being cautious of what the Elder Gods would do should I violate the rules of Mortal Kombat.

Rules were made to be broken!

However, my soon to be victory would come at a price. My army while vicious and many in number, were being repelled back by Raiden along with the Thunder God's forces. The Black Dragon Clan leader Kano provided my forces with modernized weapons to help fight Earthrealm's own soldiers. But the weapons provided were in short supply and mine were not fully trained in what the mercenary provided for their use. I needed to make sure my authority over Earthrealm was absolute in the eyes of my future subjects, as I ordered Quan Chi to make take prisoners in order to prepare a Soulnado to draw strength from the souls upon entering the realm.

Unfortunately, while Quan Chi was successful, he failed to keep it open, and was soon lost thanks to one of Raiden's warriors. Before that, my newest General Motaro, who had taken over for the Shokan, was slain by Raiden during one of his hunts for any potential threats, and my patience was growing increasingly thin. Raiden's forces were holding their own, my losses were increasing, and it was only a matter of time before I was forced back before my own arrival.

It was then my Queen offered to hunt down these pests and eliminate them for good so I would not be opposed when I crossed into the realm. I agreed, but I wasn't about to send Sindel to Earthrealm just to have her be killed by the combined might of the opposition. The Edenian Queen needed to be stronger, more powerful, and more deadlier then ever before if this fierce warrior woman was going to fight her own daughter.

And for that to happen, I needed Shang Tsung's help. Or rather...I needed the ever large collection of souls residing within his the expense of his life.

He would not be missed.

With my beloved Queen now hunting down the Earthrealm warriors, I was preparing for the event of entering Earthrealm itself, and taking what was mine. No longer would I be afraid of the Elder Gods or the consequences I would possible face upon breaking their rules regarding the merging of the realms without the means of Mortal Kombat.

I was Shao Kahn: Conqueror of Realms! It was high time I remind those around me of that important fact.

However, when I exited the portal to Earthrealm, nothing could have surprised me more then to see Raiden bow in submission. One of his prized warriors, Lui Kang was on the ground nearby, and covered in burns that looked like one would receive from being hit by lightning. Two of his warriors disobeyed the Thunder God and charged me, but I batted them away with a fraction of my power. A shame really. The blonde haired woman had a nice figure for an Earthrealm warrior. I thought of turning her into a concubine or slave girl temporarily came to the forefront of my mind, but that left when I saw Raiden stand before me.

Only to bow in submission.

"Ah, Raiden. You have come to your senses," said Shao Kahn with a hint of surprise in his voice.

"Earthrealm's citizens suffer. Further resistance serves no purpose," replied Raiden in a humble tone while the Emperor laughed.

"All these ages you have fought me. You denied me my rightful claim. Not this time," said Shao Kahn before standing in front of Raiden and hit the Thunder God with a mighty uppercut that sent him flying back.

It was here, reality began to distort itself from events from another time.

"The Elder Gods fear me, now," declared Shao Kahn before laughing and lifting Raiden up by the front of his clothes.

"Their pathetic Mortal Kombat shackles me no longer," declared the Emperor after he picked up Raiden and began striking him several times in the face with his fists before throwing him across the rooftop.

His badly cracked amulet falling off of him and shattering into many pieces.

"They masquerade as dragons, but are mere toothless worms," said Shao Kahn mockingly while he walked towards Raiden, Wrath Hammer in hand, and standing over the Thunder God before putting his massive foot down.

"You can feel it. Closing in around you. It is the end of all things," boasted Shao Kahn while seeing this realm being taken over piece by piece.

"Elder Gods, where are you? Why do you forsake me?" asked Raiden while looking at the heavens above and awaiting for some kind of miracle by the Elder Gods.

"Your time has past," said Shao Kahn after picking Raiden up again and throwing him across the roof.

'I don't understand. I've done what needs to be done and yet...what am I missing?' thought Raiden while struggling to stand.

"Ages wasted in foolish resistance. I have won," declared Shao Kahn before he stood in front of Raiden's kneeling form.

"Yes. You have won," admitted Raiden, as he finally conceded defeat fully, and awaiting for the killing strike once more like what happened to his future self.

"Now, Raiden. Your world ends," declared Shao Kahn with a grin on his face and he now brought his Wrath Hammer up to deliver the killing blow while letting out a war cry.

Only for golden lightning to shoot down from the sky, getting the Emperor of Outworld's attention, and the Elder Gods appeared around Raiden. They entered his body and healed him of his injuries before addressing the warlord through the Thunder God's body.

"You violate our will, Shao Kahn. You merge realms without victory in Mortal Kombat. Our penalty is clear," declared the combined voices of the Elder Gods through Raiden before they got golden lightning at the Emperor.

