Creation&Rebirth - Chapter 23 - rosenwaldxx (2024)

Chapter Text



Sasuke moved swiftly through the dense foliage of the Forest of Death, his heart pounding with a mix of fear and determination. He cradled Sakura's unconscious body against his chest, feeling the heat radiating from her fevered skin. The weight of his responsibility bore down on him heavily, but he pushed through, focusing on the task at hand. They had to survive this— she had to survive this, no matter what.

Reaching the secluded clearing, he quickly approached the hollow old tree where he had hidden Naruto. The makeshift hideout was well-concealed, providing some measure of security from the dangers lurking in the forest. Gently, Sasuke laid Sakura down beside Naruto, his eyes flicking between the two with growing concern.

Naruto was still unconscious, his skin slightly warm to the touch but not feverish. Sasuke's eyes then turned to Sakura, and his heart ached at the sight of her condition. She was shaking and shivering, her body wracked with high fever. Her face was pale, lips devoid of color, and she seemed to be in a lot of pain even in her unconscious state. Sasuke's breath hitched, his hand trembling slightly as he brushed a strand of hair from her face. The back of his hand gently caressed her cheek, feeling the burning heat of her fever. A surge of protectiveness washed over him, and he knew he had to do something to help her.

Quickly, he rummaged through Sakura's pouch, finding some cloths. He moved with a sense of urgency, wetting the cloths with water from his canteen. He then placed one cloth on Sakura's forehead, hoping to bring down her fever, and another on Naruto's, just to be cautious. Sasuke sat back, his eyes never leaving Sakura's face. He could see the subtle tremors running through her body, the shallow rise and fall of her chest. The fear of losing her gnawed at his insides, but he forced himself to stay calm. He had to be strong for them, especially for her.

He took a deep breath, his fingers lightly brushing against Sakura's hand. The coolness of her hand under the fever's heat was startling. He closed his eyes for a moment, steeling himself. The memory of her brave, defiant face flashed in his mind, and he knew he couldn't let her down. He wouldn't. As he sat there, watching over his teammates, Sasuke felt a determination solidify within him. He would protect them both, no matter the cost. With every fiber of his being, he vowed to keep them safe. The forest around him seemed to grow quieter, the oppressive atmosphere momentarily lifting as he focused on his promise. Sasuke kept a vigilant watch, his senses on high alert for any potential threats. He wouldn't let anything harm them, not while he still had breath in his body. And as he watched Sakura's fevered face, his heart whispered a silent promise: he would find a way to help her, to save them all.



Sasuke's eyes lingered on Sakura's fevered face for a moment longer before a troubling thought crossed his mind. He remembered the wound she had sustained from Orochimaru's attack, the sword that had impaled her. His concern deepened, and he decided to inspect it, hoping to understand why her condition was worsening despite her attempts to heal herself earlier.

Carefully, he lifted her green haori dress, mindful not to reveal anything indecent. The fabric was bloodied, and he tore a section purposefully to get a clearer view of the wound. His breath caught in his throat when he saw the state of her injury. The cut across her stomach was still tender, a mix of purplish and red hues indicating an improper healing process. The skin around it was inflamed, and despite the lack of active bleeding, it was clear something was wrong.

Confusion swept over him. He knew Sakura's capabilities as a medical ninja. She could easily heal wounds like this under normal circ*mstances. So why was this wound different? What had Orochimaru done to her? His mind raced, trying to piece together an answer, but the only thing he could conclude was that something was hindering her healing process. Pushing his worry aside, Sasuke knew he had to focus on keeping them safe for the time being. He couldn't afford to be distracted, not when they were in such a dangerous place. After gently covering Sakura back up, he stood, his movements careful and deliberate.

He set about rigging traps around their hideout, using every bit of his skill and knowledge to create a defensive perimeter. The forest around them was silent, but he knew that danger could strike at any moment. His hands moved swiftly, tying wires, setting kunai in strategic positions, and ensuring that any intruder would be met with resistance.

Once he was satisfied with the traps, Sasuke returned to their hideout. He checked on Naruto, who was still unconscious but stable, then turned his attention back to Sakura. Her condition hadn't improved, and the sight of her suffering gnawed at his resolve. He knelt beside her, gently brushing a strand of hair from her face, his touch tender and filled with unspoken affection. As he sat there, a deep sense of protectiveness welled up within him. He would do everything in his power to keep them safe. They were his teammates, his friends—no, they were more than that. They were his family.





