dragon race and dragon sub race ideas for character but how to use them for making a character and opinions on it. - Homebrew & House Rules - Dungeons & Dragons Discussion - D&D Beyond Forums (2024)

here is my idea for dragons being Playable:


  • Description: Dragons are Prideful creatures who eventually driven by greed, power, and/or wealth began to go into human lands after morphing into humans, like a werewolf morphing into a human, to achieve their own goals of gaining treasure and/or power. Dragons in human form look like regular humans but upon close inspection, their skin is made up of tiny scales and their body/head/facial hair is the same color as their dragon form’s color. Dragons in human form wear gloves and shoes when surrounded by non dragons in order to hide the fact that they have claws instead of fingernails and toenails.
  • General attributes of dragons:

Natural Dragon Armour: Dragons can’t wear armour and hellmets except cloth armour and cloth helmets. Dragons gain armour points every few character levels, like a lizard’s scales hardening over time since it is born.

Dragon flight: you can fly three times per day and you roll a die to see how long you can fly, due to morphing being painful, by sprouting wings from your back.

Prideful: you feel you are superior to other races and thus you learn less spells than normal in any class you are in.

Darkvision: All dragons, except except Light Dragons and Dark Dragons at certain times of a day, can only see in shades of white, black, and grey. So dragons use their sense of smell to know what something is.

  • Dragon Types and their Abilities:
  • Fairy Dragon:

Spell Improvement: every few magic spells you learn, you increase in magic power and magic spell resistance.

Animal Herding: Your character is naturally good at finding animals, so you can find an animal by rolling a die to see what you find.

Animal Taming: You can roll a die to see if you can tame any animal that you find since you are proficient in taming every type of animal.

Dragon Grenade: Your character can spit a bit of explosive plasma from his/her mouth that explodes on contact with anything, like a grenade exploding, and it can damage allies and enemies depending on where the attack lands.

Animal Immune: you are immune to non-intelligent animal attacks since non intelligent animals will not attack you.

  • Earth Dragon:

Dragon Dig: as an earth dragon you are proficient in digging. Roll a die to see if you can reduce the time it takes to dig in the ground.

Rock sense: your character can sniff out rocks and ores especially magical rocks and ores. Roll a die to see what you can find.

Edible Rock: your character can digest rocks since rocks are food to a earth dragon. Also, your character can eat rocks to restore health points.

Dragon Soil: your character breathes nutrient rich soil out of his/her mouth that can damage enemies and can be collected to be used for something that needs nutrient rich soil, like a plant.

Rock Immune: you are immune to rock/earth based attacks.

  • Ice Dragon:

Winter Cloak: your character can turn almost invisible when standing on any terrain and you can become fully invisible while standing on icy or snowy terrain. Roll a die to to see how long you can be partially or fully invisible.

Winter Sense: your character is good at finding things in the ice, so your character can roll a die to see if you can find anything in snow or ice.

Dragon Ice: Your character can breathe out of his/her mouth extremely cold fire that can freeze things, plants, or creatures and bring down the temperature of things, plants, or animals.

Ice Immune: your character is immune to cold attacks and can’t get cold.

  • Grass Dragon:

Dragon Healing: your character can roll a die to see if you can heal through magical touch another character’s injuries, magically remove poison from another character, and/or wipe out any disease or virus in another character’s body even if the ailment you are trying to cure is caused by magic.

Plant Sense: your character is extremely good at finding herbs, vegetables, fruits, berries, and magical plants used in cures, food, and poisons. You can roll a die to see what type of plant you find but not for plants in water terrain.

Dragon Poison: your character can poison creatures and things with his/her claws and spit. Your character can create antivenoms out of his/her spit.

Plant Immune: your character is immune to poisons and plant based attacks. Also you can communicate with plants in a language all plants understand.

  • Aqua Dragon:

Dragon Swim: your character is faster at swimming than other dragons and playable creatures in D&D.

Aqua Lungs: your character can breathe underwater while other types of dragons can’t but it depends on what type of aqua dragon you are. Fresh water type of aqua dragons can breathe underwater in fresh water bodies of water but not in salt water bodies of water. Salt water type of aqua dragons can breathe underwater in salt water bodies of water but not in fresh water bodies of water.

