An Extra Devilish Leviathan - Chapter 1 - Hyde77 (2024)

Chapter Text

Bright lights, that was the first thing that I noticed when I woke up. As I slowly stood up I found that I was in a completely white room with nothing but a wooden desk inside of it. Had I not been spending so much time looking around trying to figure out where I was I might have noticed the other occupant of the room.


I practically jumped out of my skin as the loud robotic voice exclaimed it's greeting. As I slowly turned to see who had spoken I couldn't stop myself from staring in fascinated horror. There, behind the desk, sat someone I was all too familiar with, Claptrap.

"What the f*ck? Claptrap?" I could only whisper to myself as I continued to stare. I could only imagine why this unholy creature had dragged me her, was it to kill me for all the times I had shot him during the borderlands two intro mission?

"Yes, but not really, you see I'm a clone of my handsome original made by The Company for the purpose of recruitment." He explained matter of factly causing something to click for me.

"Wait, The Company? As in the people behind Waifu Catalog, but I thought that was just a fun little game to play to pass the time?" I asked.

"It is! It's also a discreet omniversal recruitment tool for finding potential contractors. And you are in luck as you have been selected!" He explained in excitement.

"Oookay and what if I don't want to do this?" I asked causing him to drop his excitement momentarily and stare at me.

Don't get me wrong I think being a contractor would be f*cking awesome, but at the same time it's Claptrap. Would you trust Claptrap?

"Well if you don't want to accept the mission I'll just have to send you to the void." He stated while gesturing to a door that just randomly opened.

As I looked at the opening I couldn't see anything. Now I don't mean like an empty room or there was just a wall behind the door, no I mean there was nothing but pitch blackness.

"So can I see this mission first or what?" I asked suddenly feeling a lot more interested in this deal of his.

Claptrap's only response was to slide a tablet across the desk to me. When I picked it up I could see the mission details.

{Mission: An Extra Devilish Leviathan

Location: High School Dxd

Scope: Grand

Description: The house of Leviathan has fallen from it's former power and is now nothing but a distant memory, the seat of Maou has been taken by a Sitri, Serafall wears the name Leviathan as nothing but a title, a clear insult to the original Satan, and what of the last remaining descendants of the true Leviathan? Ingvild, a half breed but with great potential and a powerfull sacred gear, and Katerea a pure blood devil of no remarcable power and incapable of even using the great clan trait of house Leviathan, the "Sea Serpent Of The End". Your mission contractor, will be reincarnating in the world of high school DxD as a pureblooded descendant of the true Leviathan, rebuild your house to it's former glory, and take back the title of Satan or let one of your children do so.


Must take origin "Extra" T5 as a pureblooded descendant of the original Leviathan.

Upon accepting the mission you will be able to use the clan trait of house Leviathan "Sea Serpent Of The End".

You will appear in Kuoh Town as a student at Kuoh Academy, the Devils in the city won't be able to detect your true identity as a member of house Leviathan, untill you desire so.

You must regain the status of noble in the devil faction, andbe recognized the status of a high class devil.

Reclaim the lands of house Leviathan that have been lost during the civil war.

Marry the heir of a prominent devil House.

You or one of your children must become the new Satan Leviathan, taking Serafall's place.

You are a devil act like one, this dosen't mean you must be evil for the sake of evil, just don't be a goody two shoes, and if you want something don't stop just because it's not "Right" or "Just", you'reThe Leviathan, enjoy it all.

Sweet Home and all the following Perks of Personal Dimension/Demiplane are locked to you unless you acquire them as a reward of THIS Mission. You can still buy Pocket Space.

Each Member of your Retinue (including yourself) can only have 1 Template maximum.

Until the end of this Mission, you can't use the Power swap perk on yourself.

Until the end of this Mission, you can't purchase any Heritage options.

Until the end of this Mission, you can't purchase any defences aside from Body, Wild, Environmental, Information, or Destiny.

Don't die until the release of Trihexa or live 500 years in DxD.

You can't bind a Sacred Gear to your soul.

