Dutch cookies - This cookie is the best you've erver tasted! (2024)

There are not a lot of typical Dutch things, but the Dutch are particularly known for their Dutch cookies and other types of typical Dutch food.

The Netherlands

The Netherlands is a small country in Europe that is known by outsiders for their windmills, tulip fields and our wooden shoes. And let’s get this out the way first, absolutely no one in recent times has worn those wooden shoes casually. But let’s continue with what’s important here. There is one thing that everyone must try. And those are the Dutch Stroopwafel. These cookies were made in Gouda for the first time and have since evolved to be a world-renowned cookie.

Dutch cookies

These cookies are particularly known for being made fresh on a market somewhere. These delicious Dutch cookies are made with two wafers with caramel syrup in the middle. But travelling here for just some Dutch cookies seems a bit ridiculous, but there is a solution to your problems. You can now order these Dutch cookies online! Go to the Daelmans online shop and order your Dutch cookies now.

Dutch cookies - This cookie is the best you've erver tasted! (1) Dutch cookies - This cookie is the best you've erver tasted! (2)


Daelmans Stroopwafels is a business in The Netherlands who have been making Dutch cookies since 1904. And our recipe hasn’t been changed since then. What did change for us is the worldwide sale of our Stroopwafels. And over the years we have added different flavors and sizes to our assortment to fit the needs of our customers around the globe.

Like our chocolate Stroopwafels, honey Stroopwafels, Jumbo or mini Stroopwafels. We have a cookie for everyone. So, if you want to try one of our Dutch cookies, just go to our online store and order your own Daelmans Stroopwafels.

United States

Want to order these Dutch cookies all the way to the United States? That is entirely possible. Order your Dutch cookies to a US address and your package will be at your preferred destination within 1 to 6 business days depending on your location in the United States. You don’t have to travel to the Netherlands to enjoy Stroopwafels!

Personalize your tin

If you really want to impress your friends and family, you can get them a personalized gift. Go to our online store and buy your own customized tin filled with Dutch cookies. In your tin will be eight delicious Daelmans Stroopwafels for you to enjoy. And when you eventually have your design down, we would love it when you share it with us. Post a picture of your tin on Facebook or Instagram, tag us and use the hashtag #daelmansStroopwafels.

Dutch cookies - This cookie is the best you've erver tasted! (3) Dutch cookies - This cookie is the best you've erver tasted! (4)

Come aboard

Want to join the Daelmans community? Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to receive periodic updates on our recipes, blogs and general information about Daelmans and our Stroopwafels.

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for new recipes, blogs and general information about us and our Stroopwafels.

Dutch cookies - This cookie is the best you've erver tasted! (2024)
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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.