Naruto: The whole World knows that i am the Savior - Chapter 91 (2024)

Chapter 91 Naruto is still isolated

After Tsunade got the scroll that sealed Kirabi’s arm, she immediately got up from Shiroun Yosuke.

However, the comfortable massage just now was suddenly interrupted, causing Bai Yunyousuke to say dissatisfied: “Tsunade-sensei, why did you stop? If you had known, I would have taken it out later.”

“Stop being so verbose, you stupid disciple, tell me as soon as possible next time you have such information!”

Seeing that the information was in hand, Tsunade immediately slapped Bai Yun Yousuke on the head proudly. When she saw this idiot disciple covering his head and crying out that it hurt, he immediately felt comfortable. The humiliation of being threatened with these shameful massages also disappeared in this moment.

“Don’t think about fighting the teacher next time, you stupid brother”

Before she could finish her proud words, Tsunade saw Bai Yun Yousuke take out another scroll, wave it in front of her, and then put it back.

Then Bai Yun Yousuke shook his head and said: “Since Teacher Tsunade doesn’t want to hear another piece of information, then forget it.”

Tsunade’s face suddenly drooped. She stood there and squeezed her fists with her tender hands for a long time. Then she reluctantly took off her shoes and sat back on Bai Yun Yousuke’s body without saying a word in humiliation. Then, just like last time, she laboriously Get a massage.

“Tsunade-sensei, click here too.”

“And here, don’t let me say it every time, Tsunade-sensei has to press it.”

“Please give me a favor here…”

There was even one time, after Tsunade moved her buttocks back and sat on her lap, Baiyun Yosuke ordered Tsunade to massage her shoulders. Tsunade had no choice but to lean forward, letting the two soft and overwhelmed bodies rest on Baiyun Yang. On the body.

Ten minutes later, Tsunade couldn’t bear the command. She blushed with shame and angrily picked up Bai Yun Yousuke and said: “Idiot, don’t get carried away.”

“Here you go, Tsunade-sensei.”

When Tsunade was about to get angry, Bai Yun Yousuke directly handed over the scroll.

But when Tsunade took the scroll, Shiroun Yosuke suddenly used the Flying Thunder God Technique to escape. This behavior immediately made Tsunade feel bad.

As expected, Tsunade opened the scroll and found that it was empty. No matter how slow she was, she knew that she had been cheated. Her face turned red with anger and she gritted her teeth and said: “You bastard disciple, don’t let me catch you next time!” !”

Tsunade turned around and left and immediately went to the command camp. She wanted to tell Shikaku Nara about the information about Kirabi’s severed hand.

At this time, we can basically ignore the fact that Kirabi will appear on the battlefield again in the form of a ninja team. Maybe the next time we meet Kirabi, he will be the complete eight-tails in the final battle.

After Nara Shikaku learned this information, he was also secretly happy, but at the same time he was a little regretful.

If a young and powerful man like Shirogane Yosuke is willing to listen to his plan, Nara Shikaku is 70% sure to win this war.

There is Shiakumo Yosuke in the front, and there is the medical master Tsunade in the rear. Based on this distribution of strength, Nara Shikaku can come up with several plans; but they all failed because Shirogumo Yosuke couldn’t command, and he could only rely on Tsunade to influence him. .

However, the news that the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki had lost his arm was a great boost to people’s morale.

You must know that the news of the eight-tailed Jinchuuriki appearing on the battlefield a few days ago has spread in the camp, and Konoha, who has experienced the trouble of the tailed beasts, is even more impressed by the power and terror of the tailed beasts.

Now the deeds of the eight-tailed Jinchuuriki having his arm broken and running away in embarrassment can completely boost the morale of the camp.

As for whether the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki fled in embarrassment and left his arms here, Konoha said yes.

After Shiroun Yosuke escaped from Tsunade, he originally wanted to find Yuhi Kurenai. He didn’t have many acquaintances in Konoha, and there were only a few on the front line.

But Kurenai Yuhi seems to have gone on a mission, and Yosuke Shiakumo senses that the Mark of the Flying Thunder God is also very far away, unless Kurenai Yuhi takes the initiative to activate the Mark of the Flying Thunder God.

As for finding her, there is no need. Not to mention that it will disrupt Yuhi Kurenai’s mission, and it won’t leave any good impression.

