Only The Beginning - Chapter 13 - MidnightRain19 (2024)

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Chapter 13: Of Connections

"Love is like war: easy to begin, but very hard to stop." -H.L. Mencken


Maybe Kurama is messing him, bleeding into the thoughts and few memories he has of his mother to conjure her now before him and send his thoughts spiraling into further darkness.

"Mom?" He repeats out in a croak, breathing growing erratic at her lack of a response.

But then Kushina wraps her arms around him tightly, hugging him close to her and all thoughts cease that she is an illusion casted somehow to trick him.

This is real.

"Let's talk; alone." She begins, silencing Kurama's growls behind them that they will both be caught up in his wrath.

"You died when I was extracted from you all those years ago, bleeding out in those woods so far away from your home. And now your own son has suffered the same fate as you in becoming a jinchuriki. Just as well, he'll die by my hand freeing me from this prison!" He snaps.

"You talk entirely too much for someone who has no standing or power here you know!" Kushina bites back, snapping her fingers making him vanish.

And then they are alone.

Now that it is just them two in his mindscape Kushina takes a good look at him again fully, smile moving across her lips.

"You've grown so much since that fateful night." She murmurs.

"Well of course I have. The last time you saw me I was only a baby you know." Naruto mentions softly.

Kushina pauses then, violet orbs widening before a laugh bubbles up from her.

"Ah, so that's one trait you've picked up from me the 'you know'! I'm glad; your blue eyes and hair are all courtesy of Minato." She beams.

She twirls a lock of her scarlet hair then, memories resurfacing. "I suppose having my red hair on top of your boisterous nature would've made you stick out just like me; perhaps even more so."

Naruto blinks, tilting his head in confusion. "What do you mean? What's wrong with your hair; it's long and pretty!"

It reminds him of Hinata's, dark as midnight and long enough for his fingers to swim through idly in between bouts of sleep.

"Tell me Naruto, how much do you know? About me? About your father?" Kushina inquires after a moment.

Naruto quiets, most everything there is to know about Uzumaki history has been buried or burned, only ashes remained of pages regarding their fuinjutsu and the last members of their clan have long since scattered across the other nations. Things about his mother before this were only down to how she looked and bits of her personality via Kakashi-sensei. He knows basic details at least of his Dad's time as Hokage, of his most important missions that earned him the title of 'Konoha's Yellow Flash.'

"Not enough." He finally says, cobalt meeting her violet once more.

Kushina nods, expression becoming somber. "I...I had hoped despite the circ*mstances people would've treated you better."

Hinata comes to mind once more and a small grin reaches his lips. "Not everyone has been so bad you know; Hinata reminds me of that when I start to feel down."

Kushina brightens at this, sitting up straighter.

"Oh, that sounds like a girl you know! Tell me about her, I want to know who my son has found love with!" She exclaims giddily, clapping her hands in delight. There's only so much she was able to tell him while she cradled him in her arms for the first and last times, all the advice and hope for his future made into one conversation.

But in this brief period at least she can learn who has brought her son happiness.

Naruto flusters, he had been planning on asking her about how she came to love his Dad not about himself.

"Err, it's nothing big really! I don't even know what exactly to call us..." Naruto trails off, gaze falling to his lap.

His Mom doesn't accept that answer!

Because she leans close to him, eyes fiery and determined. She raises up a fist half-threateningly, frown stretching across her lips.

"No, you tell your Mother all about this girl right now! Is she from Konoha? What's her favorite foods? Hobbies?!" She bombards him. This could be her future daughter in law from the way Naruto is acting, so red and quiet the opposite of what she can tell is usually a loud and boisterous nature.

'Ah, just like when Minato used to watch over me!' She beams considering the dynamics of their relationship, eager for the details. Maybe Hinata shares that same quiet reflectiveness/admiration like her husband, a trait that she hopes their son didn't take too long to see unlike herself.

Naruto stiffens, maybe this is the overbearing attitude Shikamaru mentioned when he had asked him to describe his mother!

He can see why now he wanted to make sure said conversation could never reach her ears.