Only to see it doing absolutely nothing except making Shao Kahn laugh.

"An anemic effort from ineffectual deities. Today, I become THE Elder God!" declared Shao Kahn, as he was not harmed in the slightest by the attack, and saw his opponent was now going to fight him for the right to this realm.

He wouldn't have it any other way.

The battle was brutal. One I had not experience in years. In ages actually. My time sitting on the throne had done little to improve my position of my own power growing. The last time I faced such a powerful foe was when I ambushed my weakened predecessor Onaga: The Dragon King. But this was different. Onaga was poisoned, caught off guard, and did not see the hit coming. I was currently fighting a Thunder God, who was now empowered with the strength of the Elder Gods themselves, and they weren't holding back on me in the slightest.

The gnawing feeling in the back of my mind began to return in force. I realized there was a chance I could lose here, but my pride wouldn't let me stop, wouldn't let me leave, and wouldn't be denied the right to this realm. I wanted it! I needed it! I fought wildly against Raiden, but he kept on dodging moving with his element, and pushing me back until it was too much. At another point in time, at any another place, I would have won this fight, and the realms would have been mine! But in my already weakened state, I was unable to achieve my victory over Raiden, and the Elder Gods like I had first hoped. When the time was right, they finally made their move, leaving Raiden's body, and quickly surrounding mine before taking me away into the sky to face their divine punishment.

I had lost. I had failed. I Shao Kahn: Conqueror of Realms and Emperor to the Realm of Outworld...had been defeated.

Which was why I find myself currently on my knees, bound in ethereal golden chains, all attached to the floor, and at this time surrounded on all sides within the center of Hall of the Elder Gods. Each of them has a face of anger surrounding their visages while glaring at my bound body. My eyes are closed, I'm too weak to even consider opening them, and I can feel my head is no longer covered by my helmet. I am exposed to them. All that I am is seen by the Elder Gods and its clear they don't like it. Not surprising. To them, I was a demonic entity forged through the magic powers from Onaga, and the Shadow Priests. I was a vile thing that deserved to be thrown into the deepest darkest regions of the Netherrealm and have the demons down there rip me to pieces.

"This is an insult! This creature has violated our decree. For too long Shao Kahn has used every possible way to get around our laws. It is clear he must be made an example of to ensure no one else makes similar attempts," decreed one Elder God loudly in the room.

Many of them were nodding in agreement, but few said nothing while looking at me with their piercing gaze. I knew they were looking at me because I could sense it. As they did, I thought back upon my past, what led me to this moment, the reason why I done what I did, and why I first became what I did. My vow, my promise, and the principle behind my belief in keeping my promises.

'I must get free. I must get my revenge!' thought Shao Kahn as he clenched his hands into fists while hearing the Elder Gods arguing on how he should be punished.

"It has been decided. The only punishment befitting Shao Kahn's crimes against us and the realms is death!" bellowed another Elder God at last.

"Some things never change," whispered Shao Kahn before letting out a chuckle.

"What? If you have something to say Shao Kahn, then say it!" commanded another Elder God, a female voice from the sound of it.

"You act like your are eyes all seeing. That you are all knowing. But you are nothing of the sort. If you were, then you would know of our long lost history, and that it is because of you that I was able to alive this long," remarked Shao Kahn while the Elder Gods now narrowed their eyes at him.

"What do you mean Shao Kahn? Speak!" commanded another Elder God who had a deep male voice and was clearly not amused.

"Look through my mind Elder Gods. I know you can. Look at what I was before I came into the service of Onaga. Why I have done all that I have done. And...the reason why I will not let you destroy me so easily," replied Shao Kahn with his eyes snapping open and determination was now showing through his crimson red eyes.

The Elder Gods looked at each other, clearly unsure if not curious about his words, and decided to investigate if what Shao Kahn said was in fact true. So they looked into his mind, going deep into the man's memories to the point where he was born, and began their journey to understanding him. They saw into the man's birth, the reason for them being summoned to help Minato seal the Kyuubi into the child, and what soon followed the sealing itself. The Elder Gods slowly became angry from what they saw, as they saw the abuse the innocent boy endured, how the boy struggled everyday just to live, and even then there were quite a few close calls.

They saw the shame of a test at a Shinobi Academy.

The betrayal of one of the Academy Instructors in a quest for power.

Another Academy Instructor secretly hating the abused child and for something he didn't even know about.

The truth of why he was hated being revealed to the boy.

The farce of a Genin team he had been put on with an even more pathetic instructor who also hated the boy.