When reincarnating someone in your peerage, they can not be higher than T8. You can not cheat though Used Goods.

You can recruit 1 T8, 4 T7 and as many T6 as you want as long as you recruit at least one member lower than T5.

While traveling the Multiverse the World of DxD will pause as long as you are off world but in order to travel to any new world you must first complete a Standard Mission.

Completing a Mission must be repeated for every new world you travel to. You can substitute a Standard with 3 Quick Missions.

Reward [ Credits ] : 2000

Additional Objectives:

Objective 1: Acquire a Longinus Sacred Gear! Repeatable.

Reward [ Credits ]: 70 Credits per Gear

Objective 2: Defeat Kokabiel 1vs1!

Reward [ Perks ]: Stress Defence x2 and 100 credits.

Objective 3: Reincarnate Peerage Members from as many different Worlds of Origin as you can.

Reward [ Other ] : 20 Credits x Number of Different Worlds

Objective 4: Create a Harem of at least 3 Members.

Reward [ Perks ] : Sexual Calibration and Fertility Calibration

Objective 5: Have at least 3 Pureblood Devil offspring that possess a Devil House Trait (either yours or the mother's)

Reward [ Perks ] : Fertility CalibrationII and Designer Babies III

Objective 6: Deafet Vali Lucifer in combat.

Reward [ Other ]: 200 Credits or a Tier 8 dragon or demon Companion Ticket.

Objective 7: Become the strongest Devil Youth!

Reward [ Other ]: Stud Service and Zenryoku Zenkai Lures

Objective 8: Defeat the Hero Faction

Reward [ Perks ]: Mind Defence x2 and 100 credits.

Objective 9: Seduce Capture and Marry Serafall Leviathan.

Reward [ Other ] : Your "Sea Serpent Of The End" mutates, it's power is greatly multiplied and you are now able to turn into a true Leviathan.

Objective 10: Capture Katerea Leviathan, force her to leave the old satan faction, and become your secretary.

Reward [ Other ] : Your devil magic and clan trait don't need magic circles to work anymore a thought is all you need.

Objective 11: Capture Ingvild Leviathan.

Reward [ Other ] : Ingvild wakes form her sleep and gains "Sea Serpent Of The End", any child with her is guaranteed to carry your clan trait.

Objective 12: Obtain a set of Evil Pieces.

Reward [ Other ] : Obtain a King Piece free of any risks and defects, all your evil pieces mutate.

Objective 13: Fill your peerage, all pieces must be used.

Reward [ Other ] : One T7 or below companion of your choice.

Objective 14: Become a Super Devil.

Reward [ Other ] : Sea Serpent Of The End mutates further, your dominion extends to storms, your authority supersedes that of gods and primordials.

Objective 15: Become The Strongest Devil.

Reward [ Credits ] : 250

Objective 16: Defeat Rizevim Livan Lucifer.

Reward [ Other ]: Perk and Soul Defence x2

Objective 17: Defeat Sirzechs Lucifer.

Reward [ Other ]: 250 Credits or a Tier 8 Companion Ticket.

Objective 18: Defeat Trihexa once and for all.

Reward [ Other ]: 1 IMG ticket and the ExE continuity Adversaries Get erased from existence!

Objective 19: Capture Ophis by love confession!

Reward [ Other ]: 1 IMG Ticket. }

Looking over the mission I let out a low whistle at the lengthy page of mission details. It's not that the mission is impossible, no in fact it is very doable with the exception of one or two bonus objectives.

"Also keep in mind that so long as you stick to the conditions of your mission we at The Company have no care whatsoever of what you do." Claptrap adds on.

The more I read over the mission the more inclined I am to take it. I mean hell if my two options are take the mission or spend eternity in the void I'll take the one that gets me laid.

"Alright, I accept the mission." I state firmly causing Claptrap to bounce in joy.

"Allllrighty! That means your contract with the company is locked in, welcome to corporate slavery! Now just one last thing to handle." He exclaims.

I'm tempted to comment on that slavery part when I hear a chime go off on the tablet I'm holding. Looking at it once again I see the familiar build screen of the Waifu Catalog website.