Sasuke leaned against the rough bark of a tree, exhaustion finally overtaking him after a night spent watching over his teammates. Despite his best efforts to stay vigilant, he drifted into a light nap, the sounds of the forest blending into a distant hum. His rest was uneasy, his mind half-aware of the dangers that lurked around them. A few hours later, he was jolted awake by a warm, soft sensation pressing against his cheek. His eyes flew open, and he found himself staring into the viridian eyes of Sakura. She was leaning back slightly, a playful smile on her lips, her nose crinkling in that endearing way he always loved.

"Hey, love," she giggled, her voice soft and melodic with a tinged of teasing.

Sasuke stared at her for a few moments, his heart pounding in his chest. He could hardly believe she was awake. "Sakura," he breathed, relief flooding through him.

She laughed softly, teasing him, "You look like you've seen a ghost."

Shaking off his initial shock, Sasuke immediately began to survey her condition. She was still pale, but she looked better than she had the previous night. He could see the color slowly returning to her cheeks, though she was clearly still weak.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.

Sakura smiled reassuringly, though it was tinged with a hint of tiredness. "I'm okay, just still feeling weak. I can't use my chakra properly yet, so I'm still a bit sick."

Sasuke hovered around her, his protective instincts kicking in. He reached for a water bottle and handed it to her. "Here, drink this."

She accepted the water gratefully, taking a few sips before handing it back to him. "Thanks, Sasuke-kun."

"Do you need anything else?" he asked, his eyes never leaving her face.

Sakura smiled sheepishly, a slight blush coloring her cheeks. "I don't need anything else, but I am kind of hungry. Maybe some food can help me regenerate and heal faster."

Sasuke nodded, determination flashing in his eyes. "I'll find something for you to eat. Just rest here, okay?"

As he stood up, he glanced back at her, his heart swelling with a mix of emotions. Seeing her awake and smiling, despite her weakened state, filled him with hope. He leaned down and gently poked her forehead, a silent promise that he will be back.

"I'll be back soon," he said softly, squeezing her hand before letting go.

Sasuke moved swiftly through the forest, his mind focused on the task at hand. He had to find something nutritious for Sakura to eat, something that would help her regain her strength. As he searched, his thoughts kept drifting back to her, to the way her eyes had sparkled when she woke up, and to the playful crinkle of her nose. The memory brought a small, rare smile to his lips. Sasuke decided he needed to catch some fish, knowing that both he, Naruto and Sakura would need the nourishment to regain their strength. He also needed to refill their water canteens, so he headed to a nearby river. The cool morning air filled his lungs as he moved swiftly but quietly through the forest, his senses alert to any potential danger.

Reaching the river, Sasuke quickly set to work. The process of fishing was meditative in its own way, allowing his mind a brief respite from the constant vigilance. After about fifteen minutes, he managed to catch three fish—one for him, one for Sakura, and one for Naruto. Satisfied with his haul, he refilled their water canteens with the fresh, clear river water.

As he made his way back, a faint murmur of voices reached his ears. Instinctively, he moved into the shadows, concealing himself as he listened. From his vantage point, he observed two opponents, both of whom he recognized from the start of the exam. One was a long-haired guy who had asked for his name before the exam began, and the other was a girl with brown hair styled in twin buns. His mind raced as he connected the dots. These two were teammates of the guy in the green jumpsuit—the one who had declared his love for Sakura. A surge of protectiveness and urgency washed over him as he thought of Sakura. He needed to get back to her and Naruto immediately.

Just as he was about to move, he heard the long-haired one mention their teammate Lee was missing. His companion responded, pointing in the direction of their hideout. Panic gripped Sasuke's heart as he realized they were heading straight towards Sakura and Naruto. Without hesitation, he bolted from his hiding spot. He didn't care if he was seen or if the others heard him. His only thought was to reach Sakura and Naruto before it was too late. His muscles burned as he pushed himself to move faster, weaving through the trees with an agility born from desperation.

The forest blurred around him as his focus sharpened on the path ahead. Fear clawed at his mind, each passing second feeling like an eternity. He couldn't let anything happen to them. Not to Sakura, who had already suffered so much, and not to Naruto, who was defenseless in his current state.

The underbrush whipped at his legs, and branches snagged his clothes, but Sasuke pressed on, driven by an intense need to protect his teammates. His breath came in ragged gasps, but he ignored the burning in his lungs. Every fiber of his being was focused on one goal: reaching Sakura and Naruto before the approaching danger did.

As he neared their hideout, his heart pounded with a mix of fear and determination. He had to get there in time. He had to.





But he was too late. The scene he arrived to was nothing but pure chaos.

Sakura lay bloodied, bruised and with multiple cuts on the ground, face down with numerous senbons sticking out of her back. Her once long pink hair was now crudely painted with the color red. The sight of her lifeless form sent a surge of anger and helplessness through Sasuke.