The training the team went through with the hated child getting little to no help at all in the field while those around him got so much more and used him as a training dummy before rubbing it in his face.

They saw the battle on the bridge in Wave Country and the events that followed.

The Chuunin Exams from start to finish.

The invasion of the Leaf village.

The supposed death of the Sandaime.

Dealing with two members of the Akatsuki.

Bringing back Senju Tsunade to Konoha and nearly dying.

Being saved by the woman he was looking to bring back if only to be used as a weapon later on by her and those under her future command.

And then they got to the point in the memories where Uchiha Sasuke tried to desert the village for the power Orochimaru was offering. How the blonde fought him in a fight worthy of Mortal Kombat. How the blonde blue eyed boy, who was considering to be the weakest Shinobi of his generation, had succeeded through sheer determination alone against the strongest. The blonde endured lethal blow after lethal blow that would have killed anyone else taking those hits and still coming back for more because that was the mission.

And when the mission was over?

When the blonde brought the Uchiha back?

It was then the Elder Gods found their rage reach its zenith!

The blonde boy was betrayed by those he trusted. His Godparents. The Sandaime Hokage who did not die like everyone first assumed. They saw how the boy had the truth revealed about how he was to be used by the village until his purpose came to an end, and would die. That the village's government official had feared his potential, his power, and what he would do wit hit if the truth was revealed.

And set him up to die publically at the hands of his own Father. A man who violated the pact in the first place with the Elder Gods and conspired with others around him to take control of a prophecy foretelling the revolution or destruction of the Shinobi way. How everyone close to the Yondaime Hokage believed him to be the "Child of Prophecy" and he had the power to change the world with Konoha being on top ruling it.

It infuriated the Elder Gods when seeing this disturbing truth brought to light. How dare these mere mortals try and influence a prophecy for their own benefit! These mortals of this realm believed this Yondaime Hokage was the "Child of Prophecy" was no more the chosen one then the Sannin who trained him. In fact, the "Child of Prophecy" the Sannin mentioned was actually the blonde haired blue eyed boy they were about to kill.

It was when the boy they had learned was named Naruto was about to be executed by his Father did the Elder Gods heard the boy's call, and making them remember what they did over one thousand years ago.

Elder Gods! Hear me! The contract you made with the mortal to seal up the Kyuubi inside me on the grounds of noble intentions has been violated! I call upon you now to honor your part of the contact to use your power to save this vessel from a death he does not deserve!

The Elder Gods saw the boy's body being burned, torn to shreds while being sucked into the portal meant to save him, and ultimately landing in Outworld before being dragged in front of Onaga: The Dragon King himself. They saw how the Dragon King was about to kill the boy, but stayed his hand, and decided to change the child into his loyal warrior.

A warrior he named...Shao Kahn.

A warrior, who made a promise, and vowed to keep that promise no matter what.

Even if he had to conqueror every realm in existence.

And the rest as they say...was history.

"This is...unprecedented," remarked one Elder God solemnly while staring into the eyes of Shao Kahn.

"Now you see the truth. Now you see why I do what I do. Why I have done all that I have done. I will not be cheated out of my revenge. Not by Raiden. Not by Quan Chi, Shinnok, or even you the Elder Gods. I made a promise long ago to crush those in that realm and I will keep way or another!" replied Shao Kahn before he slowly began to stand.

"This has changed things," stated the female sounding Elder God.

"In what way? He violated the rules! Shao Kahn must be punished! Nothing exempts him from it even if his purpose is required to fulfill a prophecy!" said another Elder God in anger.

"If anyone is to blame for Shao Kahn's actions thus far, then the blame should be placed ultimately on all of us. Due to our lack of action in not being more careful where we sent the boy when called to help him, he ended up as a servant of the Dragon King. Not only that, but the mortals of the Chakra Realm have become far too bold, believing they can do whatever they want without consequences. We also never did intervene when Uzumaki Naruto was being tortured by his own village in the Chakra Realm while he was growing up. If we had, things would have been different, Onaga would have never turned the boy into what he is now," replied the female Elder God while Shao Kahn saw the others nodding in agreement.

"Shao Kahn must still be punished. There is no denying that fact. However, given the circ*mstances being partially, if not entirely our fault for making his 'rebirth' under Onaga's rule happen, I think its only fair Shao Kahn does something that will benefit us all," said a third Elder God in a sagely tone.

"In what way?" asked Shao Kahn curiously.

"As it stands, you Shao Kahn have violated our rules, killed countless warriors, and conquered countless worlds in your pursuit of the one realm you were born from. The one realm you wish to return to in order to destroy those that betrayed your trust and those that follow them. While we do not denounce you for your actions, we cannot approve of them either, and thus we must find a balance where all parties benefit," said the elderly sounding Elder God.