With the world already locked on DxD I move on by setting the difficulty to legacy and the intensity to PvE. Some may consider doing that a cop out, but I'm not about to have to compete with other contractors if I can help it.

Origin is already locked on Extra T5 as Marinus Leviathan, which I guess is my new name. I mean it sounds kinda cool, but I'll have to wait and see when I reincarnate.

Before moving on I quickly set my 'patron' as the First Contractor. Patrons are basically backers that give you a bonus so long as you behave a certain way. The only exception to this is the First Contractor who covers your first Waifu as long as they are tier five or below. Oh, he also gives advice occasionally, but according to the description he can be kinda vague with it.

Next up is the centerpiece of the build, bindings and lures. Personally for bindings it only comes down to one of two choices, Shroud of Power or Tempest Jewelry. Each of these have their pros and cons that I could spend forever talking about and how best to min/max each, but I'll skip the long explanation.

The short version is that the Shroud of Power focuses more on combat and capturing by use of force. There are of course more subtle was to use the shroud, but to do so costs perks that will leave me very near broke.

Meanwhile the Tempest Jewelry is focused mainly on capturing through subtlety and even with perks it's slightly cheaper than the Shroud. Of course through the purchase of perks you can also enchantment the jewelry to have special effects and even spells. The main downside is that in order to get the good perks you have to pay a chunk of credits for crappy prerequisites. The second downside is that you can only receive one type of jewelry piece per day up to a max of five unused pieces at one time.

At the end of the day it all comes down to what I think will work best and in this case it's the Tempest Jewelry. Considering I already have a plan to increase my combat ability a low key binding method would do wonders.

Now that I've gotten that decision out of the way it's time to pick up some perks to make my binding all the more powerful. First up is the simple perk Luxury Goods, which allows me to choose a second type of jewelry and increase the number of pieces I receive daily and my reserve by one.

Next up is...ugh designer set, one of my least favorite perks for this binding. I'm not gonna stay on this for long, but basically it adds a shield function to the jewelry. The problem is that in order to actually have it take a decent amount of damage a person needs to be wearing multiple types of jewelry.

Getting that out of the way I move on to Aggressive Initiations. This perk lets me bypass the minimum three day capture time by having whoever I'm trying to capture be submissive to myself or a more dominant member of my retinue. Specifically sexually submissive, which means the more submissive someone is, or becomes, the quicker they are to capture.

Following that perk up we come to one of my more preferred perks for this build, Jewels of Discord. The amazing effects of this perk are basically threefold. First Tempest Jewelry can now change appearance to match its wearers aesthetic, but the jewelry's type will never change. Second, anyone trying to remove a piece of Tempest Jewelry will not notice their failure or the fact it is still there afterwards. Finally third, with unused pieces of jewelry I can reverse effect number two making it extremely alluring to others to pick up and put on.

Now we come to the bread and butter of this binding method, the Rune perk series. First up is Basic Runes, a perk that lets me add mundane functions to pieces of jewelry. These functions include a clock, calculator, automatic translation, disguise app, a communications app, and a monitoring app. Having access to just those functions alone already gives me some ideas for a little creative capturing.

Moving in to the second perk in this series we have Advanced Runes: Spark. This perk is where things start to get fun, because with it I can now transfer enchantments from items to a piece of tempest jewelry. Unfortunately in doing so the originally enchanted item is destroyed and a piece up jewelry can only hold a single enchantment. At least it's supposed to only hold one enchantment unless you have the final perk in this series.

Expert Runes: Dream, this is my absolute favorite perk for this binding method. This perk opens up the ability to enchant tempest jewelry to members of your retinue, specifically artificers or engineers. Not only that but it increases the limit of enchantments from one to three, adds the ability to enchant spell like functions, and adds a collective list of all known enchantments by the retinue to a 'library'.

With the last perk for Tempest Jewelry selected it's time to pick up a few lures. Lures are exactly what they sound like as they are special skills or effects that make capturing easier. Considering just the binding has already taken up a great deal of credits I'm opting to keep it simple this time. The only two lure I take are Sticky Fingers and Faerie Feast.