"Hinata is from Konoha, the Hyuga clan actually. Umm she likes sweet things since she ate the cinnamon rolls I bought her from that one bakery time. Oh, she really likes gardening. She's been teaching me a little about good plants to keep around the apartment that are like air filtering and can be used for cooking or medicine! "Naruto explains.

Kushina nods along, so much has changed in the passing years. The Hiashi Hyuga she remembers is stuffy and rigid, rarely ever smiling in the company of others. Well, at least that is how Minato described him during meetings to discuss clan business.

She tries to recall if she ever saw a daughter with him during any of his outings about the village. No, but perhaps she saw his wife once or twice around the markets surrounded by Hyuga clansmen...

'I wonder what happened to her after the war.'

Naruto hasn't made any mention of Hinata's mother, just her younger sister and a cousin that leads her to believe she has passed on to.

Her stomach coils at the thought of so many kids now almost adults like Naruto without one or both of their parents, tears pricking her eyes she hurriedly blinks away. They need to focus on the here and now before she departs once more.

"I'm sorry...sorry we burdened you with the Nine Tails and-" Kushina begins, Naruto shaking his head to stop her.

"I don't blame you Mom or Dad for that matter! It hurt yes growing up, though I've made friends and I don't feel lonely now!" He remarks, squeezing at her hands comfortingly.

'That's right, he's our son and no matter the stress or burdens he faced or will continue to face he can handle it!' Kushina smiles, wiping away the last remnants of her tears.

"I love you Naruto; I'm proud I got to be your mother even if it was for a short time. I'm glad as well that you found love Naruto, someone that keeps you on the right track and hopefully keeps you eating and sleeping properly." She breathes out.

And with that she prepares her sealing chains, nodding back in the direction of Kurama.

"Now, let's get this battle finished you know!" Kushina declares.

Naruto gathers the energy for a rasengan, following her gaze as scarlet eyes and the flash of sharp teeth come into view once more.




"Looks like something's happening!" Moroi remarks, Hinata stepping forward before he can say anything else.

Gone is the shroud of darkness that had been slowly creeping along Naruto's form, replaced with a warm orange glow coating his figure. His eyes shift to her and a grin rises upon her lips, knots in her chest loosening.

"Welcome back." Hinata whispers and Naruto nods, allowing her to help him stand up again properly.

"Didn't mean to worry you there for a moment!" He chuckles lightly before his attention immediately switches to B's Samehada, eyes narrowing. Hinata follows his gaze, re-activating her byakugan at his telling expression.

The enemy is already here.

"I can sense killing intent better now, murderous and evil presences before they make themselves known." Naruto murmurs by her ear just as Samehada begins unfurling itself, revealing jagged blue-gray skin.

Her stomach tightens, pursing her lips as equally sharp white eyes fall upon her.

'This is Kisame, one of the Akatsuki!'

"Hey, how did you survive?! You're supposed to be as dead as some week old bread!" B remarks.

Kisame's gaze switches from her to him, chuckling at his brief look of surprise. "Heh, don't look so shocked. I hid myself within Samehada merely biding my time waiting for the right moment to strike, listening in on your all your conversations. It's unfortunate I was detected before I could truly attack you all."

Even being surrounded like this doesn't seem to fully faze him, Naruto slamming a punch into him before he can try to make an escape.

"Ah shoot, I might've overdone it! A little help?" Naruto calls out when the smoke clears to reveal his fist embedded into the rock wall. Hinata breaks away at the entanglement of surrounding shrubbery, all the while watching from the corner of her eye as Kisame gets further and further away.

'Damn it, I still don't have full control of the Nine Tails Chakra!' Naruto scowls to himself, he can practically hear Kurama's biting laugh that he'll feast on his chakra in return for stealing his.

"Let's see how you like it when you're depleted of your chakra in the most critical moment." Kurama snickers.

"If Kurama can hear me then you should be on our side! I'm sure the last thing you wants is to be imprisoned for your power all over again. Anyways, I'll go help out B and the reinforcements." Hinata remarks, letting Motoi finish removing Naruto from the rocks, activating her byakugan to take off in their direction.

"Your woman should stop talking as if I'll listen to her." Kurama growls out as soon as she is out of sight.

"It's not like you're refuting her points either!" Naruto retorts back.

Arguing about it isn't important right now anyways.