In the next few days, Shiakumo Yosuke purified the dark and negative emotions in the Nine-Tailed Chakra in the camp, but after squandering it several times, he found that he did not have much Tailed Beast Chakra.

The chakra of the tailed beast without independent consciousness cannot be recovered slowly, so use less and less, and the nine-tailed chakra cultivated by Kazuma is not much in the first place. Look at the four tails, which have been used frugally by Bai Yunyousuke until now. It’s not easy anymore.

After he has purified the Nine-Tails Chakra, he will have to fight at most one more fierce battle before all the Nine-Tails Chakra is used up.

Before ending the war, he had to use these nine-tailed chakra to kill an important person in Kumo Ninja Village, the Fourth Raikage or Kirabi. Except for these two people, the death of the others would not affect the war situation and Kumo. Ninja Village’s decision.


Konoha Village, Ninja School.

After class, Uzumaki Naruto looked around, came to Ino’s desk with his head in his hands in boredom, and asked: “Ino, do you know where that idiot Sasuke went?”

“How do I know that Yosuke-kun is not in the village anymore?”

Yamanaka Ino replied weakly that she had been in this state for several days, especially when she learned from her mother that Shiroun Yosuke had gone to the battlefield, and she became even more worried.

“You idiot, Yosuke-kun, why didn’t you send back a letter for so long?”

Sakura on the side also looked at Yamanaka Ino expectantly, but after hearing the news from her mouth, Sakura still lowered her head in disappointment.

Apart from a brief visit yesterday, she hadn’t seen Sasuke-kun for several days.

Uzumaki Naruto curled his lips and said unhappily: “Where did that bastard go? Yosuke isn’t here either, so he can still practice secretly?”

He also felt that he had made a lot of progress after practicing recently. He wanted to fight Uchiha Sasuke to save that stinky guy from looking at him like a crane again, but he had not seen Sasuke for several days.

“Naruto, why are you looking for Sasuke now?”

Yamanaka Ino tilted his head and asked, “You are now the son of the Fourth Hokage. Those guys shouldn’t reject you, right?”

Except for a few people before, no one else wanted to talk to Uzumaki Naruto; although Uchiha Sasuke ignored Uzumaki Naruto, he just felt that Uzumaki Naruto was troublesome and thought he was a loser, which had nothing to do with his reputation as a demon fox.

In addition, Uchiha Sasuke is as lonely as Uzumaki Naruto, so Uzumaki Naruto will always find trouble for Sasuke.

But recently, Uzumaki Naruto’s identity has been exposed. He is the son of the Fourth Hokage and has nothing to do with the demon fox.

Logically speaking, the guys who rejected Naruto should have gathered around to compliment him, but Ino didn’t seem to see a few, so he curiously asked: “Naruto, are you causing trouble again to make them hate you?”

“Hmph, Ino, you don’t understand!”

Unable to find out the whereabouts of Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto turned around and planned to go find Shikamaru.

After the identity of his father’s hero was exposed, he would no longer be rejected when shopping in stores, but every time he walked a little further, he could hear those people despising him. It was not that they despised the demon fox, but that they despised his existence and his person. Defiled the Fourth Hokage.

Every time he heard such words, Uzumaki Naruto felt aggrieved. Although he had done nothing wrong, he became a demon fox and was hated by everyone.

Even though his father is now the Fourth Hokage, all that has changed is his appearance. Many people greet him with a smile on the surface, but when he turns around and leaves, they will still secretly call him a demon fox.

The white-haired uncle who promised to teach him ninjutsu was also missing. If he had gone to ask, he would have left the village on a mission and would not be back for some time.

Uzumaki Naruto suddenly felt that the hero’s son’s identity was not as good as before. At that time, he could at least train with Yosuke, the bastard Uchiha Sasuke.

On the other side, the forest of death.

Uchiha Sasuke was fighting with a big snake. After several trials and attacks, he finally defeated the tens of meters long snake by using shuriken techniques, fire escape, dragon fire techniques, and the fire ball technique. Kill.


After Uchiha Sasuke killed Orochi, he released the curse seal state and sat down on the ground tiredly.

Although he has gradually become familiar with the curse seal, it still consumes a lot of energy every time he activates it, so he cannot use it frequently in battle.

“Sasuke-kun, it seems you have solved it. In that case, come back with me.”

Kabuto Yakushi suddenly appeared next to Uchiha Sasuke, and when he saw the Orochi being burned into a charred corpse, he couldn’t help but secretly nod in his heart; Uchiha Sasuke was also a genius, and had great potential.