With the heritage locked by the mission conditions I move on to the home perks and simply grab Pocket Space. It's a measly five credits, but the benefit of having a pocket storage dimension makes it well worth it.

Following the home perks I come to another easy section, Talents. Considering I've only been given the engineering and souls talents for free I have several in mind to purchase.

The first is good old Body Tune-Up. This talent is simple in that it changes your body so that it will always be in perfect health and physically fit. The second talent is just as simple as the first, that being Athletic Talent. All non-supernatural athletic skills such as swimming, acrobatics, sports, or parkour are now much easier and faster.

The third is Template Stacking, a talent that gives you the powers, abilities, skills, and equipment of a chosen 'template'. Of course it's not as simple as buying it and boom your Saitama. No, template stacking comes with a framework that requires you to actually train in order to access the skills or equipment of your chosen template.

In this case I picked one of my all time favorite anime villains, Sosuke Aizen. The man was one of the first villains I watched that had me going 'wtf' because of his mind f*ckery. Aizen was a bad ass and with a combination of his skills, the Tempest Jewelry, and my own Leviathan abilities I'll be one hell of an opponent both in battle and politically.

The final Talent I bought was to help speed up part of the learning curve at least with regards to sword combat. Martial Talent is a basic talent that just speeds up how quickly you learn combat skills so long as they are non-supernatural such as melee and ranged.

After moving on from Talents I come to the defenses section of the build. With so many defenses already being prohibited and others being part of my quest rewards I decide to simply pick up a single Body defense.

Moving on from Defenses I come to the last two sections of the build, miscellaneous and generic perks. For miscellaneous perks three of them can be considered a single series of perks.

They are the Exit Stage Left perk series that when all three are combined allow me to jump to one of nine random worlds. They also allow me to jump freely between any world that I've visited previously. The only catch is that to jump to a new world I need to progress the exit stage left meter by completing activities which thanks to the mission requirement to move to new worlds won't be a problem.

Finally I come to a perk that many would consider a waste if they didn't know any better. Universal Calibration, a perk that lets the buyer change a targets gender, age, sexuality, or the general beauty level of a world. The best part is that this perk is a one time purchase that can be applied to any world before I visit it.

Now some may wonder why I would spend credits on a perk like that when I'm going to DxD, a world already bordering on hentai. To answer that I need to provide context.

You see I have read over a hundred DxD fanfics since discovering the series and one of the common tropes I've become corrupted by is genderbending Vali. That's it, I'm spend ten credits for the sole reason of turning Vali into a girl.

No I will not be using this on Issei. The longer the series went in the more tolerable Issei became in my opinion. Vali on the other hand, oh I'm going to love showing HER what real supremacy looks like.

Moving on from that train of thought I come to the very last perk which is simply one credit. Paper Trail will make it so if anyone goes looking for any official records relating to myself or my backstory they will only find evidence that supports me. Of course it won't make it real, no it's just a convenient little trick to enforce my story.

Before moving on I select my free waifu courtesy of the First Contractor. While most individuals that are tier five are strong in their own right I have a single requirement....I need someone from Bleach. Specifically, I need a shinigami so that I can accelerate the speed I’ll train my template.

Heh, an idea just came to mind and considering my template it could probably be considered a little evil. Heh, heh, with that in mind I entered my choice. Now with that out of the way it's time to check out the build one last time.