"To that end, we believe that the best way to achieve justice for ALL sides, is to ensure you fulfill your original purpose as the 'Child of Prophecy', and send you back to the Chakra Realm. Your former home is on the brink of setting off Armageddon and they don't even know it because they are blind to their own greed. Even should we enter that realm, it puts us at risk of being sealed away, or someone there making a contract with us for some form of power. We tend to leave the Chakra Realm alone unless we have a necessary reason to interfere," said the female sounding Elder God having seen that realm's future.

"However, to ensure you are properly punished for your past crimes, we hereby ban you from leaving the Chakra Realm unless we require your assistance, or should your realm need to be defended by participating in a Mortal Kombat Tournament!" said the angry sounding Elder God.

"Even if I agree to the terms, the betrayal happened well over a millennia ago. Everyone I know from that time are all dead," remarked Shao Kahn with frustration and anger in his voice.

"Actually, they are not dead. We have long since known about the potential behind the Chakra Realm soon after the Sage of Sixth Paths taught the world how to use chakra. To counter the developmental process of this realm from becoming too unstable or out of control, we used our power to slow time down considerably. A little over a millennia outside of the Chakra Realm is equal to six years within it," replied the female Elder God to the shock of Shao Kahn.

"So they are alive. All of them," remarked Shao Kahn off handedly while his mind began to process exactly what that meant.

This meant his allies he had gained outside of Konoha. The various places that would no doubt welcome him with open arms once they heard of his return. He could build up an army, gather resources, form a new empire, and when the time was right...crush the Leaf along with the very country that funds it.

Konoha wanted to start an all out war to bring about its superiority? Shao Kahn was more then happy to grant them a war, but not the one they would want, and not one they would win. Oh no! Shao Kahn planned to bring upon them a war that will haunt the people of the Leaf to the end of their days and long after their wretched diseased souls were sent to the lowest parts of the Netherrealm to suffer for their crimes.

That would also mean...was she even alive? He needed to know. He must know!

"Do you accept the terms we have set for you Shao Kahn? Or would you prefer we call you Uzumaki Naruto now?" asked one of the Elder Gods, who had yet to speak to him.

"I am Shao Kahn. Uzumaki Naruto's soul may reside within, but as far as the body that represented that weak boy is no longer exists. As to your terms regarding my punishment...I accept," answered the former Emperor of Outworld before the ethereal chain that held him broke.

"We will open a portal to a place in the realm near a place you are familiar with and are on friendly terms," replied the female Elder God.

"Good. I will need time to recover my strength from the battle I had with all of you back in Earthrealm. There is also the issue regarding my former Father holding the other half of the Biju's chakra. He should not have it within his body," replied Shao Kahn with the Elder Gods nodding in agreement.

"Agreed. It must be removed," said one Elder God in a firm tone.

"Bring him here. I'll rip it out of him myself. It does belong me after all," said Shao Kahn with a grin on his face.

"Very well," said another Elder God before they called upon their power and opened a portal that soon spat out a stunned Namikaze Minato.

"Ouch! What happened? One moment, I'm on the field of battle fighting Iwa Shinobi, and the next I' Where the Hell am I?!" asked Minato before he found himself bound in golden chains that held the man in place.

"You are in the Hall of the Elder Gods one Namikaze Minato. Do you know why you would be summoned to face us?" said a female Elder God with Minato struggling to get free, but was shocked with golden lightning from the chains.

"I don't know nor do I care. Do you not know who I am outside of my name? I am was once the Yondaime Hokage of Konoha. The Yellow Flash. I will not be bullied by so called Gods and deities for their sick amusem*nt!" protested Minato while trying to draw on the fox's demonic chakra, but found it wasn't responding to him, and soon heard chuckling to his right.

"Its not fun being wrapped up in chains and hurt by those more powerful then you, is it Namikaze Minato?" mocked Shao Kahn while walking over to the struggling man.

"And you would be who exactly?" asked Minato with a glare despite seeing this mountain of a man with an almost demonic looking face standing in front of him before getting hocked to the point where his legs gave out.

"Come now Namikaze Minato, formerly the Yondaime Hokage of Konoha. Surely you recognize your own son?" asked Shao Kahn while letting out a cruel chuckle when he saw Minato's eyes widen in shock and fear.

"No. No its not possible! Naruto is dead! We burned his body and saw it fade away into that portal. He was fatally injured. Even the Uzumaki bloodline limit couldn't have saved him for long," protested Minato in denial while Shao Kahn grabbed the man by the face and was staring him right in the eyes.