'Kisame is mainly known for his high chakra reserves, strength, and speed. He's also a master of water based attacks that I can counter with my own lightning styles if need be.' Hinata reviews over quickly.

At her approach Gai-sensei is already there, locked in battle with Kisame as he unleashes a torrent of water formed in the shaped of a shark. She sees the striking red of Gai's face in return, the burst of air pressure that forms into the shape of a white tiger taking it head on.

She maneuvers herself through the resulting blast of steam, getting close enough to see Gai now hovering about Kisame as the victor. His stare falls to her again and electricity cackles at her fingertips, meeting his bemused gaze head on.

'I'll make sure he's fully paralyzed, stop his heart temporarily to keep him from doing any final moves.' Hinata decides.

"Overflowing with youth you to join in huh Hinata?! He was quite the opponent, not easy even for someone of my caliber!" Gai chuckles, holding up a hand before she can close in on his chest.

"Ah, don't stop her from being a killer! That's what she wants to be after all, right? I've picked up on bits and pieces of what you and that Jinchuriki discussed, that you want to take back the eye stolen from your clan. The only way to do that would be to murder him and as such, repeat the cycle of death and revenge. Such is a shinobi's life; with his death it will only lead to more people coming for your own life." Kisame explains away mockingly.

This world is just a constant pattern of lies and betrayal and perhaps in another life where he didn't walk down this dark path he would've gotten to see this supposed world of truth Tobi planned to create for them all...

His hand twitches just slightly and Gai forms a fist once more, jabbing straight into his stomach knocking him out.

"I told you not to move." He grunts before fixing his gaze back on Hinata with a grin once more.

"Ignore his jabbering, you do what needs to be done for your clan and your youthful energy! War or not, it isn't right for the byakugan to be in the hands of the enemy!" Gai remarks.

Hinata nods slowly, but her heart feels lodged in her throat as it beats in tandem with their footsteps back onto the island properly.

Killing Ao is a given, no a must. Though his death would be the catalyst for more bloodshed, the risk of more people dying out of her need alone to seek justice.

Madam Yua had hinted at this to her, but her mind was focused alone on getting as much information as possible on Ao's strengths and weaknesses. Perhaps there is a way to get the eye back without resorting to murder, however she doubts that for a man who has lived through battles and wars since childhood.

She is just another enemy in his eyes and he just the same to her.

He'll have to die in order to get the eye back, to bury it properly with it's fallen owner.

'Stop second guessing yourself, branch family or not it isn't right he's using our clan's abilities to potentially kill more Konoha shinobi!' She warns herself.

Still she can't fully shake the notion away that she needs to think of more alternatives, more options on how to get that implanted eye back.

Because like any shinobi Ao enjoys the benefits of the secrets it opens up to him, the surprise it gives to any of his opponents who don't know him well enough.

'Some secrets are even worth dying for.' Hinata knows as she stands beside Naruto, squeezing at his hand as they watch Kisame imprison himself in water. He breaks free of being locked up one final time, one final toothy grin for them all as he commands his sharks forward towards him. Naruto affirms the gesture in return, cursing under his breathe that they are going to remain without answers when none of them can reach him through the barrier...

Slowly they watch as Kisame's water prison swirls with a crimson red to black.



"What's on your mind?" Sasuke asks point blank at Suigetsu's gaze towards the clouds. He's been quieter than usual, not even trading his typical offhand snarky remarks with Karin to rile her up.

On moonless nights like this he'd regal them with kills he did in the darkness, the thrill of watching his enemy stagger into one of his water clones in order to be suffocated or sliced apart.

'I can't recall the last time he even brought up one of those stories.' Sasuke considers.

Everyone has been out of sorts since Tobi left for Ame to confront Konan on getting Nagato's rinnegan. Karin continues to give him cool answers in response to his questions, looking through her belongings and even hurting her physically hasn't changed her responses and dealing with her usual hugging and cooing at him time and again he can only conclude for now her slight change in attitude was perhaps a side effect from her illness.

Suigetsu on the other hand has no such excuse.

Jugo at least is no different from usual that he can detect, perhaps the only one out of his team members not keeping secrets from him for now.