{Starting World: High School DxD

Starting budget 365

Difficulty [6.25]

Legacy Difficulty 0


Me and My Girlfriend(s)(PvE) +0 [365]


You as Marinus Leviathan (Extra) of T5 -10 [355]


The First Contractor: [ Momo Hinamori] (cost: covered by patron)


Tempest Jewelry -10 [345]

Luxury Goods -5 [340]

Designer Set -35 [305]

Aggressive Initiations -20 [285]

Jewels of Discord -25 [260]

Basic Runes -10 [250]

Advanced Runes: Spark -15 [235]

Expert Runes: Dream -60 [175]


Sticky Fingers -5 [170]

Faerie Feast -10 [160]

Home perks

Pocket Space -5 [155]


Body Tune-Up -5 [150]

Athletic -5 [145]

Martial -10 [135]

Template Stacking I [ You as Marinus Leviathan has Sosuke Aizen (Bleach)] -20 [115]

Soul +free [115]

Engineering +free [115]


Body -5 [110]

Misc Perks

Universal Calibration -10 [100]

Exit Stage Left -5 [95]

We Will Meet Again -15 [80]

Pursued by a Bear -40 [40]

Generic Perks

Paper Trail (You as Marinus Leviathan) -1 [39]}

The build was good unfortunately it would leave me with a few less credits than I would prefer. Oh well it couldn't be helped I guess.

"I'm finished with my build." I said while sliding the tablet back over to Claptrap.

"Excellent, it's a little bland for my taste, but you do you pal! All that's left is reincarnation." He exclaimed as he opened his desk and put the tablet away.

"Okay so how does this wo- HOLY FU-"


With a thud the now lifeless body of the soon to reincarnate Marinus fell to the floor. Claptrap, meanwhile, set the Jacobs revolver that still had smoke coming from its barrel back into his desk.

"Man I love my job." The robot murderer stated before preparing to dispose of the body.

Marinus P.O.V

As my eyes snapped open the first thing that came to mind was pain. My hands shot to my head in an attempt to stop the searing headache that greeted me upon awakening. Thankfully the pain only lasted for a few minutes, but it might have as well been a few hours.

As the pain subsided I sat up and looked around to see that I was in an unfamiliar room. No wait...not unfamiliar, this is my room. Taking a minute to compose my thoughts I can feel the moment my memories settle, both sets that is. The set of memories from my previous life and those of my new life as Marinus Leviathan.

In this world I was born during the Great War between the three factions to the second son of the original Leviathan. As the war raged on and I reached the age of ten my father realized that the war would cost the devil race dearly if they wished to survive much less win. For that reason he spoke with Grandmother, the original Leviathan, and they decided it would be best to seal away one of their descendants so as to assure House Leviathans continued survival. After all even the most foolish of our enemies generals would have realized even if a war could not be won destroying the leadership of your enemy guaranteed they would be too preoccupied to finish you off.

It was after this discussion that I was sealed away in a secret tomb hidden on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Sealed within the tomb I was placed in a special form of stasis that would ensure my survival without aging. Sealed alongside me were a large portion of our houses wealth and artifacts so that I could ensure the prosperity of House Leviathan upon my awakening.

*knock* knock*

'Speak of the devil and they shall appear.' I thought to myself before answering the knocking. "It's open, come in."

As the door opened a woman who, if you didn't know any better, appeared to be in her early twenties entered. She had long hair that was the same deep pink color as cherry blossom. Her deep hazel, almost honey colored, eyes sparked with mirth as she smiled.

Her outfit was that of a classical maid with the two exceptions of her top that barely held back her bountiful breasts and the choker with a small chain worn around her throat. However the most noticeable part of her appearance was that of her crimson horns atop her head.

She was Celeste Belphegor, of house Belphegor. While today they were nothing more than another house of extra devils, in the past they had been much more. In the past House Belphegor had been to House Leviathan what the Lucifuge were to House Lucifer and Celeste had been the greatest among them.

Thanks to my combined memories it's pretty easy to draw parallels between the canon story and events that happened behind the scenes. One of those events was the battle that led to my grandmothers death, and had I not been here Celeste's as well.

Truly it's a bit terrifying how easily The Company can read into the blank pages of a world and alter it like so. I mean not every background character has a name, but you still see stadiums full of them all the time. For an omniversal entity to pick out one of those characters and suddenly have their name, history, future, and possibly even personality altered was horrifyingly amazing.

"Good morning Celeste." I greeted with a smile.

"Good morning Lord Marinus." She replied with a smile of her own.

"Ugh, I'll never get you to call me by just my name will I?" I questioned with a playful frown.