Dragon Aquatics: your character can fish for aquatic animals with just his/her hands efficiently as if he/she was using a net or fishing pole. Roll a die to see what you catch if you are trying to catch something in a body of water you can breathe in.

Aqua Forage: You can roll a die to see if you find any underwater plant in the type of water you can breathe in if you are in a place were there is a body of water you can breathe in.

Dragon Water: your character can breathe hot water that can put out a fire and boil things, plants, and creatures. Your character can use the hot water it breathes to boil things in a container. The hot water that is breathed by your character is toxin, bacteria, and virus free since it is literally pure hot water.

Water Immune: your character is immune to water type attacks.

  • Fire Dragon:

Dragon Create: your character can make any item without the use or need of a forge but he/she needs the materials that are used to make that item. Roll a die to see if you can create the item successfully or not.

Flame Swim: your character can swim through lava and magma without getting hurt.

Fire Lungs: your character can breathe in lava and magma.

Flame Forage: your character can forage for wild animals and wild plants that live and survive in lava and magma.

Dragon Fire: your character can breathe fire out of his/her mouth that can incinerate, ignite, or burn things, plants, and creatures. Dragon fire ability can be used to heat up things.

Fire Immune: your character is immune to fire type attacks and cannot be harmed by hot things. Spicy foods do not harm you.

  • Sky Dragon:

Dragon Agility: your character is faster than usual and is more speedy than the other types of dragons and playable races except when going through water, lava, and magma. So the sky dragon has higher dexterity than the other types of dragons and other playable races in D&D.

Run & Dodge: your character can roll a die to see if your character can run from a fight or up a wall.

Sky Flight: your character can fly longer distances when using the ability, “dragon Flight” since sky dragons are experts in flying.

Dragon Wind: your character can breathe wind from his/her mouth that can slice and knock over things, plants, and creatures.

Dragon CPR: your character can, with the expense of heath points, revive a creature from death by breathing air into them even when that character is dead because of magic. You cannot revive a long dead creature.

Wind Immune: Your character is immune to wind type attacks.

  • Electric Dragon:

Dragon Power Up: your character can use batteries, lightning, or any form of electricity, except your Dragon Electric ability, to temporarily add a extra die to your attack rolls.

Dragon Fix: your character can roll a die to fix an item, weapon, or structure, without the need of a tool, if he/she has the items that can be used to fix the item, weapon, or structure.

Dragon Electric: your character can breathe lightning from his/her mouth that can damage creatures, plants, and things. Dragon Electric ability can be used to power up electric and lightning based things.

Lightning immune: your character is immune to lightning type attacks

  • Dark Dragon:

Shadow Teleport: you can roll a die to see if you can teleport from shadow to shadow even you can’t see the shadow you are teleporting to. You can also teleport from dark room to dark room even if you can’t see the dark room you are teleporting to. No creature can teleport with you when you use Shadow Teleport unless it is in your bag you are carrying. You cannot teleport to and from the moons shadow when you use Shadow Teleport ability since it would make your character overly powerful. It is told that the homeworld of the dark dragons is a place where pure unquenchable order exists in all things and the creatures, plants, and world is continuously bathed in shadow and the name of the dark dragon that rules the homeworld of the dark dragons is called The Black King and his dark dragon mate is called The Black Queen.

Black Vision: your character is not affected by Darkvision at sundown and can see at night in colors as if the night is the daytime. Black Vision works from Sundown to Sunrise.

Dark Increase: your character can roll a die at sundown to try and get an increase to your character’s stats temporarily but the stats go back to normal at sunrise.

Dark Breath: Your character can breathe black colored fire out of his/her mouth that damages enemies mentally. Enemies have to roll intelligence or wisdom to resist the mental damaging effects of the Dark Breath ability, if enemy loses enemy loses health points. Dark Breath ability can be used to light a torch that darkens a room.

Dark Immune: you are immune to dark type spells.

  • Light Dragon:

Light Teleport: your character can teleport from source of light to source of light even if you don’t know where the light source is. You cannot teleport with another creature when using the Light Teleport ability unless it is in your bag you are carrying. You cannot use the sun as a light source to teleport to and from places when you are using the Light Teleport ability. Roll a die to see if you can teleport when using the Light Teleport ability. The homeworld of the light dragons is a world where chaos exists due to all light dragons doing what they like and the ruler of all the light dragons and most chaotic of all the light dragons is a biger than usual female light dragon called, The Queen of Light. The Queen of Light has mutiple dragon Mates but the mate she likes to mate with the best has The title of Under King of Light

Light Vision: your character has the Darkvision ability active from sundown to sunrise but can see as good as a human, and in the same colors as a human, from sunrise to sundown.