He switches his attention off of the glow of the river of stars above, hazy purple eyes regarding him curiously. "What do you mean?"

Sasuke clicks his tongue, biting down the swirl of impatience that crawls up his skin. Suigetsu isn't an idiot, but gone is the familiar teasing of his tone to indicate he's joking around.

"You're quieter than usual; why?" He questions him, keeping his expression impassive belying the anger he feels simmering up.

Suigetsu pauses for too long of a minute, sharp grin finally rising up. "Ah, just thinking of how I can collect all the swords of the Seven Swordsman of the Mist! Merchants in the past have told me of their locations, though those always ended up being a bust. Even rare swords and blades created by the best of the best craftsman passed down through the generations interest me."

Sasuke arches a brow, onyx eyes flickering red. "And has one of these so called 'merchants' come to you recently?"

Suigetsu blinks before letting out a laugh, deep and rumbling letting it echo out into the base surrounding.

"Shut the hell up! Some of us want to get some sleep and not listen to your maniacal snickering!" Karin yells out a moment later only making Suigetsu laugh harder.

"You first!" He calls back at hearing her door slam once more before he focuses his attention back on Sasuke.

"If I found an actual reputable vendor do you think I would still be here with you? I mean I like you and all Sasuke, but that was one of my main reasons for joining you in the first place. Well that and you kind of scare me sometimes so don't want to get on your bad side!" He smiles.

He has no reason not to believe him, Suigetsu like Karin hasn't left any little notes, no scrolls, or even remnants in their environment that they have been corresponding with someone outside their group or allies.

It's reached the point he's been overusing Itachi's eyes too quickly, letting his fury out on the creatures that surround these bases.

"I don't believe you." Sasuke responds blandly, twisting around.

"You don't have to! But seriously, you freed me from being experimented any further on by Orochimaru so that counts for something even though I originally said it didn't!" Suigetsu mentions, but he is only half-listening to him now.

The night air chills his skin, wind scattered up the scent of rain and fallen leaves. Itachi used to say nights like these were good for training, for masking your scent from your enemies using nature as your aid.

Or like in his Academy days it was for getting injured, for not realizing and ignoring the signs Naruto was catching up to him...

"That injury isn't just from 'throwing kunai'! I may only be a volunteer for now at the hospital, but I've seen enough wounds and broken bones come into the ER to have an idea on what caused the problem. So what happened? Another fight with Naruto? Scuffle with an outsider?" Sakura guesses.

Emerald orbs brighten when he looks away, smirk dancing on her lips at his lack of a response.

Just as quickly though the grin leaves, this is his worst injury yet. An ugly violet-red smear that throbs even from her lightest touch, trickles of blood stain the white of the towels underneath until they too are soaked crimson. The wound wraps around his arm like a burning snake and he grits his teeth as Orochimaru flashes to mind, whispering of the one thing he has yet to fully achieve.


"You really are easier to read than you think Sasuke." She sighs interrupting his thoughts, gesturing for him to stretch out his bruised arm properly on the examining table.


She comes to mind even when she is miles away, did she somehow meet with Karin or Suigetsu at some point?

'Why would she? She's busy at the hospital, trying to focus on stopping an inevitable war.' Sasuke decides.

He wishes he could burn away these resurfacing memories that linger even with these new eyes, of Sakura's smiling face and verdant eyes that will only regard him with disdain and malice when they cross paths again once more.


Naruto & Hinata

"Sure you're alright?" Naruto repeats, Hinata nodding again too fast for him to believe her.

She curls back into their blankets, turning over from him. "Just tired."

It sounds hollow and fake even to her own ears, squirming at feeling heat rise to her face.

Naruto treads his fingers lightly along her back until he gently turns her back over forcing her to look back at him. "It's okay to feel shaken up by today. Hell, I feel shaken up by all that happened today you know!"

After Kisame's suicide, a notification was sent out to both Konoha and the Raikage that the Akatsuki is already aware of their location. More will be coming not just for Naruto, but B as well.

"What's going to happen next?" Hinata whispers out, leaning her head against his chest. A small smile etches at her lips as Naruto rubs circles along her back soothingly, he knows just as much as her.