Nearby, Lee was barely standing. He, too, was bloodied and beaten, yet he pushed himself to remain upright, his eyes filled with a fierce determination. Despite his injuries, Lee's spirit was unbroken, but it was clear he was reaching his limit.

The sight of Sakura in such a state, combined with the sheer brutality of the scene, made Sasuke's blood boil. Rage and a burning desire for vengeance coursed through his veins. His vision tunneled as he focused on the enemy responsible for this carnage. Without hesitation, he activated his Sharingan. The world around him sharpened, and his senses heightened. Every muscle in his body coiled with the need to unleash his wrath. The anger he felt was palpable, nearly tangible as it radiated off him.

He would make them pay. He would make sure they regretted ever laying a hand on Sakura.

With a snarl, Sasuke launched himself forward, ready to exact his vengeance.





Just as Sasuke left to find food, Sakura took a moment to survey her wounds. Her eyes widened at the sight of the red and purplish bruises surrounding the injury, a clear sign that it hadn’t healed properly. Concentrating her chakra into her palms, she attempted to use her medical ninjutsu to diagnose the problem. Her chakra flickered weakly, struggling to flow smoothly through her chakra pathways.

Determined, she pushed her chakra forcefully into her palms. Her medical ninjutsu stabilized, though it remained weaker than usual. Scanning her wound with her chakra, she soon identified the issue: her wound was infected by a poison. The realization struck her like a lightning bolt. Orochimaru's sword must have been laced with it. But what was its purpose? To weaken her by blocking her chakra? To cause an illness? Or something more sinister? Countless questions raced through her mind, each more troubling than the last. Her thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the sound of rustling bushes. Fear gripped her heart as she realized that in her weakened state, she was in no condition to defend herself or Naruto, who still lay unconscious.

Gathering her chakra, Sakura performed a sensing jutsu. She detected four opponents nearby. Four?? Panic surged through her. The first three were dangerously close, and the fourth wasn’t far behind. Gripping a kunai from her pouch, she readied herself despite her trembling hands. Her body was weak, her chakra pathways were blocked, and she had Naruto to protect. Her mind raced, but she steeled herself, knowing she had no choice but to fight. She couldn't afford to falter now. As she prepared for the worst, a voice suddenly echoed through the clearing.

“There you are, pinky,” a male voice sneered, dripping with disdain. “I was getting tired of looking for you.”

Sakura emerged from her hiding spot, knowing it was futile to stay concealed now. She stood protectively in front of Naruto, gripping her kunai tightly. Her eyes scanned the newcomers: two males and a female. The first man, who had spoken, had spiky black hair and dark eyes, wearing a beige shirt and an Otogakure headband. The other man’s face was mostly covered in bandages, leaving only his left eye and eyebrow exposed. The lone female had fair skin, black eyes, and very long black hair. They must be genin from Otogakure competing in the exams. But why were they looking for her?

Steeling herself, she spoke, “Who are you, and what do you want from me?”

The spiky-haired man smiled evilly. “We are here under the orders of Orochimaru-sama. We’re going to kill you and your friends.”

“f*ck all of you. Don’t go anywhere near me or my teammates,” Sakura seethed.

The girl laughed maniacally. “I don’t think you’re in any condition to fight, pinky. Seeing your form now, Orochimaru-sama must have succeeded in weakening you, huh?”

“Shut up, Kin. Don’t butt in,” the spiky-haired man, Zaku, chimed in.

“Don’t tell me what to do, Zaku,” Kin retorted.

“Both of you shut up. Let’s just do what Orochimaru-sama told us to do,” the bandaged man, Dosu, interjected.

Sakura’s eyes narrowed. “You,” she gestured at the girl named Kin. “What did Orochimaru do to my body?”

Kin replied sarcastically, smiling evilly, “Oh, you didn’t know? Orochimaru-sama infected you with a carefully crafted poison that attacks your chakra pathways and internal organs if left untreated.”

“What?!” Sakura’s shock and fear were palpable.

Zaku and Kin laughed maniacally. Zaku eyes roamed her body, observing her carefully.

Zaku spoke again, more serious now, “Hmm, I don’t think Orochimaru-sama succeeded, though, seeing as she is still alive…”

“What do you mean? Was that supposed to kill me?” Sakura’s voice trembled with shock and fear at the revelation.

“Well, duh? All of Orochimaru-sama’s test subjects died when they were injected with that. But I too am curious as to how you survived. You must really be something, huh?” Kin answered sarcastically.

“Enough with the talk. Let’s get this over with. Kin, you kill the blonde one. Zaku, you get pinky. I’ll wait for the Uchiha,” Dosu commanded.