Light Increase: your character can roll a die at sunrise to try and get a temporary increase to his/her stats that lasts until sundown.

Dragon Light: your character can breathe white colored fire out of his/her mouth that causes a random effect to enemies (like turning an enemy blue) and causes physical trait damage. Enemies roll a physical trait to avoid being damaged by Dragon Light. Dragon Light ability can used to light a torch which would brighten up a room when regular fire can’t or regular fire can’t brighten up a room much.

Light Immune: you are immune to light type attacks.

  • Cash Dragon:

Money Teleport: your character can teleport from pile of money to pile of money even if you don’t see the pile of money you are teleporting to. You can’t teleport to a money pile that is in a walled room with a door that has spells cast on it to protect the money from being stolen. When using the Money Teleport ability you teleport through the skies that are over world Currency Dai Soll, where money literally grows on trees, gems grow on bushes instead of berries, creatures are made of bags of cash, gold, silver, or bronze; gold, silver, and bronze bars grow as tubers; seas are made of melted gold, silver, and bronze, and bronze, silver, and gold coins are the rain.

Dragon Barter & Selling: you can sell things at a higher price.

Dragon gambling: two times per day you can roll a die to to try to magically make few coins of the currency you want. If you fail the roll you get nothing.

Dragon Coins: your character can breathe temporarily existing coins out of his/her mouth that can damage things, creatures, and plants. The Dragon Coins ability can be used to activate coin slot machines.

Money Immune: your character is immune to money type attacks. you are also immune to getting addicted to gambling and magic can’t make you want to spend money.

  • Glass Dragon:

Mirror Teleport: your character can use a mirror as a portal to the mirror world, home of the mirror dragons, to then go through a portal to a differrent place altogether. The mirror world is a alternate dimension where the land, plants, and creatures that live in it are made of colored glass of different strengths and the water sources are made of liquid glass not water.

Glass Cloak: your character can roll a die to become invisible temporarily but you can’t fully turn invisible on a non sunny day.

Dragon Glass: your character can breathe a ball of glass out of his/her mouth that explodes on contact upon hitting a surface into shards of glass that can hurt allies and enemies depending on where it explodes. Any creature caught in the blast radius, including allies and enemies, have to roll a die to avoid being hit by shards of glass unless they are dead. The Dragon Glass ability can kill your allies if they are unconsious and in the blast radius of the Dragon Glass ability’s glass ball explosion.

Glass Eating: your character can eat solid glass as food and drink liquid glass as water.

Glass Immune: you cannot be hurt by glass attacks and you can swim through liquid glass without being hurt.

  • Space Dragon:

Dragon Astronaught: your character is the only type of dragon that can fly, while using the ability Dragon Flight, through outer space as if outer space was the sky on earth.

Space Lung: your character produces his/her own oxygen internally, which means he/she can breathe while in outer space without the need of a spacesuit or oxygen tank.

Planetary sense: your character can roll a die to see if he/she senses any type of ore on a planet or space rock while in outer space.

Dragon Black Hole: your character can breathe out of his/her mouth a temporarily existing small black hole ,which bends time and space, that sucks into it any ally and enemy that are near it and then it explodes flinging allies and enemies that were sucked into it away from the exploding black hole. each allies and each enemy flung by the black hole each rolls a die to see if he/she is hurt by the black hole.

Black Hole Teleport: your character can use a black hole as a portal as long as the place you are teleporting to has a black hole for you to use as a portal for you come out of. When teleporting using the Black Hole Teleport ability you actually teleport through, the Dark Space Dimension, homeland of the space dragons, a land where space and time does not exist and creatures, plants, and things, from every era throughout time exists.

Teleport immune: you character is immune to being forced to teleport. No one and nothing can cause you to be teleported away if you don’t want to be teleported away.

  • Chocolate Dragon:

Chocalate Swim: your character can swim through melted chocolate without being hurt by the melted chocolate.

Chocolate Lung: your character can breathe while submerged in melted chocolate.