"Something big, I don't buy doing an 'ecology study' of the island's animals should be my top priority right now you know! Especially since Yamato-sensei is here now too to supposedly help keep track and monitor me on it. We haven't gotten any news on updates regarding if the war has started or already started either." Naruto relates.

Hinata sits up properly then, nodding her agreement. "Focus on mastering control of the Nine Tails Chakra, I'll see what I can gather from Yamato-sensei's discussion with the others. I'm worried..."

Naruto pulls her back down to him before she can finish her sentence, pecking lightly at her cheeks making laughter bubble up from her for perhaps the first time in days.

She listens to his heartbeat for a moment, steady and even before snuggling properly into his warmth. "Sakura told me once after a particularly long shift in the ICU and OR that both she and Lady Tsunade are worried about what Kabuto might do."

Naruto wrinkles his nose, trying to put a face to the name. "Oh, you mean that creepy guy with glasses that's obsessed with Orochimaru?"

"Yes, it's not confirmed yet though they were gathering strong evidence that he's been experimenting with raising the dead back to life. The dead that are forced to fight under his orders." Hinata explains.

Naruto stiffens, azure meeting lilac in alarm.

But no more words are spoken between them for the rest of the night, anything and everything they could say already said from that single look.

'He's going to try and raise the dead from both our families.'


Elsewhere-Mountains' Graveyard

"Ah, the start of a new day." Kabuto mutters to himself, observing as dawn breaks through the clouds. The sky takes on a light pastel mix of pinks and reds, ribbons of sunlight trickling down across the valley of bones.

Once he treks deeper into the forestry this sunlight will be blotted out, canopy hiding the blood, secrets, and experiments that are the reason behind why travelers avoid crossing through here.

And now that he has completed mastery of all that Orochimaru knew, it is time to form alliances, show off his powers, and most importantly do what Orochimaru never fully accomplished.

Capture Sasuke.

Tobi or really based on what his research has gathered Obito Uchiha will be here soon. He imagines that Anko and even Kakashi to some degree are already on his trail, watching his next moves or already setting traps in place.

"You seem to forget who you're dealing with." Tobi remarks at his offer, final preparations have been started for capturing the Eight Tails properly and the Nine Tails.

The last tailed beasts.

"It's understandable you aren't going to fully trust me yet so how about this, I bring you both the Eight Tails and Nine Tails. On top of that, I'll even tell you how to make these White Zetsu's stronger to be used in battle. After all, you don't want it to be slipped out so soon that you're not really Madara Uchiha I'm sure." Kabuto determines.

Even with his mask he can feel Tobi's unrelenting glare, daring him to say anything more unless he wants his newly acquired rinnegan to be used on him.

"Fine, I'm ready for battle and to finally let the Eye of The Moon Plan commence." He reminds him.

'I didn't forget.' Kabuto muses with a near snort, but he keeps up the all pleasantries with a nod. Yamato is with both Naruto and B, it works out to capture him as well for his wood release abilities.

Golden eyes then turn to his latest reincarnations, looking over them proudly with a self-satisfied grin.

Hizashi Hyuga in particular was a renown shinobi in a life cut short far too soon.

Now he could experience the life he missed properly, the son and brother he left behind...

And the niece who became a jinchuriki's lover.


I took into consideration that Hinata should have more ambivalent feelings towards killing Ao. I ultimately still want her to go through with it, but I rewrote a later chapter regarding that. I hope I'm not going too slowly through the war arc, I plan to change different interactions and not drag out certain events.

If you've read my other story Yesterday Morning I think it shows that I'm not the biggest of fans on how most the villains got no punishment for their actions (I'm looking at you Kabuto, Orochimaru, Obito, and yes even Sasuke!) I don't like the series of villains we ran through either towards the end, I'm on the fence if I'll even include Kaguya or not. It takes me a while sometimes to think on how I want each major villain to be properly punished for their crimes in a way that makes sense and is unique.

Anyways, I'm on a much needed vacation right now from work. About to head off to the beach (with safe social distancing) after much convincing to my family we need a change of scenery!

Let me know your thoughts/suggestions as always!

Enjoy. Review. Favorite. Follow!

Only The Beginning - Chapter 13 - MidnightRain19 (2024)
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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.