Sakura readied herself, quickly using her Wood Release to create clones. Due to her weakened condition, she only managed to create one. But she thought it was enough—her clone would protect Naruto while she dealt with the one attacking her real body. The weight of the situation pressed heavily on her shoulders, but Sakura’s resolve burned bright. She couldn’t afford to fail. As the tension in the air thickened, she braced for the imminent clash.



Zaku dashed toward Sakura, his eyes gleaming with malicious intent. Sakura met his charge, kunai clashing against kunai. The sound of metal on metal rang out as sparks flew from their intense exchange. Her clone was busy keeping Kin away from Naruto, its wooden form taking blows and giving them in equal measure. A few minutes into the fight, Sakura’s exhaustion began to show. The poison was wreaking havoc on her body, making her movements sluggish and her defenses sloppy. Zaku, sensing her weakness, took advantage.

With a swift motion, Zaku caught her off guard. His kick landed directly on her stomach where her wound was, sending her flying backward. She crashed into a nearby tree, the impact causing it to crack. Pain seared through her body as she struggled to stand up. Before she could fully regain her footing, Zaku extended his arms and opened his palms. A combination of air pressure and sound shot toward her, hitting her with full force.

Sakura felt her ribs break, the pain radiating through her chest. Her skin was sliced open in multiple places, and her eardrums burst from the sheer intensity of the sound. She collapsed onto the forest floor, her body shaking uncontrollably. Blood spewed from her mouth as she fought to stay conscious. The attack had been too much; her clone vanished, leaving Naruto defenseless. Despair and fear gripped her as she lay there, tears streaming down her face. She could only hope someone would come to their aid.

Her vision blurred, and she struggled to focus as Zaku prepared for his next attack. She knew this could be the end. Summoning all her remaining strength, she looked up, eyes hazy and unfocused. Suddenly, she saw a flash of green.

In a blur, someone kicked Zaku away from her. The force of the kick sent him sprawling. A moment later, she felt herself being lifted gently from the ground. Blinking rapidly, she saw Lee’s face, his expression filled with regret and sadness.

“I'm sorry I'm late, Sakura-san,” he said softly, his voice trembling with emotion.

Sakura's heart swelled with relief and gratitude. Despite the agony wracking her body, she managed a weak smile. Her vision dimmed further, but she felt a glimmer of hope. Lee was here. They had a chance. Or she thought…



After Lee picked her up, he gently settled Sakura down near Naruto's unconscious form. She managed a weak, heartfelt thank you, and Lee responded with a thumbs-up, his eyes filled with determination.

"I'll take it from here. Just rest," he assured her.

Sakura nodded slowly, her movements heavy with exhaustion. She attempted to heal herself, but her body was ravaged by too many injuries, and her chakra reserves were dangerously low. The poison coursing through her veins continued to wreak havoc. Closing her eyes, she summoned every fiber of her being into her medical ninjutsu. Though it was weak, it was better than nothing. She focused on healing her internal injuries first, prioritizing the potential punctured lung caused by her broken ribs.

Her vision was hazy and blurred as she watched Lee struggle against their three opponents. She didn't know the full extent of Lee’s abilities but she had faith in him. However, seeing him battle against three adversaries alone was heart-wrenching. Tears of frustration and helplessness welled up in her eyes. She couldn't help Lee in her current condition and could only hope that Sasuke would return soon.

A few minutes into the fight, Lee was showing signs of exhaustion. Bruised and battered, he was fighting valiantly but the odds were overwhelming. Sakura bit her lip so hard at the sight that it started to bleed. She observed the chaotic scene, searching desperately for an opening. Her heart sank when she saw Lee fall face down on the forest floor. Fear gripped her, and summoning all her remaining strength, she tried to stand up.

She heard Dosu's voice, cold and commanding, "Kin, finish him off."

Looking at Kin, Sakura saw that she was holding several senbons. Kin's malicious grin indicated her intentions. Sakura deduced that the senbons were likely laced with the same poison Orochimaru had used on her. Her heart clenched with fear; she couldn’t let Lee be subjected to that poison. Maybe her healing and regenerative abilities as a Senju had saved her, but Lee was no Senju. She couldn’t risk him being infected.

In a burst of final strength, driven by sheer willpower and desperation, Sakura dashed toward Lee. She shielded him with her own body just as Kin hurled the senbons. The sharp needles embedded themselves into her back, intensifying the pain coursing through her already battered body. She gasped in agony but remained resolute, her body shaking uncontrollably as she protected Lee.

The world around her blurred further as darkness crept into the edges of her vision. Her breaths were shallow, every inhale sending waves of pain through her broken ribs and punctured lung. She clung to consciousness with all her might, hoping against hope that Sasuke would return soon and save them from this nightmare.



Creation&Rebirth - Chapter 23 - rosenwaldxx (2024)
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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

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Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.