"Of course not Lord Marinus." She replied with a playful smirk. "I came to let you know breakfast shall be ready shortly."

"I understand, thank you Celeste, I will be down soon." I replied as I walked over towards my dresser. Celeste gave a bow before she left the room closing the door behind her.

After getting dressed I couldn't help but notice my appearance. Wearing a black short sleeved shirt and gray cargo pants, I stand at about six feet even with a swimmers build. My short hair is midnight black or if you want to stay on theme as black as the ocean's depths. My eye color is that of a pure bright orange the brightness of which is a contrast to my pale almost milky skin color. My skin isn't albino white by any means, but I guess spending several hundred years in stasis in a tomb can't prevent everything.

After finishing getting dressed I see what looks like a smartphone sitting on the dresser and I can't help but grin. The Company smart device, the most essential tool in any self respecting contractors toolbox.

Turning the device on I scroll through to make sure I understand everything when I get a surprise. Celeste is already a captured member of my retinue and not only that, but she's a tier seven. For reference that means she either is or has the potential to be as powerful as Grafiya. Considering what I remember my father telling me about her I'm inclined to believe she already is that powerful.

Deciding to save any more poking around for later I decide to head down for breakfast. As I leave the room I look out a window for a brief moment to catch a glimpse of the street outside and the quaint neighborhood we currently live in. Despite having a fortune in wealth I decided it would be better to keep a low profile while in the human world thus our modest three bedroom two bath house.

As I enter the dining room I see that Celeste has already set out a spread of bacon, eggs, pancakes, and sausage. Smelling the delicious food I don't waste any time before digging in much to the amusem*nt of Celeste. As the two of us eat she begins some light conversation.

"With your first day of school not until tomorrow do you have any plans for today?" She asked curiously.

I thought for a moment before answering. "Truthfully I haven't planned anything yet, I'm either going to explore the town or do some training." I stated causing her to nod.

"I see, if I may be of assistance in either endeavor please let me know." She requested.

"Of course." I gave Celeste a smile as I agreed. The woman had been my guardian for about seven years now, not including the time I was in stasis obviously, and had been like an older sister to me.

"Although, if I may ask, will you be using the artifact?" She asked to which I was confused.

My confusion only lasted for a few moments as I recalled a memory of what she meant. Taking the company device out of my pocket I held it up.

"You mean this?" I asked.

"Of course, Lord Leviathan traded a grand sum for that artifact before your sealing as I recall. You have also not made use of it again since summoning miss Hinamori." She answered respectfully, but matter of factly.

That confirmed it, the company had for some reason made this device canon. For what purpose? I have no idea, but it would make explaining away any sudden arrivals much easier.

Getting back to the matter at hand. "Not at the moment, but I may end up using it soon. Speaking of which where is Momo?" I asked looking around. “It’s not normal for her to miss breakfast.”

My memories told me that Momo had arrived shortly after my awakening and had since been with the two of us. In that time she was usually pretty punctual for meals.

“She is still in her room sleeping. As I understand she spent quite a while last night hunting down a stray devil.” Celeste answered to which I nodded.

I would need to talk to Momo about that. It wouldn’t do for the devils in Kuoh to be alerted to our presence prematurely.

I would handle that later, but back to the original question. The more I thought it over the better the idea of training sounded. Specifically training with my template as thanks to Celeste I was already very well taught with my clan abilities and a few general magic spells all devils should know.

“Like I said I’ll probably end up getting some more help soon.”

Celeste nodded, satisfied with the answer, and began to clear the table. As for myself I stood and returned to my room. With only a day until I entered Kuoh Academy I needed to at least get the basics of my template down pat.

Entering my room I closed the door behind me and took a seat in the middle of the floor. I had a few ideas on how to work on this, the first being meditation.

Closing my eyes I took a deep breath in and then exhaled a few seconds later. Repeating the process I lost track of time as my awareness of the surroundings slipped away.




The process continued to repeat until I could feel my surroundings begin to shift. There was an audible thunking noise as I opened my eyes to see that I had fallen forward and nearly fallen asleep. Heh, maybe trying meditation was a little too out there, but thankfully I had other ideas.