"I know its hard to believe, Father!Who would believe me? Who would believe that I am your progeny. That I was once a skinny, malnourish, naive boy, who dreamed of one day being Hokage, and getting the respect I deserved. Oh yes, it has been quite some time since I was that frail little thing you called a son. A son you didn't want. A son you felt was not needed in your life. All so you could harness the power of your half of the fox's chakra sealed inside your gut to achieve more fame, power, and glory in the name of your precious Konoha," replied Shao Kahn before letting go of the shocked man on his knees.

"So you've come for revenge just like you promised us," concluded Minato while Naruto let out a chuckle.

"You think I'm going to kill you here? That ending your life in this place will satisfy my desire to crush you and everyone like you? Don't make me laugh!" declared Shao Kahn with Minato looking confused.

"'re not going to kill me here?" asked Minato with Naruto smirking at him.

"No. I want you to return to Konoha. Let them know that Uzumaki Naruto is alive, well, and getting stronger. I want them and you to come at me with everything you've got!" said Shao Kahn while flexing his right hand before forming a fist.

"You would be foolish to not kill me here. When I get free from these chains, I'm going to show you why was made Yondaime Hokage of Konoha," said Minato while tensing his body and getting ready to use his powers to put down his son once and for all.

"Yes. About that. You know the Kyuubi's chakra? The one half you have inside of you?" asked Shao Kahn with Minato's eyes going wide.

"Yeah. What of it?" questioned Minato with a hint of fear in his voice before he let out a gasp, followed by a scream of pain, and looked down in shock.

His son's massive hand was in his torso where the seal was located.

"I'm taking it back. It doesn't belong to you. It never did in the first place," replied Shao Kahn into the Shinobi's ear before he drew the fox's chakra out from the man and relished hearing Minato screaming out in agony.

When the process was over, Shao Kahn backed away from Minato, letting the power of the fox's other half wash over him, synchronizing with his power, which at one point was Kyuubi's first half before Onaga merging it with his body from the beginning. Now the two halves were whole again, healing Shao Kahn of his recent injuries, restoring his lost strength, and showing memories of the Yondaime Hokage's exploits during the man's six (in Chakra Realm) years.

Everything Namikaze Minato had ever done or was planning to do in the future was now known to Shao Kahn.

"You dumb bastard for a child! Don't you know what you've done?! What I had to go through to learn how to use that power properly? What that half of Kyuubi sealed inside of me did for the people of Konoha? What I was able to do exactly with its power under my direct command?!" demanded Minato while trying to get off the ground, but failed due to a large portion of his strength if not all of it had been drained by the tall man in front of him.

"You mean using the fox's chakra inside of you to reverse the aging process with the help of Senju Tsunade's skills in Medical Ninjutsu," replied Shao Kahn with Minato looking at him in surprise.

"H-How did you know?" asked Minato with Shao Kahn tapping the side of his head.

"Why, the memories from half of Kyuubi you sealed inside your body of course. Kyuubi was never the mindless beast you and everyone else saw him as Namikaze Minato. Not that it matters anymore since that power is now far out of your reach," replied Shao Kahn while he was enjoying the sight of Namikaze Minato glaring at him in rage before the man decided on addressing the Elder Gods.

"Don't you realize what he has done?! I am the 'Child of Prophecy' damn it! Even Gods must respect someone foretold in prophecies and ensure they happen," said Minato while the Elder Gods did not look amused.

"What you say is indeed true former Yondaime Hokage. However, YOU are not the 'Child of Prophecy' that was foretold would appear in your realm. But your son is," replied one of the Elder Gods to Minato's shock, horror, and fear before turning to face Shao Kahn who was laughing hysterically at him.

"Do you hear that my stupid Father? I am the one the Toad Sage foretold about. Not you! Not Naruko! ME! And I already know how I want to proceed in dealing with the current way of the Shinobi in the Chakra Realm," replied Shao Kahn with his grin never leaving him.

"No. No you wouldn't!" exclaimed Minato, as he figured out what Shao Kahn planned to do, and wasn't going to allow it.

"I can and I will. Your time has past old man. You along with every Shinobi in Konoha and all of your allies will fall by my hands," replied Shao Kahn before a portal opened up several feet behind him and the chains holding Minato fell off the man.

"He can no longer stay here. Send him back to the Chakra Realm," commanded one of the Elder Gods and Shao Kahn grinned further.

"Give my best regards to my Mother and Naruko. I intend to see those two, along with Jiraiya, Hiruzen, Tsunade, Kakashi, and all the other power hungry traitors of my former home very soon," added Shao Kahn before throwing Minato, who was now screaming in protest after being launched into the portal.

