30 Simple Homemade Baby Food Recipes (2024)

We have a quick list of our favorite easy homemade baby food recipes along with some baby food hacks and tricks that will make transitioning to from baby food to table food MUCH easier and tastier. Homemade baby food is less expensive, surprisingly easy to make and can be customized for your baby’s tastes.

Making Homemade Baby Food

When you have a baby, you have a lot on your plate so that is why it was important to find super easy baby food recipes that prove that making baby food at home doesn’t have to be complicated. I wish I had these resources for easy baby food recipes a couple of years ago!

Don’t overthink this! Baby food recipes should be quick and simple and making baby food has to be fit around the schedule of your baby and family. These simple recipes are full of healthy foods so your baby’s first foods will keep the happy and healthy and going. The rest of the family can also enjoy some of these fruits and veggies but whole, so everyone can eat the same dinner… well kind of.

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Best Easy Baby Food Recipes

1. Fork Mashed Baby Food Recipes

Got a fork? You can mash your child’s food. Here are 30 Baby Foods you can mash for your child to eat. Easy. Peasy. via One Crazy House. This is great if your baby is not quite ready for solid foods or finger foods.

2. Baby Food Smoothies Recipes

Done with formula and breast milk? Let’s start with smoothies! It’s a great way to give your baby a variety foods and help them get important vitamins like vitamin c, a, d, etc. Make a baby food smoothie when you make your own morning power drink. via Camille Styles

3. Freezing Homemade Baby Food

Carrots. I am told that was my favorite food when I was a baby, and my kids all really, really loved carrots too! Make a big batch ofbaby food to freeze ahead for use as needed. What a good idea. via Yummy Toddler Food

4. Reuse Baby Pouches for Baby’s Food

DIY and reuse. You can fill old pouches with new baby food using this nifty trick get a clean (preferably unused for illness) aspirator. Use it to squeeze food into the pouch. via Hello Little Scout

5. More Fork Mashed Baby Food Recipes

Genius! This list is a terrific resource: All the baby foods that you can make with a fork, including cantelope, avocado, pears, and more. via Baby Foodie

6. Dessert On A Spoon Recipe for Baby

Dessert on a spoon! This sugar-free recipe is super sweet and tasty. Mix pears and figs, with a pinch of parsnip. via Sage Spoonfuls

7. Veggie Gummies Recipe

Once your child is able to eat soft foods, try these veggie gummies. They are perfect baby finger food for kids who aren’t ready to eat a carrot, but could still benefit from the nutritional goodness. via Modern Parents Messy Kids

30 Simple Homemade Baby Food Recipes (4)

8. Homemade Kale and Apple Baby Food Recipe

Kale is a superfood, but is often hard to eat by itself. Adding apples to it can make this a nutrient-dense even tastier food for your child. via Baby Foode

9. Teething Biscuits You Can Make

Is your tot teething? These homemade teething biscuits are very hard, have no preservatives, and you make them yourselves! Perfect for a gnawing baby. via Super Healthy Kids

10. Wheat-Free Teething Biscuits Recipe

Another recipe for baby teething biscuits, is wheat-free, and better if you are concerned about food allergies with your little man. via Little House Living

30 Simple Homemade Baby Food Recipes (5)

11. Homemade Beets and Blueberries Baby Food Recipe

This recipe will be one of your kiddos favorites, sweet and full of antioxidants. Beware: This will stain! via Jar of Lemons

12. Homemade Baby Food Lasagna Recipe

If it is your favorite food, most likely it will be your son’s favorite too! Make a mini-dish of veggie lasagna just for him. via Frugal Mom Eh

13. Smoothie Cubes Recipe Make Great Baby Food

Make these and your kiddo can eat them as a baby, and if you forget about them for a couple of months or have too many, mix them with juice into a tasty baby food smoothie! via The Things We’ll Make. Just pour them in ice cube trays to make them with any baby food purees. Preferably fruit as it will give the drink a sweet taste.

14. Homemade PediaSure Recipe

Make your own baby PediaSure. When my kids transitioned to solids, they had problems keeping weight on. I wish that I had known about this recipe then! via Whole New Mom. This is one of the most important things if your little has a hard time putting weight on or is super active.