“What does Orochimaru want from me?”

“You should call Orochimaru-sama, don’t be so rude, Sasuke-kun.”

Yakushi Kabuto adjusted his reflective glasses, and then continued: “I will help you enter the second state of the curse seal. Then you will be able to perfectly control the curse seal, and it is also time to inject the secret medicine.”

Now that Uchiha Sasuke has turned on the curse seal, he is almost as strong as a chunin. He has been injected with two secret medicines, which has greatly enhanced his chakra and body.

And if the second state can be turned on, the gap between Uchiha Sasuke and the elite chunin is only in experience.

Although it was because of Shiroun Yosuke’s entrustment, after getting along with him for a period of time, Orochimaru also wanted to train Uchiha Sasuke.

Uchiha Itachi is very strong. Although Orochimaru has not yet attacked Uchiha Itachi, he has already failed once in the future dream.

So Orochimaru wanted to find another way. If he devoted all his efforts to training Uchiha Sasuke, could he let this last genius of Uchiha defeat his brother.

By the way, let him study the Sharingan. Since the Wood Release can be successfully transplanted, there must be a method for the Sharingan. It’s a pity that Shiroun Yosuke has gone to the battlefield, otherwise Orochimaru must ask Shiroun Yosuke to come and help.

When he thought of this, Orochimaru used his kunai to draw another mark on the wall. Now there were two marks. Each mark meant that Shiroun Yosuke owed him a day.

Da da!

The sound of footsteps was heard, and Orochimaru said without looking back: “Here you are, Sasuke-kun, lie down on the bed. After this time, you should be able to completely control the curse seal, which is another sage mode.”

“After controlling the curse seal, can I catch up with Bai Yun Yousuke?”

Uchiha Sasuke asked after lying on the bed. Because he couldn’t stand Orochimaru’s behavior of experimenting on human bodies, he was quite cold to Orochimaru now, but Orochimaru didn’t care about superficial respect.

“Why do you have to catch up with Yosuke-kun? To be honest, I can’t understand Yosuke-kun’s growth.”

While preparing the secret medicine, Orochimaru said to Uchiha Sasuke: “I could easily kill Yosuke-kun when we met for the first time. Although Yosuke-kun gave me some surprises when we met for the second time, he was still in control. Within the range, but the third meeting

There’s nothing I can do to him anymore. ”

“Every once in a while, Yosuke-kun will give you an unexpected surprise. Now that he has gone to the battlefield, I don’t know what Yosuke-kun will be like when he comes back. So Sasuke-kun, it’s better not to look away. If you put it on Yosuke-kun, you will feel very powerless.”

After hearing this, Uchiha Sasuke was silent for a while, clenched his fists unwillingly and said: “If I can’t catch up with Shiroun Yosuke, what qualifications do I have to kill that man!”

“Oh? Why is that?”

Orochimaru took two injections of the prepared secret medicine, came to Uchiha Sasuke and asked with a smile: “Sasuke-kun, why do you think Yosuke-kun is not as good as Uchiha Itachi? Although Uchiha Itachi is a genius, you don’t seem to understand Yosuke-kun”

The leader of the ninja world, the one who opened the other world!

Although Orochimaru did not dream of these things, Hashirama Senju and Uchiha Madara, who pacified the troubled times, did not do it. No matter what method is used, being able to do these is already more powerful than the God of the Ninja World.

Although Uchiha Itachi is a rare genius, Orochimaru does not think he can surpass Baiyun Yosuke.

And the extermination of the clan was also stupid in Orochimaru’s eyes. Uchiha Itachi, who did such a thing, had a weaker vision.

“Go to sleep, Sasuke-kun, if you lack judgment, then there is no point in improving your strength.”

Orochimaru said to Uchiha Sasuke after injecting the curse seal secret medicine, and then left here after he fainted.

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PS: Naruto is isolated even though he is the son of Hokage. This is an original animation. It seems to be a part of Infinite Tsukuyomi. At that time, Minato Namikaze was still alive. Naruto wanted to buy a mask but had no money. After he left, the mask owner said he was a demon fox or something, and felt that it was bad luck.

So the villagers of Konoha are really tough. They despise the son of Hokage when the Hokage is still alive.

Naruto: The whole World knows that i am the Savior - Chapter 91 (2024)
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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.