Chocolate melee weapon: your character can magically make a non flexible melee weapon out of chocolate that does not melt and can’t be broken by normal attacks. Chocolate melee weapon can be used in place of a regular melee weapon and it can damage things. Amount of damage that can be dealt with the chocolate weapon increases each time your character levels up.

Dragon Chocolate: Your character breathes hot melted chocolate from his/her mouth that can damage plants, creatures, and items. Hot melted chocolate can be frozen in a container to saved for later as a nutritious health bar for your character.

Chocolate immune: your character is immune to chocolate type attacks and your character cannot get negative effects from eating chocolate.

  • Candy Dragon (also known as a “halloween Dragons”):

Candy Teleport: your character can teleport from candy pile to candy pile. It is said and known that candy dragons are the guardians of Halloween itself and thus they are alternately called, “Halloween Dragons”.

Candy Increase: your character can temporarily increase his or her stats at 12:00 p.m. and the effects last until Sunrise.

Candy Plant: your character can change a plant into a plant that grows Halloween candy instead of flowers, herbs, fruit, and veggies. Halloween candy harvested from plants changed by the Candy Plant ability have different effects determined by the dungeon master over your game and your roll of a die.

Dragon Candy: your character can breathe Halloween candy from his/her mouth that damages creatures, plants, and items. Halloween candy gained from using the Dragon Candy ability and it can be used to cause a negative status ailment to an enemy creature when that enemy creature eats it. The Halloween candy can also be used as a nutricious/non toxix snack by your fellow party members without causing them any negative effects unless their stomach is already full.

Candy Immune: you cannot be hurt by candy type attacks

  • Italian Food Dragon (also known as the Valentines Day Dragon):

Pasta weapon: your character can make a ranged weapon or whip made of soft or hard pasta that can’t be eaten, damaged, or gone bad. The pasta weapon made using Pasta Weapon ability can be used to damage enemies but is made using pasta and magic.

Italian Chef: your character is better at making Italian food than any other dragon or race in D&D and therefore can roll again to make a italian dish if he fails his roll the first time.

Dragon Cupid: if two people share the same dish that your character makes they both have a chance to fall in love with each other. They both roll a die to see if they both fall in love with each other, If either of them fail the roll, accepts already being in love with a different creature if already in love with another creature, or is currently married, nothing happens to them except them getting the nutritious effects of the food eaten. Non player characters and player characters, except your character, can be affected by the ability Dragon Cupid. You cannot make a character magically fall in love with you by using the Dragon Cupid ability (this prevents players from abusing the Dragon Cupid ability to forcefully get a player or character to fall in love with him/her). Also Dragon Cupid only works once on a creature and you cannot make another creature fall in love with the same creature that is in love with another creature through the effects of the ability Dragon Cupid (In essence harems cannot be created with the Dragon Cupid ability.).

Dragon Tomato Sauce: your character can breathe boiling spaghetti sauce from his/her mouth that can damage enemies, put out fires, and be used and eaten in food that needs spaghetti sauce without causing negative effects.

Italian Food immune: your character is immune to Italian food type attacks and magic love spells.

  • Dental Dragon:

Minty Mouth: your character can magically clean and repair the teeth of your fellow party members but the effect is that the player character that you clean and/or repair the teeth of breathes noxiously clean smelling breath can knock out enemies and other player characters with it’s breath.

Dragon Comedy: your character can make jokes and actions that make other creatures who see or hear them laugh uncontrollably for awhile if the joke or actions are meant to be funny.

Dragon Acrobatics: your character is better at acrobatics than other types of dragons. You can roll a die again if you fail your acrobatic roll.

Dragon Toothpaste: your character can breathe randomly flavored toothpaste from his/her mouth that can make enemy creatures weak and sick due to the toothpaste making them too clean to the point of their good bacteria, not just the bad bacteria, on their bodies being eradicated. Water and unused toothpaste gained from Dragon Toothpaste ability can be used to effectively clean and deodorize allies, creatures, and things without any negative effects.

Dirty Immune: your character cannot get filthy and therefore your character does not need to bathe unlike other dragons and races in D&D. Also your character cannot get dental problems.