30 Simple Homemade Baby Food Recipes (6)

15. Baby Food Hacks To Make It Taste Better

Don’t forget to include spices in your child’s food. Spices often offer a nutritional punch. Make it delicate with some of these ideas. via Hello Bee. Single-ingredient foods can get super boring. So adding yummy ingredients will make your little one more likely to taste the food and try new textures.

16. Protein Packed Vegetable Baby Food Recipe

This vegetable baby food recipe is packed with protein and is tasty. Don’t skimp on flavor for your tots.

17. Homemade Beef Stew Baby Food Recipe

In this baby food recipe with meat, you can know that your child is getting all natural and easy to digest protein with beef stew. via Weelicious. Just make sure the cooking liquid doesn’t have too much fat.

18. Baby First Tastes Recipes

Mild and almost creamy, this baby food is made with red bell peppers, and will to help broaden your child’s taste buds. via Baby Foodie

19. Bulk Baby Food

Make a month worth of baby food at one time. This is an easy way to give your kids homemade baby food with the least effort. via The Diva Dish

20. Cubed Baby Food Recipes

Love this tip. If you are making a bunch of cubed baby food, put each flavor in a separate bag and remember to label baby food pouches with the date. You don’t want to feed sensitive baby bellies with old/spoiled food.

21. Introducing Meat

When introducing meat to your daughter, add some fruit to make it easier for her to adapt to the new food group. This recipe uses chicken, with carrots and apple puree. via Annabel Karmel

22. Homemade Corn and Chicken Chowder Baby Food Recipe

This yummy and easy baby food recipe is perfect for cold weather. via Baby Bullet Blog

23. Homemade Avocado Baby Puree Recipe

This simple baby food recipe is full of healthy brain fats that your kids need to develop. The bananas make this a smooth tasty treat for your babe. via Just a Pinch Recipes

30 Simple Homemade Baby Food Recipes (9)

24. Quick to Make Baby Food Recipes

Do you like the boxed cereal first-foods? We loved them with ours. Make your own quick-to-make mix with brown rice. via What To Expect

25. Homemade Lentils With Apples Baby Food Recipe

Lentils are soft, cook quickly, and are an easy baby food for home-making mommas. Try adding some apples, like this recipe. via The Homemade Baby Food Recipes Blog

26. Raw Baby Food Recipes

Cooked foods for your baby are easy to digest, and are a good first food; but they are less nutrient-dense. When your child is ready, switch to raw. This is a great collection of raw foods for babies to start with. via Baby Foodie

30 Simple Homemade Baby Food Recipes (10)

27. The Original Homemade Baby Food Recipe

We call homemade applesauce the original baby food recipe in our house because it is something that we have been making in my family since the beginning and it doesn’t stop. Older kids and adults love this recipe too!

28. Easy Steps to Make Your Own Baby Food Quickly

Check out our 3 easy steps to homemade baby food for what has worked for moms everywhere!

Make Your Own Baby Food Tips and Tricks

  1. Always slowly introduce your baby to new foods. While your baby’s food may be healthy, everyone is different and they can have an allergic reactions to certain things.
  2. Especially when it comes to fruits, i.e ripe banana, peanut butter, etc.
  3. Starchy foods like sweet potatoes may take some time to get used to and can cause gas.
  4. You can use backs of frozen fruit to create a frozen puree which can be a nice treat.

Our Favorite Baby Food Recipe Products

Make simple purée and veggie purees, and thin purees with different fruits with these awesome baby products and airtight container.

30 Simple Homemade Baby Food Recipes (11)
  • Homemade baby food processor. This system is loved by TONS of moms. It has a mini-blender and cups that are perfect to make in batches and grab on the go.
  • Use a baby food maker and turn your leftovers into baby food genius! They used peaches to make a puree, but you can make almost any gentle foods into a puree for your child.
  • Our favorite baby food “supply” is the reusable food pouches. Kids love to grab and suck down their meal. We bought them to use for our babies, but still use them years later in lunchboxes. They are worth the money!
  • Baby food scissors make every bite baby sized! These make prepping food for little ones quick and easy. You may also want to try out this food clamp to help your little one learn to eat whole foods.