"It is time," said the female Elder God firm yet kind tone.

Shao Kahn simply nodded, knowing he had to keep his end of the deal he made with the Elder Gods, and had every intention of doing it. It wasn't even a bad punishment for him actually. Sure he was going to be confined to one realm, but that didn't matter, and there was always a chance the Elder Gods might need his help one day. Or maybe the Chakra Realm would have to fight off another ambitious realm by means of Mortal Kombat and he could leave to participate in it. Either way, Shao Kahn had no intention of backing out of the deal, and fully intended to get his revenge on Konoha in the process.

With that thought in mind, the former Emperor of Outworld entered the portal, knowing it would take him to the realm he was born in, and would have to fight with all his being to win. Once the portal engulfed his body, it closed behind Shao Kahn, and an silence filled the Hall of the Elder Gods.

"I take it you sent Shao Kahn somewhere with solid ground to walk on?" asked Elder God Argus, as he appeared in his physical form in front of the other Elder Gods.

"Yes. I sent him to the first place to ever acknowledged his existence in life as a person. As Uzumaki Naruto. With any luck, the people there can bring the noble side of him out once more," replied the female Elder God while Argus nodded his head.

"And you also saw what I did regarding Wave Country in the Chakra Realm. How they are losing the war with Fire Country's forces after years of the two fighting within the political arena. Even now, I see the army of Konoha Shinobi have slowly yet successfully oppressed the country's populace there, and they have finished renaming the bridge after the traitorous boy, Uchiha Sasuke. The one Naruto brought back which resulted in his near execution," replied Argus, as he saw a lot of Shang Tsung, and Quan Chi in Uchiha Sasuke with their love for betraying others or going back on their word.

"We must believe that the soul of Uzumaki Naruto will balance out the cruel entity that Onaga turned him into all those ages ago. It is still there. We have all seen it within his mind," said the female Elder God.

"Agreed. Now if you will excuse me, I must head back to Outworld, and prepare for my sons to arrive," replied Argus, as he like the other Elder Gods had seen more then just the fragments of the future like Raiden did through his amulet, and needed to prepare for the war that was to come.

Just because Armageddon was averted, didn't mean the sons of Elder God Argus wouldn't be causing their own brand of trouble.

(Chakra Realm-Near Wave Country)

The portal behind Shao Kahn closed behind him. Looking around, he recognized the path in front of him, and his location was near where his old team had walked to get to Wave Country. Feeling his instincts pulling him toward this place, Shao Kahn headed for the country that embraced him like he was family. However, a sudden realization made him stop, as he looked at himself, and realized that his appearance screamed hostile, and his face wasn't exactly the most friendliest one you can meet on a bright sunny day.

He needed to hide his appearance...for now anyway.

As luck would have it, bandits had made camp in the woods near him. Their boasting and loud voices drew him to them with curiosity along with the opportunity of possibly taking what these fools had for himself. A cloak perhaps to hide his visage. Maybe money they stole from a caravan. While Shao Kahn had no need for monetary wealth for himself, he did see the need for it in making certain infrastructures of various realms function, and knew it would be required here in this realm.

"You see the bounty we got here? That caravan from Fire Country was loaded with loot!" boasted one bandit while drinking his sake.

"Yeah! It was suppose to be used to fund the war its having with Wave Country. They've been having issues with each other politically, but now the Fire Daimyo is tired of talks in getting Wave annexed into its territory," replied another bandit with a smirk on his face.

"Not surprising. Wave Country is an island country, but has lots of resources ripe for the plucking. If Fire Country takes Wave, they'll increase their treasury in wealth, and riches that are five times what we got here. At least!" said the Bandit Leader while showing the large pile of wealth in their possession.

"How are we going to transport all this loot? There are only so many us and the bags will weigh us down," asked one bandit before he was smacked in the back of the head.

"Baka! We have these sealing scrolls. Did you forget that Mizuki here is a former Leaf Shinobi?" said the Bandit Leader while patting Mizuki on the back.

'Mizuki? Here?!' thought Shao Kahn, as memories of the fool, the time at the Academy, and then later when the Chuunin tricked him into taking the Forbidden Scroll.

"Why did you leave? I mean, Konoha is stronger then ever! The Yondaime Hokage came back. So did his wife, their daughter, and a whole bunch of the village's powerhouses," said one bandit while Mizuki sneered.