  • Pillow Dragon (also called the “Sandman Dragon”):

Pillow Armour: your character can make and wear pillows that can weaken attacks made against you regardless of if the attack is magical or not. Roll a die to see how much less health points you lose from the attack made by the enemy or fellow party member if you are wearing pillows as armour.

Convincing Words: you can convince a creature into believing lies and truths better than any other type of dragon or creature except younger toy dragons. You can roll a die a second time to succeed in persuading another creature to believe a a lie or truth if your roll failed to convince the creature of the same lie or truth once before.

Dragon Song: your character can put other creatures, that have the ability to hear things, to sleep temporarily by singing a song to them.

Pillow Barf: your character can barf up a dry pillow that puts any creature to sleep if that creature rests it’s head on the barfed up pillow.

Sleep Immune: your character is immune to sleep attacks and attacks that immediately make you unconscious. Your character is always drowsy while awake. Pillow Dragons are called “Sandman Dragons” due to pillow dragons being the guardians of sleep and because the mythical sandman that puts people to sleep is the ruler of the pillow dragon species and uses pillow dragons as his guards, citizens, and army.

  • Chef Dragon:

Food Up: your character can temporarily boost his/her strength, dexterity, and intelligence at 7:00 a.m. and this boost lasts until 7:00 p.m.

Dragon Chef: your character can roll a die to try to magically change biological materials in a container into edible food but the weight and type of food is determined on the weight and amount of biological materials in container before the biological materials are changed into food. Created food using Dragon Chef ability equals the weight and amount of biological materials used to create the food as if the biological materials was formed into the shape of the food created then altered atomically to the food that is created.

Dragon Oil: your character can breathe boiling oil from his/her mouth that can scald and damage enemies and creatures, be used as a replacement for gasoline, and in cooking food that require edible oil.

Food immune: you are immune to food type attacks but not Halloween candy type attacks.

  • Toy Dragon:

Imagination Forge: your character can magically make any harmless creature, vehicle, or tool out of toy blocks that can be used like what it is supposed to represent and is as hard as what the item is supposed to represent is. Thing made with the ability, Imagination Forge, works as if was the thing it is imagined to be. Roll a die to see what you make when you use the ability, Imagination Forge.

Convincing Innocence: you can roll a die a second time to convince an older creature of your innocence to an offence done against another creature.

Small Dragon: your character at adult age is the size of a very young non toy dragon in dragon form and the size and look of a human kid in human form when viewed not closely.

Imagination Breath: your character can breath what you imagine out of his/her mouth but the attack is wisdom based.

Foolish immune: you are immune to attacks that are wisdom based and imaginary turned real attacks.

  • Art Dragon:

Art Teleport: your character can teleport by using a painting as a portal to Artworld, Home world and dimension of the art dragons, then you use a door in Artworld to come out of a painting not in the area of the place you were in before going to Artworld. Artworld is a allways altering world that is made up of areas featured in paintings and artwork created by creaturs tat create artwork and paintings including games.

Art Storage: Your character can turn a painting into a dimentional storage device that can be used to store things that you want to keep but only art dragons can gain access to the stuff in the dimensional storage device like painting.

Dragon Paint: your character can breathe random colors of paint from his/her mouth that colors enemies and deals wisdom type damage to enemies. Paint collected from the Dragon Paint ability can be used to paint things and in making magic paint.

Color immune: your character is immune to having tatoos forced on to him/her, your character’s hair and body forcefully changed by some other creature, and your character is immune to attacks that can change the color of thing and you.

Color Dragon: your character can roll a die to try to temporarily and magically change his/her body or hair color to a different color.

Color Removal: your character can roll a die to try to magically remove tattoos and hair dies like popping a zit but just without pain.

Authors Note: when I mention creatures that mean non player characters and characters that aren’t plants unless otherwise specified. Also this dragon idea and list serves as a Rough draft of what abilities each type of dragon and all dragons would have since I don’t know the best way to implement die attacks like the die rolls for the italian food dragon’s ability Dragon Tomato Sauce. Also these dragon types can be used in a D&D campaign requireing you to gain money or a D&D treasure hunt campaign.

So what do you people think about my dragon race ideas and how do you think the dragon race ideas would be created using the d&D beyond character's race creation tool?

dragon race  and dragon sub race ideas for character but how to use them for making a character and opinions on it. - Homebrew & House Rules - Dungeons & Dragons Discussion - D&D Beyond Forums (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.