More Baby Advice & Fun from Kids Activities Blog

How to make baby food is one thing…and then there are all the other baby things! Oh my! Here are some of our best real mom advice and things that will remind you that having a baby is fun.

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Have you ever tried making baby food? What is your favorite baby food recipe?

30 Simple Homemade Baby Food Recipes (2024)


What is the best homemade baby food to start with? ›

Start Simple

Start with one food at a time and select foods that are nutritious and easy to mash such as bananas, avocados, peaches, mangoes, plums, grapes, potatoes and butternut squash. If your baby responds well to these, advance to other nutritious foods such as asparagus, kale, ground chicken, or quinoa.

How to make homemade baby purees? ›

Homemade baby food is more or less this simple: bake or steam fruits and veggies until they're tender. Puree in a blender (or whatever you're using) until you get the right texture for your baby, adding water or breast milk to thin if needed. Serve it then & there* or pour into ice cube trays & freeze.

Do you need to add anything to homemade baby food? ›

Fresh-cooked vegetables and fruits can be pureed with no added salt, sugar, fat or other unnecessary additives. To minimize vitamin loss, boil fresh vegetables or fruits in a covered saucepan with a small amount of water. Or, steam them until just tender enough to either puree, mash or eat as a finger food.

What is the best meat for baby puree? ›

Meats – like chicken, turkey and beef – are full of iron and can make a great first food your baby. Cook over medium-high heat until meat is cooked thoroughly and no longer pink (approximately 6 to 8 minutes). Ground meat should be cooked to an internal temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is the first fruit to give a baby? ›

Bananas can be introduced as early as four months of age. They can be quickly mashed and served on their own (perfect for parents on the go) or mixed with breast milk or formula. As your baby gets older, bananas can be sauteed, mixed with other fruits or combined with brown rice or hot cereal.

What is the best first food to puree for a baby? ›

Solid foods can be introduced in any order, but most pediatricians recommend starting with a single-ingredient food that is easy to digest like pureed sweet potato, carrot, banana and/or avocado. Other options include pureed meats, poultry, beans and iron-fortified baby cereals like rice cereal or oatmeal.

Is it cheaper to buy baby food or make it? ›

Homemade Baby Food Benefit #1: Making baby food is affordable. While it does take more time to prepare homemade baby food than to pop open a jar, it's often cheaper to make your own. For instance, a 4-ounce jar of banana baby food costs roughly $1.00, whereas a 4-ounce banana costs $0.19.

Is it cheaper to puree your own baby food? ›

You can save money.

Baby purées can be pricey — it's far cheaper to make your own versions of those same food combinations at home.

Is it cheaper to make your own baby purees? ›

My main finding, then, is that it is certainly cheaper to make baby food at home. In fact, in doing so, I reduced my bill by a third. In so many ways the homemade week was better. Not only was it cheaper, the food was more appetising than the ready-made options.

Is it cheaper to make your own organic baby food? ›

Homemade Baby Food Benefit #1: Making baby food is affordable. While it does take more time to prepare homemade baby food than to pop open a jar, it's often cheaper to make your own. For instance, a 4-ounce jar of banana baby food costs roughly $1.00, whereas a 4-ounce banana costs $0.19.

Is it healthier to make your own baby food? ›

We found no evidence to suggest that homemade purees and family brands are generally safer, with lower metal levels, than store-bought baby food. Our study includes a new parent's guide of popular baby foods to serve, limit, and avoid, based on our tests.

Does homemade baby food need to be organic? ›

While there's no need to purchase only organic fruits and vegetables (they can get pricey), it's a good idea to consider buying organic for foods that tend to be particularly high in pesticides, like: Apples.

Which food makes baby healthiest? ›

Foods need to be rich in energy and nutrients. In addition to grains and potatoes, be sure your baby has vegetables and fruits, legumes and seeds, a little energy-rich oil or fat, and – especially – animal foods (dairy, eggs, meat, fish and poultry) every day.

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.