"Because the Yondaime Hokage wouldn't promote me after I was released from jail. I was among the people who beat the demon brat up the most when it was younger and I worked harder then anyone at the Academy to ensure its growth was stunted. And how did the man reward me for my troubles after I was let out of jail? I get a pat on the back, a mere congratulations, and a small pay increase that doesn't even cover how much I had suffered while in prison. Not only that, but in the years following my release, I couldn't advance in rank. I was denied each time! When I finally demanded my promotion, plus years back pay for my past suffering...the fools in power threatened to throw me back in jail," answered Mizuki while Shao Kahn slowly narrowed his eyes in the shadows.

"Wow! Years of loyal service and they wouldn't even promote you for it? That's cold!" said one bandit in sympathy.

"They said I would be promoted when the time was right. The time was right when I got out of jail!" exclaimed Mizuki furiously while shaking his fists in anger.

"Aside from that, there had to be something else. I can tell from the angry look in your eyes," said another bandit while Mizuki sighed.

"I also hit on Iruka's slu*tty looking girlfriend. Mitarashi Anko. She was Orochimaru of the Sannin's first student he ever took on as an apprentice," replied Mizuki spitefully.

"Really? Wow! I've seen her picture in that Bingo Book of yours. She's hot!" said the Bandit Leader with Mizuki smirking.

"Why do you think I hit on her? I tried to get between her legs, but all she wants is to be with Iruka. Bah! As if the man knows what to do with a slu*tty woman like that between the sheets. When she turned me down, I forced myself on her, but the bitch fought me off. Can you believe it? The damn slu*t refused me! She'll spread her legs for that twig for a man Iruka, but not me! I had to flee before I the Hokage could throw my ass back in jail again," explained Mizuki before he along with the bandits heard a cruel laughter.

"Its been along time Mizuki. The years have not been kind to you it seems. Especially if you are hanging around with pathetic band of bandits like this group," remarked Shao Kahn, as he came out of the shadows, and stared at the man who once tormented him as a child while growing up in the village.

One of many tormentors he was going to enjoy killing.

"Who the Hell are you?" demanded Mizuki while he along with everyone else within the bandit camp was standing and brought out their weapons.

"You don't recognize me? I don't have a familiar look to you? I know its been many years Mizuki, but even you should be able to 'look underneath the underneath' like all Konoha Shinobi Academy Instructors tend to teach their students. Though if memory serves me well, you kicked me out of that class that day, and on the charge of tapping my pencil too fast on my desk," replied Shao Kahn with Mizuki's eyes narrowing in thought before they went wide with horror.

"No. You are...You can be you! IT CAN'T! THEY SAID YOU DIED!" exclaimed Mizuki with Shao Kahn now grinning evilly.

"That's it Mizuki. Look into my eyes. See past the crimson glow. Look deep within me and you will see the truth," replied Shao Kahn and let out a chuckle.

"Who is this guy Mizuki?" demanded the Bandit Leader.

"Its the Kyuubi brat! Its Uzumaki Naruto!" Mizuki practically shouted while Shao Kahn's grin increased.

"You are partially right Mizuki. I was the Kyuubi brat. I was Uzumaki Naruto. Past tense. I go by the name Shao Kahn now and as for Kyuubi...we've merged completely into one single entity," replied Shao Khan while walking toward the stunned group of bandits.

"So you're a demon now huh? I always knew you were deep down. Now your change just proves me and everyone in Konoha right! You are a freak! A monster!" declared Mizuki in the hopes it would somehow break what he believed was the former Konoha Shinobi's still fragile mind.

All he got was a cruel laugh from Shao Kahn.

"You know in another lifetime, I would have denied that statement. In another lifetime, I would have shouted out denials, spouted on about being Hokage one day regardless of what you, or anyone else thought. But after all I've been through since leaving Konoha and what I've done since my escape from the Leaf village...I honestly can't deny your words. I am a demon now. I am a monster. And this monster...this demon that stands before hungers for human souls! Just. like. yours!" replied Shao Kahn with the bandits and Mizuki looking at him fearfully for a moment before the latter tried to rally the others.

"We can take him! I know the brat. He was a baka growing up and no doubt he is a baka now. We're fighting one monster and we are many. We can win!" exclaimed Mizuki with the bandits looking like they had regained some courage and began to charge Shao Kahn.

'Fools! Compared to fighting Raiden and the Elder Gods together, this won't even be a challenge,' thought Shao Kahn, as he summoned his Wrath Hammer to his hand in an instant, and charged the group of bandits.

The bandits were instantly overwhelmed by the brutality of Shao Kahn's strength, power, and overall skills with the Wrath Hammer. Whoever he didn't hit with the weapon was sent flying back by a massive kick or punch to any bandit that was in his crosshairs. The bandits themselves were surprised, as they didn't expect someone of Shao Kahn's size to move so fast, or to dodge their attacks so easily! Everything Shao Kahn hit, he destroyed in a single blow, and sent many bandits flying back with a few of their limbs missing in the process.