I stood up to make sure I wouldn't nearly doze off again and held out my hand conjuring a magic circle that bared the Leviathan crest. Magic was a truly wonderful thing to see in person. Something so mundane as a magic circle wouldn't draw the slightest bit of attention from anyone in the supernatural world.

And why is that hmm? Well every supernatural entity can 'feel' their inherent power. For devils it comes as naturally as breathing. We can sense our magical energy and with our imagination we 'shape' it into a spell. Of course while shaping a spell if we fail to use enough magic what should be a roaring fireball will come out a simple sputter of flame. What was I getting at? Oh yeah, 'feeling' magic.

With my eyes closed and senses turned on myself I can feel not only my demonic energy, but also another form of energy. If I had to describe what I felt it would be my demonic energy as a shell while the second energy was like a core.

As I was feeling out and attempting to better understand this energy I was interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Enter.” I replied with a slightly annoyed sigh.

That didn’t last for long however as the young woman behind the door entered. She wore a black shihakushou with a wooden plate tied around her arm. Her black hair was held up in a tied cloth covered bun. Looking close enough you could easily see the signs of having only recently woken up in her brown eyes.

The only noticeable addition to the her usual attire was a single metallic bracelet. This was the piece of Tempest Jewelry that she had arrived with.

“Good morning Momo, sleep well?” I asked with a light smile.

She gave a halfhearted glare as she stepped further into my room. “I did not. The stray I found last night was particularly difficult.” She stated catching my interest.

You may be wondering why Momo had been hunting strays in the first place, but it’s actually pretty simple. You see in Bleach hollows are basically corrupted souls that shinigami need to ‘cleanse’. Well apparently stray devils that have mutated give off a very similar aura to that of hollows. Because of this, and despite only being a company clone, Momo is somewhat compelled to ‘cleanse’ stray devils.

“I see, well you should have plenty of time to relax since as of today I’m suspending your hunting privileges.” I stated which seemed to wake her up.


“We need to keep a low profile while in town. That means avoiding leaving any evidence that may set off alarms for the devils.” I answered to which she nodded.

“If I’m not able to hunt strays what will I do in the meantime?” She asked to which I smiled.

“You will be helping me train, I intend to become proficient with my template. Preferably before canon starts.” I answer causing her to scowl.

Oh yeah, did I mention that even though she’s a company clone she retains all memories of her real counterpart?

“Must I?” The tone she asks in clearly states that she would rather do anything else.

“Momo.” My own tone becomes somewhat less friendly or cheerful to which she shrinks slightly.

It seems years of having only been around and doing little else has made her forget just why she was here in the first place. This is one of the few things harem anime never get into and that’s managing your harem. Most just have a ‘best’ girl that does all the management, but that’s not my way.

Without a moment to spare I reach out and take her hand pulling her towards me. Considering I was still sitting she ended up falling onto me slightly, not that I minded. As she tried to right herself I maneuvered her so that she was sitting in my lap with her back to me.

“Now Momo…” I began. “I understand why you detest that man, however I am not him. I will have his powers, skills, and yes even his zanpakuto, but I will not be him.” I stated calmly as I took her hand in mine and started whispering in her ear.

“I fully expect you to aid me in reaching his skill level and I promise when you do….” I gave the left side of her neck a small kiss causing her to ease back into me. “I’ll make sure to reward you properly like a good girl.”

When she looked back to me with a small blush I immediately switched gears twisting her arm behind her back and pushing her over so that she was bent over my lap. She look startled staring up at me unable to move.

“But if you make this troublesome, I’ll have to discipline you like a bad girl.” I stated resting my free hand against her bottom, my meaning very clear, to which she blushed even further. “Now Momo…..which is it?” I asked with a smirk.

“I-I’ll behave, I promise.” She answered with a bright blush.

As I let her go I couldn’t help but smile wide. This was going to be a very fun second life.

An Extra Devilish Leviathan - Chapter 1 - Hyde77 (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.