'This is impossible! Uzumaki Naruto is a weak shrimp, who wears orange, eats ramen, and doesn't know a thing about the world around him! Not from the pits of Hell!' thought Mizuki, as he saw the bandits being slaughter, and decided to cut his losses by running.

Only to find himself pinned to a tree by the should when he was hit by a spear made up of green energy. Crying out in pain, Mizuki tried to free himself from the tree, but couldn't remove it, and saw Shao Kahn had just slammed his foot right through the bandit leader's chest with a sickening "CRUNCH!" echoing throughout the area. By this point, Mizuki had decided to actually look at giant man to see his overall appearance. Uzumaki Naruto or Shao Kahn as he now called himself was wearing a loin cloth, covered by some cloth in the from while at the sides had side almost reptilian looking armor plating that went down to the hips. He had spiked shoulder pads, similarly designed kneepads and gauntlets, and a skull medallion embedded in two straps that intersect across his chest. Mizuki looked at the man's face and saw the former Kyuubi brat no longer had his recognizable blonde hair or blue eyes. He was in fact bald with a slightly demonic face featuring red eyes and small spikes protruding from his head that made Mizuki shiver in fear. It only increased when Shao Kahn walked slowly toward him with bloodlust clearly showing in his eyes.

"How does it feel Mizuki? How does it feel to be on the receiving end of pain? How does it feel to be the weak sniveling worm wiggling around in pain at the hands of your enemy and receiving no mercy? Pain is no longer fun for you, is it fool? You more then once beat Uzumaki Naruto within an inch of his life any chance you got. You laughed at his suffering. How does it feel to be the one being laughed at?" mocked Shao Kahn before grabbing Mizuki by the face and slammed his head back against the tree.


In fact, it was hard enough to that the impact embedded Mizuki's head in deep within the tree trunk by several inches.

'What is he? Even for a demon, he shouldn't be this strong. The Yondaime himself told the village that the demon would never regain a fraction of its lost power so long as he lived,' thought Mizuki while struggling with his free hand to grasp the massive wrist connected to the massive hand putting pressure on his head.

"You can feel it. Can't you Mizuki? Closing in around you? The inky darkness seeping in while life leaves your body? I have felt that many times in my life. Some of them by your hands. Other times by Konoha Shinobi and civilians thinking they have a right to rip into my flesh with their weapons of choice. Now you will know Mizuki. Now you will know what it means to I have suffered," said Shao Kahn while Mizuki whimpered in fear while pleading with the former Emperor of Outworld with his eyes.

"Mercy! Mercy!" pleaded Mizuki behind the giant hand while Shao Kahn's grin left his face and it turned into one of pure fury.

"Mercy? You DARE ask ME for mercy?! How many times did Uzumaki Naruto beg for mercy when he was attacked? Huh?! You and the other fools in Konoha laughed at him. 'Look at the demon begging for mercy!' 'Look how the demon cries from the pain we are putting him through!' WHY SHOULD I SHOW SOMEONE LIKE YOU AN OUNCE OF MERCY, KNOWING YOU WOULDN'T DO THE SAME IN MY PLACE?! TELL ME!" demanded Shao Kahn while Mizuki was panicking and sweating heavily.

"Because you want to rise above your enemies?" offered Mizuki while Shao Kahn's face once more sporting an evil grin.

"Rise above my enemies? Why rise above my enemies...when I can just crush them into the ground so I will always be above them?" asked Shao Kahn while Mizuki's fear had now increased a hundred fold.

The entire area was soon filled with screams, as Shao Kahn unleashed his fury, his rage, and built up aggression against one of the many targets the former Emperor of Outworld planned on destroying in the years to come. When he finished hours later, Shao Kahn left the mangled corpse of a horrified looking Mizuki for the animals to eat, and walked back to the heart of the bandit's camp. Looking around, the demonic man found himself a large brown cloak of sorts, and wrapped it around his body before sealing away the spoils of the bandit's thievery. With his Father no doubt telling the rest of Konoha about his return and what he looked like, Shao Kahn knew his current attire would quickly turn the heads of the people around him before someone from Jiraiya's spy network informed the Toad Sannin of his location.

So for now...he would simply be a large figure in a crowd.

But first...Shao Kahn needed to head for Wave Country immediately. His true home in this realm needed to be defended.

Origins of the Fallen Emperor by VFSNAKE - Chapter 3 - Eclectic_Operator - Mortal Kombat (2024)
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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.